IBM Business Monitor, V8.0.1 > Reference > Commands and scripts > Configuration commands (wsadmin)

IBM Business Monitor CEI event service

IBM Business Monitor requires a local Common Event Infrastructure (CEI) event service to send and receive events. Use the wbmDeployCEIEventService command to install a CEI event service on a server or cluster and create the resources it requires (the service integration bus and messaging engine). In the four-cluster topology, the CEI event service is installed on the support cluster.


The wbmDeployCEIEventService command installs and configures the CEI event service and its required resources. The command performs the following tasks:

You can use this command to specify different targets, for example to put CEI on one server and the messaging engine on a different server or cluster.


The following example uses Jython to configure the xyzNode03 node.
AdminTask.wbmDeployCEIEventService('[-eventService [-server server1 -node xyzNode03 -disabled false -enableDataStore false] -busMember [-server server1 -node xyzNode03 -datasourceJndiName jdbc/MON_SA09 -datasourceAuthAlias MONITOR_DB_AuthAlias -databaseSchema CEIME -createTables false] -dataStore [ -databaseType db2 -jdbcClassPath was7/jdbcdrivers/DB2 -databaseName MONDB -host DBSERVER1 -port 50000 -user db2admin -password dbpw] -jmsAuthAlias [ -user jmsUser -password jmsPassword]]')
The following example uses Jacl.
$AdminTask wbmDeployCEIEventService {-busMember {-cluster MonitorCluster -datasourceJndiName jdbc/wbm/MonitorMEDatabase -datasourceAuthAlias Monitor_JDBC_Alias -databaseSchema MonClusterMEDS} -eventService{-cluster MonitorCluster} -jmsAuthAlias {-user admin -password password}}


The wbmDeployCEIEventService command accepts the parameters listed in the following table.

Parameter and value Required? Description Comments
-eventService eventServiceStep Parameters Required Configure the CEI event service.

For the parameters for this command, see eventServiceStepParameters (Required).

-busMember busMemberStep Parameters Required if installing to a cluster Configure the CEI messaging engine. If you did not specify a cluster for the event service and you do not specify this parameter, the messaging engine is configured on the server specified for the CEI event service, using a default datasource.

For the parameters for this command, see busMemberStepParameters (Required if installing to a cluster).

-dataStore datastoreStepParameters Required if -enableDataStore is set to true Configure the CEI event service data store. Enabling the event service data store is not recommended for production environments, due to the performance impact of persisting events. For the parameters for this command, see datastoreStepParameters (Required if -enableDataStore is set to true).
-jmsAuthAlias jmsAuthAliasStepParameters Required if security is enabled Create an authentication alias to secure the event service bus. For the parameters for this command, see jmsAuthAliasStepParameters (Required if security is enabled).

eventServiceStepParameters (Required)

The eventService step configures the CEI event service.

AdminTask.wbmDeployCEIEventService('[-eventService [-server server1 -node xyzNode03 -disabled false -enableDataStore false] -busMember [-server server1 -node xyzNode03 -datasourceJndiName jdbc/MON_SA09 -datasourceAuthAlias MONITOR_DB_AuthAlias -databaseSchema CEIME -createTables false] -dataStore [ -databaseType db2 -jdbcClassPath /was7/jdbcdrivers/DB2 -databaseName MONDB -host DBSERVER1 -port 50000 -user db2admin -password dbpw] -jmsAuthAlias [ -user jmsUser -password jmsPassword]]')

This step accepts the parameters listed in the following table.

Parameter and value Required? Description Comments
-cluster cluster_name | -server server_name -node node_name Either cluster or server and node is required The cluster to install CEI on if you are installing to a cluster, or the server and node to install CEI on if you are installing to a stand-alone server or on a federated node in an existing cell. If you specify a cluster, do not specify the server or node.

If you specify the server, you must also specify the node.

-disabled true | false Optional If you set this parameter to true, the CEI event service will not start on server startup. The default is false.
-enableDataStore true | false Optional The data store is typically left disabled. If you set this parameter to true, a copy of each event is sent to the data store. The event service data store is not recommended for production environments, due to the performance impact of persisting events. The default is false.

If you are using DB2 on z/OS for the CEI data store, you cannot set this parameter to true.

busMemberStepParameters (Required if installing to a cluster)

The busMember step configures a messaging engine for the CEI event service.

AdminTask.wbmDeployCEIEventService('[-eventService [-server server1 -node xyzNode03 -disabled false -enableDataStore false] -busMember [-server server1 -node xyzNode03 -datasourceJndiName jdbc/MON_SA09 -datasourceAuthAlias MONITOR_DB_AuthAlias -databaseSchema CEIME -createTables false] -dataStore [ -databaseType db2 -jdbcClassPath /was7/jdbcdrivers/DB2 -databaseName MONDB -host DBSERVER1 -port 50000 -user db2admin -password dbpw] -jmsAuthAlias [ -user jmsUser -password jmsPassword]]')

This step accepts the parameters listed in the following table.

Parameter and Value Required? Description Comments
-cluster cluster_name | -server server_name -node node_name Either cluster or server and node is required The cluster to install the messaging engine on if you are installing to a cluster, or the server and node to install the messaging engine on. If you specify a cluster, do not specify the server or node.

If you specify the server, you must also specify the node.

-createDefaultDatasource true | false Optional If this parameter is true, a default Derby-based data source is created. The default is false. This parameter is ignored if you specified a cluster for the messaging engine. The command is only valid when the target is a server.
-datasourceJndiName JNDI_name Required when createDefaultDatasource is false The JNDI name of an existing datasource to be referenced from the CEI messaging engine data store. You can use the administrative console to get a list of data sources. Click Resources > JDBC > Data sources

You could use the IBM Business Monitor messaging engine data source jdbc/wbm/MonitorMEDatabase.

-datasourceAuthAlias alias_name Required when createDefaultDatasource is false The name of the authentication alias used to authenticate the CEI messaging engine to the datasource. You cannot set this parameter if you set createDefaultDatasource to true.

You could use the IBM Business Monitor messaging engine authentication alias Monitor_JDBC_Alias.

-databaseSchema schema_name Required when createDefaultDatasource is false The name of the database schema used to contain the tables for the CEI messaging engine data store. You cannot set this parameter if you set createDefaultDatasource to true.

If you used the DbDesignGenerator to create the database scripts, you could use the default value MONCM00.

-createTables true | false Optional If this parameter is true, the command uses the authentication data provided in the datasource authentication alias to create the CEI messaging engine data store tables. If the provided user name does not have authority to create the tables, or if this parameter is false, the database administrator must create the database tables. The default is false.

datastoreStepParameters (Required if -enableDataStore is set to true)

The datastore step configures the CEI event service data store.

If you are using DB2 for z/OS for the CEI data store, you cannot use this step.

If you are using SQL Server for the data store, the SQL Server database script has a hard-coded path used to create the SQL Server file group. When the value of the createTables parameter is set to true, create the following path before running the command: C:\program files\IBM\event\ceiinst1\sqlserver_data. Database scripts are created in one of the following directories depending on the scope where CEI is deployed:

After running the command, you can copy the generated scripts to the database server and run the script for your database type (for example, cr_event_db2 server < db2_user>) to create the event database.

AdminTask.wbmDeployCEIEventService('[-eventService [-server server1 -node xyzNode03 -disabled false -enableDataStore false] -busMember [-server server1 -node xyzNode03 -datasourceJndiName jdbc/MON_SA09 -datasourceAuthAlias MONITOR_DB_AuthAlias -databaseSchema CEIME -createTables false] -dataStore [ -databaseType db2 -jdbcClassPath /was7/jdbcdrivers/DB2 -databaseName MONDB -host DBSERVER1 -port 50000 -user db2admin -password dbpw] -jmsAuthAlias [ -user jmsUser -password jmsPassword]]')

This step accepts the parameters listed in the following table.

Parameter and value Required? Description Comments
-databaseType db2 | oracle | derby | sqlserver Required The type of database. Specify db2, oracle, derby, or sqlserver as the database type.Specify db2 or derby as the database type.

You can only specify derby if you are installing the CEI event service on a server.

-jdbcClassPath classpath Required if databaseType is not derby The path to the database JDBC driver. You cannot specify this parameter if the databaseType is derby.
-databaseName database_name Required if databaseType is not derby The name of the data store database. You cannot specify this parameter if the databaseType is derby.
-host host_name Required if databaseType is not derby The name of the data store database host. You cannot specify this parameter if the databaseType is derby.
-port port_number Required if databaseType is not derby The port number for the data store database. For DB2 databases, the default value is 50000. For Oracle databases, the default value is 1521. For Microsoft SQL Server databases, the default value is 1433.

You cannot specify this parameter if the databaseType is derby.

-user user_name Required if databaseType is not derby The name of a user with sufficient rights to read from the data store database. You cannot specify this parameter if the databaseType is derby.
-password password Required if databaseType is not derby The password of the specified user. You cannot specify this parameter if the databaseType is derby.

jmsAuthAliasStepParameters (Required if security is enabled)

The jmsAuthAlias step creates an authentication alias to secure the event service bus.

AdminTask.wbmDeployCEIEventService('[-eventService [-server server1 -node xyzNode03 -disabled false -enableDataStore false] -busMember [-server server1 -node xyzNode03 -datasourceJndiName jdbc/MON_SA09 -datasourceAuthAlias MONITOR_DB_AuthAlias -databaseSchema CEIME -createTables false] -dataStore [ -databaseType db2 -jdbcClassPath /was7/jdbcdrivers/DB2 -databaseName MONDB -host DBSERVER1 -port 50000 -user db2admin -password dbpw] -jmsAuthAlias [ -user jmsUser -password jmsPassword]]')

This step accepts the parameters listed in the following table.

Parameter and value Required? Description Comments
-user user_name Required The user name for the JMS resources authentication alias.  
-password password Required The password for the specified user.  

Configuration commands (wsadmin)

Related concepts:
Four-cluster topology

Related tasks:
Configure the environment using wsadmin commands
Configure CEI event services