Manage packages

With Packaging Utility, we can create repositories, copy packages, and delete packages. These capabilities depend on the type of server we are using to manage packages. Consult the Packaging Utility capabilities table for information about how Packaging Utility works on different server types.

  Create repositories Copy packages to a repository Copy packages from a repository Delete packages from a repository
FTP See note No Yes No
HTTP See note No Yes No
HTTPS See note No Yes No
Intranet Yes Yes Yes Yes
Local Yes Yes Yes Yes
We cannot create repositories directly on FTP, HTTP, or HTTPS servers.

If we are using an FTP, HTTP, or HTTPS server, use Packaging Utility to create a repository in a local directory first. Then copy the repository onto the FTP, HTTP, or HTTPS server.

If we are using a local or intranet server, we can create repositories directly in those locations.
