Client certificate environment variables
Client certificate environment variables are used to access client certificate information when client authentication is enabled. If client authentication is not enabled, references to these values are empty.
The following table provides a list of client certificate environment variables and their descriptions and values.
SSL client certificate environment variable | Description | Value |
SSL_CLIENT_C | Contains the client certificate country | String |
SSL_CLIENT_CERTBODY | Contains the client certificate | This value is the unformatted body of the client certificate, if a certificate was provided by the client |
SSL_CLIENT_CERTBODYLEN | Contains the length of the client certificate | Integer |
SSL_CLIENT_CN | Contains the client certificate common name | String |
SSL_CLIENT_DN | Contains the distinguished name from the client certificate | String |
SSL_CLIENT_EMAIL | Contains the client certificate e-mail | String |
SSL_CLIENT_IC | Contains the country name of the client certificate issuer | String |
SSL_CLIENT_ICN | Contains the common name of the client certificate issuer | String |
SSL_CLIENT_IDN | Contains the distinguished name of the client certificate issuer | String |
SSL_CLIENT_IEMAIL | Contains the e-mail address of the client certificate issuer | String |
SSL_CLIENT_IL | Contains the locality of the client certificate issuer | String |
SSL_CLIENT_IO | Contains the organization name of the client certificate issuer | String |
SSL_CLIENT_IOU | Contains the organizational unit name of the client certificate issuer | String |
SSL_CLIENT_IPC | Contains the postal code of the client certificate issuer | String |
SSL_CLIENT_IST | Contains the state or province of the client certificate issuer | String |
SSL_CLIENT_L | Contains the client certificate locality | String |
SSL_CLIENT_NEWSESSIONID | Indicates whether this session ID is new | String. This value must be TRUE or FALSE. |
SSL_CLIENT_O | Contains the client certificate organization | String |
SSL_CLIENT_OU | Contains the client certificate organizational unit | String |
SSL_CLIENT_PC | Contains the client certificate postal code | String |
SSL_CLIENT_SERIALNUM | Contains the client certificate serial number | String |
SSL_CLIENT_SESSIONID | Contains the session ID | String |
SSL_CLIENT_ST | Contains the client certificate state or province | String |
The following table provides a list of client certificate environment variables related to the Subject Alternative Name (SAN) TLS certificate extension.
SSL client certificate environment variable | Description | Value |
SSL_CLIENT_SAN_DNSNAME | SAN extension of type DNSNAME | comma-separated list |
SSL_CLIENT_SAN_IPADDRESS | SAN extension of type IPADDRESS | comma-separated list |
SSL_CLIENT_SAN_RFC822NAME | SAN extension of type RFC822NAME (email address) | comma-separated list |
SSL_CLIENT_SAN_URI | SAN extension of type URI | comma-separated list |
SSL_CLIENT_SAN_DIRECTORYNAME | SAN extension of type DIRECTORYNAME | comma-separated list |
SSL_CLIENT_SAN_DNSNAME_n | SAN extension of type DNSNAME | string (nth-value of extension, beginning with _0) |
SSL_CLIENT_SAN_IPADDRESS_n | SAN extension of type IPADDRESS | string (nth-value of extension, beginning with _0) |
SSL_CLIENT_SAN_RFC822NAME_n | SAN extension of type RFC822NAME (email address) | string (nth-value of extension, beginning with _0) |
SSL_CLIENT_SAN_URI_n | SAN extension of type URI | string (nth-value of extension, beginning with _0) |
SSL_CLIENT_SAN_DIRECTORYNAME_n | SAN extension of type DIRECTORYNAME | string (nth-value of extension, beginning with _0) |
To use the TLS client certificate SAN values in a more flexible manner, any Apache directive that accepts an "apache expression" can call a list-returning function "SSL_CLIENT_SAN" with a parameter naming one of the SAN types (DNSNAME, IPADDRESS, RFC822ANAME, URI, DIRECTORYNAME) as shown:
Require expr "'' -in SSL_CLIENT_SAN('DNSNAME')"
Expressions in Apache HTTP Server:
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