IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Tuning > Advanced tuning > Business Process Choreographer tuning > Tuning BPEL processes
Tuning microflows
These processes tend to run for only a short time. They use the database only if audit logging or Common Event Infrastructure (CEI) are enabled for the microflow, and to retrieve the template information. The performance of microflows mainly depends on the services that they call.
Microflows run in memory, without any user-interaction or persistent messaging support. The processing of a microflow occurs in a single thread, and normally, in a single transaction. If the memory available for the server is too small, the performance of microflows will be reduced.
- Tune the Java™ Virtual Machine (JVM) heap size.
By increasing the Java heap size, you can improve the throughput of microflows, because a larger heap size reduces the number of garbage collection cycles that are required. Keep the value low enough to avoid heap swapping to disk. For guidelines on the size of the server heap, refer to the related information on tuning the application server.
- Tune the JVM garbage collection. The generational garbage collector policy achieves the best throughput. This policy is activated as a generic JVM argument in the JVM settings. Set the initial value of the collection to half of the total heap size.
For example, -Xgcpolicy:gencon -Xmn512M activates the policy for a heap size of 1024 MB.
Tune the Object Request Broker (ORB) thread pool size. If remote clients connect to the server-side ORB, make sure that there are enough threads available in the ORB Thread Pool.
Tune the Object Request Broker (ORB) thread pool size. If remote clients connect to the server-side ORB, make sure that there are enough threads available. Navigate to Application servers > server_name > ORB Service > z/OS additional settings > Workload Profile.
- Tune the default thread pool size. To increase the number of microflows that can run concurrently, you must increase the default thread pool size. To change the value, using the administrative console, navigate to Servers > Application Servers > server_name > Add properties > Thread pools > Default.
Your microflows are running as fast as possible under the current environment and loading conditions.
Related tasks:
Tuning the application server
Tuning long-running processes
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