IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Install IBM BPM > IBM BPM Advanced > Install IBM BPM Advanced > On Windows > Network deployment environment > Configure profiles and create an ND environment > Create an ND environment > Use the administrative console > Configure components > Configure additional components > Configure Process Portal > Configure the Business Space component for Process Portal > Configure the Business Space component for ND environments
Enabling widgets for cross-cell environments
You must manually edit endpoints files if Process Portal is running on a different cell than where the Representational State Transfer (REST) services are running, or if widgets are on different cells than IBM BPM.
Before you complete this task, you must have completed the following tasks:
- Installed IBM BPM.
- Created profiles, and configured the Business Space component on a deployment target (server or cluster).
- Configured the database tables (if you are using a remote database or deployment environment).
All widgets required for your product are installed with IBM BPM, but configure and register the endpoints needed by the widgets before your team can use them in Process Portal. You can configure and register the endpoints by using administrative console pages. However, if your product and REST services are installed on a different cell than the Business Space component, you must edit REST service endpoints files so that they access the REST services and your widgets work properly in IBM BPM.
Edit one or more of the service endpoint files and widget endpoint files, based on the widgets that you are using with IBM BPM. Service endpoint files typically contain Endpoint or Endpoints in the XML file name, and widget endpoint files typically contain Widget or Widgets in the XML file name. The following list includes IBM business process management examples of service endpoint files and widget endpoint files:
- IBM BPM: wpsEndpoints.xml, bpmAdministrationEndpoints.xml and BPMAdministrationWidgetEndpoints.xml (for Administration widgets), wesbWidgetEndpoints.xml (for Mediation Policy Administration, Service Browser, and Proxy Gateway widgets), HumanTaskManagementEndpoints.xml (for business processes and human tasks), bspaceWFSEndpoints.xml (for using Lotus Webform Server with Human Task Management widgets)
- wsumEndpoint.xml and wsumWidget.xml (for user membership)
If you are an administrator, you can register endpoints and enable widgets by performing the following steps.
- Copy the remote widget compressed file found at INSTALL_ROOT\BusinessSpace\registryData\ product_name\ to the cell where Business Space is configured during product installation. Widgets can be found in the directory and can be copied to a temporary folder.
- Extract the to a temporary directory.
- Locate the service endpoint files and widget endpoints files.
In the directory where you extracted the file, look in the endpoints directory to view all the widget endpoint files and service endpoint files. The file names typically end with Endpoints.xml or Endpoint.xml.
- Configure the endpoints as needed by editing the service endpoint files and the widget endpoint files.
- Edit the service endpoint files to point to the service.
Each endpoint in the service endpoint file is designated by a <tns:Endpoint> block. Identify the block that you want to change. Look for comments that identify where you make the edits, for example:
<!-- When your REST service is remote from your Business Space server, update the following url value with the fully qualified URL to the service.For example --> <tns:url>/rest/bpm/monitor/</tns:url>
If you do not intend to activate some endpoints, you can remove them from the file to prevent confusion.
The location identified by an endpoint is specified in <tns:url>. This value is a path in a web module, specified as a full or relative HTTP URL. By default, the URL is relative. Change it to a full URL path, for example, https:// virtualport/rest/bpm/htm or http://host1:9445/WBPublishingDRAFT/, where the protocol, host, and port identify how the product web module can be accessed.
To locate the port number for the server...
- Log in to the administrative console.
- Click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers.
- Click the server for which you want to find the port number, and then expand the Ports section.
All applications use the same port as shown in either the wc_defaulthost (unsecured host) parameter or the wc_defaulthost_secure (secure host) parameter.
If you are using an HTTP server to access your web modules for load balancing, use the host name and port settings of the HTTP server.
- Edit the widget endpoint files to point to the Business Space location where the widgets are deployed.
Each endpoint in the service endpoint file is designated by a <tns:id> block. Identify the block that you want to change. Look for comments that identify where you make the edits, for example:
<!-- When using widgets in a remote configuration, update the following url value with the fully qualified URL of the widget web module.For example --> <tns:url>/BusinessDashboard/</tns:url>
The location identified by an endpoint is specified in <tns:url>. Change it to a full URL path that points to the Business Space location where the widgets are deployed, for example, https:// host. port/BusinessDashboard/
- In the cell where the Business Space server is configured, run the updateBusinessSpaceWidgets command to update the endpoint URLs after you have modified the endpoints XML files.
- For your profile, open a command window. The wsadmin command can be found at the profiles\ profile_name\bin directory. For a clustered environment, run the command from the deployment_manager_profile_root\bin directory. For a stand-alone server environment, run the command from the profile_root\bin directory.
- At the command prompt, type the wsadmin command to start the wsadmin environment.
- Run the updateBusinessSpaceWidgets command. For a clustered environment, specify the -clusterName parameter. For a stand-alone server environment, specify the -serverName and -nodeName parameters. Specify the -endpoints parameter with the full path for the directory where you extracted the widget endpoint files. Specify the -catalogs parameter to point to the directory where you extracted the widget catalog file.
- Restart the server.
The following example endpoint file is for IBM Business Monitor widgets.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
BusinessSpaceRegistry.xsd ">
<tns:description>Location of backing services for Monitor widgets
What to do next
- After running the installBusinessSpaceWidgets command or the updateBusinessSpaceWidgets command, you must perform manual steps to update Process Portal templates and spaces. See Updating templates and spaces after installing or updating widgets:
- For multiple instances of service endpoints, for example for partitioning of work on two clusters, and you want to have widgets showing data from each cluster, you must enable the additional widgets manually for each additional cluster. You must edit both the widget endpoints files and the widget catalog files. See Enabling widgets to work with multiple endpoints:
- If you have enabled security for your environment, you must make sure that it is set up properly to work with Process Portal.
Configure the Business Space component for ND environments
Related tasks:
Configure the Business Space database:![]()
Configure REST services:![]()
Configure all REST services on the administrative console:![]()
Configure REST services for a server, cluster, or component:![]()
Configure REST services using the command line:![]()
Configure REST services in a service provider:![]()
Enabling widgets to work with multiple endpoints:![]()
Set up security for the Business Space component and Process Portal:![]()
Configure the Business Space component using the command line:![]()
Update templates and spaces after installing or updating widgets:![]()
Related reference:
installBusinessSpaceWidgets command:![]()
updateBusinessSpaceWidgets command:![]()