IBM Business Monitor, V8.0.1 > Reference > Developing for Monitor dashboard spaces
Switching pages using code
You can make the Monitor dashboard switch the page that a user can see.
You must know the ID ( pid) of the page that you want to open.
You can code a widget to make Monitor dashboard switch the page that the user can see. That is, your widget behaves as if there was a Page Navigator widget with a Switch Page action wired to it. The page can be in the current space or in a different space. If the page is in the current space, the behavior is like the user clicking a different page tab in the space. If the page is in a different space, the behavior is like the user selecting to go to another space and then selecting which page to open. However, unlike using a Page Navigator widget, you cannot define a target event to pass data to the switched page.
To switch pages, code your widget to call the event and pass the pid of the page that you want the user to see.
Developing for Monitor dashboard spaces
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