IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Authoring services in Integration Designer > Get started with IBM Integration Designer > Create a new project > Work with implementations
Synchronizing the interfaces and references between components and implementations
After a component in the assembly diagram has been associated with an implementation, the interfaces and partner references must be kept synchronized. The assembly editor in IBM Integration Designer provides a mechanism that allows you to maintain this synchronization.
If you have developed a component using a top-down development style, the component's interfaces and references will be synchronized with the implementation when you generate the implementation. If you develop the component further by adding a new reference or interface or by modifying an existing interface or reference, the implementation is no longer synchronized with its component. When the component and its implementation are not synchronized, errors appear for the component in the assembly diagram. An error is flagged as a small red x on the component, on the interface, or on a reference.
In the same way, after you have generated an implementation, you might further develop it. In doing so, you might add, modify, or delete the features in the implementation that correspond to the component's interfaces or references. Such changes leave the implementation and component no longer synchronized.
If you have developed the implementation first and then created the component for it using the bottom-up development style, the component's interfaces and references are also initially synchronized with the implementation. However, further changes to the component's interfaces or references or further changes to the implementation's features that correspond to those interfaces and references can result in them no longer being synchronized. The assembly editor will display an error on the component for each mismatch.
To remove the errors by synchronizing a component with its implementation, first decide which has the most up-to-date information. If you edited the implementation, synchronize the interfaces and references from the implementation to the component. If you made changes to the component in the assembly editor, synchronize the interfaces and references to the implementation from the component.
Synchronize interfaces and references from the implementation
If the interfaces and references on the implementation are the most current ones, follow these steps to synchronize from the implementation:
- In the assembly editor, right-click the component.
- In the pop-up menu, select Synchronize interfaces and references > from implementation.
- You will be warned that this action cannot be undone. Click OK to continue.
- If a message prompts you to save all editors, click OK to continue.
When the operation completes, the interfaces and references on the component and implementation should be synchronized and related errors will have been removed from the component.
Synchronize interfaces and references to the implementation
If the interfaces and references on the component are the most current ones, follow these steps to synchronize to the implementation:
- In the assembly editor, right-click the component.
- In the pop-up menu, select Synchronize interfaces and references > to implementation.
- You will be warned that this action cannot be undone. Click OK to continue.
- If a message prompts you to save all editors, click OK to continue.
When the operation completes, the interfaces and references on the component and implementation should be synchronized and related errors will have been removed from the component.
Related tasks:
Create an implementation for a component
Opening an implementation
Replacing an implementation
Changing the implementation type of a component