IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Install IBM BPM > IBM BPM Advanced > Install IBM BPM Advanced > On Windows > Network deployment environment > Configure profiles and create an ND environment > Create an ND environment > Use the administrative console > Configure components > Configure additional components > Configure Process Portal > Configure the Business Space component for Process Portal > Set up security for the Business Space component and Process Portal
Enabling searches for user registries without wildcards
If your user registry is set up to not use wildcards, complete additional configuration steps so that searches work properly in Process Portal and for widgets that search the user registry.
Before you complete this task, you must have completed the following tasks:
- Enable application security and administrative security. See Enabling security for the Business Space component:
- Check that your user ID is registered in the user registry for your product.
By default, when a Process Portal user searches for users or groups by typing one or more characters, Process Portal automatically adds wildcard characters.
For example, if the user registry is an LDAP server and the user types smit, Process Portal converts this into a *smit* query so that the return includes names like Smith, Smithers, and Psmith. However, if you do not want the automatic wildcards because, for example, your user registry does not permit them, you can disable this functionality.
To turn off the automatic wildcard searches for your environment, complete the following steps.
- For a stand-alone server:
- Update the profile_root\BusinessSpace\ node_name\ server_name\\config\ configuration file with
- Run the updatePropertyConfig command in the wsadmin environment of the profile:
The following example uses Jython:
AdminTask.updatePropertyConfig('[-serverName server_name -nodeName node_name -propertyFileName " profile_root\BusinessSpace\ node_name\ server_name\\config\" -prefix "Mashups_"]')
Important: For Windows, the value for the propertyFileName parameter must be the full path to the file, and all backslashes must be double, for example: AdminTask.updatePropertyConfig('[-serverName server_name -nodeName node_name -propertyFileName " profile_root\\BusinessSpace\\ node_name\\ server_name\\\\config\\" -prefix "Mashups_"]').
The following example uses Jacl:
$AdminTask updatePropertyConfig {-serverName server_name -nodeName node_name -propertyFileName " profile_root\BusinessSpace\ node_name\ server_name\\config\" -prefix "Mashups_"}
$AdminConfig save
- Restart the server.
- For a cluster:
- Update the deployment_manager_profile_root\BusinessSpace\ cluster_name\\config\ configuration file with
- From the dmgr, run the updatePropertyConfig command in the wsadmin environment of the profile:
The following example uses Jython:
AdminTask.updatePropertyConfig('[-clusterName cluster_name -propertyFileName " deployment_manager_profile_root\BusinessSpace\ cluster_name\\config\" -prefix "Mashups_"]')
The following example uses Jacl:
$AdminTask updatePropertyConfig {-clusterName cluster_name -propertyFileName " deployment_manager_profile_root\BusinessSpace\ cluster_name\\config\" -prefix "Mashups_"}
$AdminConfig save
- Restart the dmgr.
Set up security for the Business Space component and Process Portal