Upgrading a stand-alone environment

Follow these steps to upgrade the existing profiles in a stand-alone environment.


For each stand-alone profile:

  1. Back up existing profiles in IBM BPM. This refresh pack updates the core product files and all the existing profiles that require an update.

    Before upgrading an existing installation, run the backupConfig command to back up the configuration files of each profile that the refresh pack can update. See Backing up and restoring administrative configuration files in the WebSphere Application Server Information Center for more information about running this command.

  2. Create backup copies of your existing databases. Database schema and content are changed during the upgrade process. Create a backup copy of the Process Center databases and copies of the databases in each runtime environment. Most databases provide a backup wizard or other user assistance for creating database backups. Contact your database administrator for more information.
  3. Back up default XSL transformation files. If you have applied any changes to the following default XSL transformation files located in the INSTALL_ROOT/ProcessChoreographer/Staff directory, back them up before performing the upgrade:

    • EverybodyTransformation.xsl
    • LDAPTransformation.xsl
    • SystemTransformation.xsl

    • UserRegistryTransformation.xsl
    • VMMTransformation.xsl

    These files are overwritten during the upgrade and the changes applied to these files are lost.

    After you upgrade your installation and before you start the server or a cluster, replace the XSL transformation files with the backup version.

  4. Stop all the Java™ processes. Before performing the upgrade, stop all Java processes that are associated with the Java SDK that is shipped with the IBM BPM products, including the node agent process, the dmgr process, and all server processes that belong to serviceable products, such as the IBM HTTP Server.

    The product might not continue to run successfully if you perform the upgrade when a WebSphere Application Server-related Java process is running.

  5. Stop the WebSphere Windows services.

    WebSphere Application Server refresh pack installation might update the WASServiceMsg.dll file.

    If any of the WebSphere servers (including node agents and dmgr) are configured to start automatically using Windows services, the WASServiceMsg.dll file gets locked by the Microsoft Windows operating system.

    If you see a WASServiceMsg.dll file cannot be replaced error during the refresh pack installation of WebSphere Application Server, change the starting option for all the WebSphere services so that they start manually. Then restart the machine where the updates are being made before installing the WebSphere Application Server refresh pack.

    Refer to the Technote WASServiceMsg.dll is locked when installing fix packs for more information.

  6. Install the refresh pack by using either IBM Installation Manager or the silent installation method.

    Install the new version of IBM BPM as described in Obtaining and installing the product code.

  7. Manually update the profile as follows:

    1. Make sure the stand-alone application server is stopped.

    2. From the INSTALL_ROOT directory, run the following command:

      bin/ws_ant.sh -f util/BPMProfileUpgrade.ant -profileName profile_name -Dupgrade=true

      where profile_name is the name of the stand-alone profile (which on z/OS is default).

  8. Check for any errors as explained in the "Identifying profile update errors" section of Recovering from profile update errors before continuing.

    Attention: The Installation Manager on the Microsoft Windows XP operating system does not recognize profile update errors. When you upgrade an installation on the Windows XP operating system, you must look at the "Identifying Profile Update Errors" section of Recovering from profile update errors, even if Installation Manager ended with the following message: The packages are updated.

  9. Before you update the databases, ensure that you have applied Mandatory Interim Fix JR44669. See Required interim fix for APAR JR44669. To download the fix, see Required interim fixes for IBM BPM.

  10. To generate the SQL scripts that are needed for updating the database schemas:

    • INSTALL_ROOT\bin\BPMGenerateUpgradeSchemaScripts.bat -upgrade source_version profile_name
    • INSTALL_ROOT/bin/BPMGenerateUpgradeSchemaScripts.sh -upgrade source_version profile_name


    • source_version is the version from which you are upgrading; for example, This value must be specified as four digits separated by periods, with the third digit representing the fix pack level.
    • profile_name is the name of the stand-alone profile.

    If you are prompted for information about your database setup, specify the relevant values for your environment. When prompted, enter Y to confirm that you want to generate the scripts.

    If you enter incorrect information, you can run the BPMGenerateUpgradeSchemaScripts command again before proceeding.

    The BPMGenerateUpgradeSchemaScripts command creates or updates the SQL scripts in a profile_root/dbscripts/ component_name subdirectory for each product component. Logs are also written to profile_root/upgrade/logs.

    Tip: The scripts that are generated will be used in the steps that follow, as relevant.

  11. Update the Process Server database as follows:

    • If you are using DB2 on z/OS, you must manually alter a set of table spaces and upgrade the database schema before you upgrade the database data:

      1. To ensure that you can successfully run the SQL files for the DB2 for z/OS schema upgrade, alter the following table spaces to increase the buffer pool size to 8K:

        • WLPT36
        • WLPT44
        • WLPT64

        For information about altering table spaces, see

      2. From the INSTALL_ROOT/profiles/ profile_name/dbscripts/ProcessServer/DB2zOS/ database_name directory, copy the script named upgradeSchema800_ProcessServer.sql to your working directory.

        Review the script, and, if necessary, edit the file to replace the following symbolic variables with the actual values for the schema name, database name, storage group, and buffer pool for large objects and tables: @SCHEMA@, @DB_NAME@, @STOGRP@, @BPLOB4K@, @BPTABLE4K@, and @BPTABLE8K@. Then connect to the DB2 for z/OS database, and run the script against the database by using your preferred tool.

      3. From the INSTALL_ROOT/profiles/ profile_name/dbscripts/PerformanceDW/DB2zOS/ database_name directory, copy the script named upgradeSchema800_PerformanceDW.sql to your working directory.

        Review the script, and, if necessary, edit the file to replace the following symbolic variables with the actual values for the schema name, database name, storage group, and buffer pool for large objects and tables: @SCHEMA@, @DB_NAME@, @STOGRP@, @BPLOB4K@, @BPTABLE4K@, and @BPTABLE8K@. Then connect to the DB2 for z/OS database, and run the script against the database by using your preferred tool.

      4. Go to the [IBM_BPM_home]/BPM/Lombardi/tools/upgrade/UpgradeProcessData directory and set the database.is.db2zos property to true in the upgrade.properties file.

        For example:


      5. To update the Process Server database:

        • BPM\Lombardi\tools\upgrade\UpgradeProcessData\upgradeProcessData.bat -profileName profile_name
        • BPM/Lombardi/tools/upgrade/UpgradeProcessData/upgradeProcessData.sh -profileName profile_name

        where profile_name is the name of the stand-alone profile. For more information about the parameters that you can use with the upgradeProcessData command, see upgradeProcessData command-line utility.

    • For all other database types to update the Process Server database:

      • BPM\Lombardi\tools\upgrade\UpgradeProcessData\upgradeProcessData.bat -profileName profile_name
      • BPM/Lombardi/tools/upgrade/UpgradeProcessData/upgradeProcessData.sh -profileName profile_name

      where profile_name is the name of the stand-alone profile. For more information about the parameters that you can use with the upgradeProcessData command, see upgradeProcessData command-line utility.

  12. If you have configured Business Process Choreographer, you must upgrade the BPEDB database manually to create the SCHEMA_STATUS table.

    1. Change to the directory where the Business Process Choreographer database scripts are generated:

      • cd profile_root\dbscripts\ProcessChoreographer\ db_type\ db_name\ schema_name
      • cd profile_root/dbscripts/ProcessChoreographer/ db_type/ db_name/ schema_name

      where profile_root is the root directory of the standalone profile, db_type is the database type, db_name is the database name, and schema_name is the (possibly empty) schema name.

    2. Run the upgradeSchema_SchemaStatus.sql script to create the SCHEMA_STATUS table in the Business Process Choreographer database. If the table already exists, there will be an error that you can ignore.
  13. Restart the stand-alone application server. If you have configured Business Process Choreographer, when the server is started for the first time after a schema upgrade, one of the following messages is written to the SystemOut.log file:
    If success --> CWWBB0613I: Database migration: completed successfully 751/1 to 801/0.

    If failed --> CWWBB0615E: Database migration failed 751/1 to 801/0.

    The value after the "/" character is a binary flag that is reset to zero after successful migration, it is not part of the product version number. If the database migration failed, check the log file for other failure messages, and fix any problems before trying to restart the server.

Upgrading from IBM BPM V8.0 to IBM BPM V8.0.1

Related reference:
Recovering from profile update errors
BPMGenerateUpgradeSchemaScripts command-line utility
upgradeProcessData command-line utility