IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Programming IBM BPM > Enterprise Service Bus programming > Data Transformation

WebSphere Transformation Extender

WebSphere Transformation Extender (WebSphere TX) is a separately licensed product and is not included as part of WebSphere ESB. Using WebSphere TX, you can create maps that can transform data between a wide variety of formats.

WebSphere TX for Integration Servers adds and enables the following components for use in your message flows:

For more information on using WebSphere TX, see

There are some circumstances in which it is not possible to transform the message to your required structure using the BO Mapper, Mapping and Data Handler mediation primitives. In these cases WebSphere TX maps can be used to transform the data. WebSphere TX maps can be called using the WTX Map mediation primitive or by using the WTX Data Format Transformation in a Data Handler mediation primitive or in an Import or Export.

You can use the WebSphere TX maps and type trees in the following ways:

Use WebSphere TX type trees if you need message modeling features that are not available with native data format transformations, such as:

Data Transformation