Server certificate environment variables

Server certificate environment variables are used to access server certificate information. The server certificate environment variables are automatically set. If client authentication is not configured, references to these values are empty.


The following table provides a list of server certificate environment variables with their descriptions and values.

Server certificate environment variable Description Value
SSL_SERVER_C Contains the country attribute of the server certificate String
SSL_SERVER_CN Contains the common name attribute of the server certificate String
SSL_SERVER_DN Contains the distinguished name of the server certificate used in the IP-based virtual host which received the request String
SSL_SERVER_EMAIL Contains the e-mail attribute of the server certificate String
SSL_SERVER_L Contains the locality attribute of the server certificate String
SSL_SERVER_O Contains the organization attribute of the server certifiate String
SSL_SERVER_OU Contains the organizational unit attribute of the server certificate String
SSL_SERVER_ST Contains the state or province attribute of the server certificate String

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