IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Migrating and upgrading your IBM BPM environment > Migrating from previous versions > Migrating your IBM BPM Advanced V7.5.x or WebSphere Process Server V7.x or V6.2.x runtime > Runtime migration subprocedures

Migrating a server while upgrading an operating system

User the following procedure for migrating a server profile on a system whose operating system is being upgraded.

See the Migrating a stand-alone server profile topic.


Follow the steps in this procedure to migrate a profile on a system whose operating system is being upgraded.

  1. Create the remote migration utilities image.

    From any system that has the new version installed, create a remote migration utilities image using the BPMCreateRemoteMigrationUtilities command from the target_INSTALL_ROOT/bin directory.

    Use the following syntax:

    The location of the remoteMigrationUtilities.gzip file is displayed when you run the BPMCreateRemoteMigrationUtilities command. By default, the remoteMigrationUtilities.gzip file is located in the appserver_root/util/migration directory.

    For more information about the BPMCreateRemoteMigrationUtilities command, see the BPMCreateRemoteMigrationUtilities command topic.

  2. Copy the remote migration utilities to the source system.

    Using FTP, RCP, or some other mechanism, copy the remote migration utilities from the target system to the source system and extract the remote migration utilities on the source system into their own unique directory.

  3. Optional: Extract the application deployment configuration.

    If you have applications that use WebSphere Adapters, extract the application deployment configuration using the BPMQueryDeploymentConfiguration command from the remote migration utilities/bin directory.

    The user-specified snapshot directory should not be located in the source or target product installation directories, so those directories can be removed later if necessary without impacting the configuration files in the snapshot directory.

    Use the following syntax to extract the deployment configuration for a source profile named sourceProfile1 located in the ProcServer installation root directory to the /MigrationSnapshots/ProcServer snapshot directory:

    The BPMQueryDeploymentConfiguration command generates ApplicationMigrationInformation.xml to the following directory:

    <snapshot directory>/profiles/ <profile name>

    You will need to edit the ApplicationMigrationInformation.xml file to mark which WebSphere Adapter instances to update to the new version during runtime migration. See step 4 for information on editing ApplicationMigrationInformation.xml.

    For more information about the BPMQueryDeploymentConfiguration command, see BPMQueryDeploymentConfiguration command-line utility.

  4. Optional: Edit the XML file that contains the application deployment configuration.

    If you extracted the application deployment configuration as described in step 3, edit ApplicationMigrationInformation.xml to mark the WebSphere Adapter instances to update to the new version during runtime migration.

    1. Locate ApplicationMigrationInformation.xml.

      ApplicationMigrationInformation.xml resides in the following directory:

      <snapshot directory>/profiles/ <profile name>
    2. Edit ApplicationMigrationInformation.xml.

      Edit the value in <update> from false to true to update a specific WebSphere Adapter instance to the new version. Additionally, copy the new version RAR file of the WebSphere Adapter being marked for update into the following directory: target_INSTALL_ROOT/installableApps.

      Set the <update> true for any application that embeds WebSphere Adapter for SAP or WebSphere Adapter for SAP instances configured at Node or Cluster scope.


      If the WebSphere Adapter deployed at node level is used to configure the WebSphere Adapter at cluster scope, the update of the WebSphere Adapter has to be applied in a consistent manner.

      If the WebSphere Adapter at cluster scope needs to be updated to the new version, the corresponding instance of WebSphere Adapter defined at each individual node scope for nodes that are participating in the cluster must be updated as well. Failure to perform the WebSphere Adapter update in a consistent manner for participating nodes and cluster level can lead to failures of applications using a WebSphere Adapter instance. For more information on mapping of a cluster-scoped WebSphere Adapter to a node scope WebSphere Adapter, refer to Configure Resource Adapters in the WebSphere Application Server information center.

  5. Snapshot the migration source profile.

    On the migration source system, use the BPMSnapshotSourceProfile command from the remote migration utilities/bin directory to create a snapshot directory containing the configuration files that will be migrated.

    Use the following syntax to snapshot a source profile named sourceProfile1 located in the installation root directory to the /MigrationSnapshots/ProcServer snapshot directory:

    For more information about the BPMSnapshotSourceProfile command, see the BPMSnapshotSourceProfile command topic.

  6. Copy the migration source snapshot directory to a temporary location.

    Create a compressed file of the source snapshot directory and copy it to a remote system temporarily while the source system is being upgraded.

  7. Upgrade the source system's operating system.

    Upgrade the system's operating system to the appropriate version.

  8. Install the migration target product(s).

    Install the target product and latest fix packs on the same system as the source product of the migration.

    To migrate from source profiles augmented by multiple products, the new version of those products must be installed into the same target installation directory.

    For example, if the source profile is augmented by IBM BPM and IBM Business Monitor, both of those products must be installed into the same target installation directory.

  9. Restore the migration source snapshot directory.

    Copy the snapshot directory compressed file that was stored temporarily on the remote system back to the freshly upgraded target migration system. Extract the compressed file to create a snapshot directory folder on the target migration system. Use the extracted root directory as the snapshot directory value for the remaining IBM BPM migration command-line utilities.

  10. Create the target profile.

    Create the target profile by running the BPMCreateTargetProfile command from the target_INSTALL_ROOT/bin directory. This profile will not be ready for use until the BPMMigrateProfile command is run from the target_INSTALL_ROOT/bin directory to migrate the source profile to the new target profile.

    Use the following syntax to create a target profile for the migration using the source profile named sourceProfile1 copied to the /MigrationSnapshots/ProcServer snapshot directory:

    For more information about the BPMCreateTargetProfile command, see the BPMCreateTargetProfile command topic.

  11. Migrate the source profile to the target profile.

    Migrate the source profile to the target profile using the BPMMigrateProfile command. This command will read the configuration information from the snapshot directory specified by the BPMSnapshotSourceProfile command and migrate it to the target profile.

    Use the following syntax to migrate the source profile named sourceProfile1 copied into the /MigrationSnapshots/ProcServer directory to the target profile:

    If the source profile does not have security enabled, the -username and -password parameters are unnecessary; otherwise, the user name provided must be a member of the operator or administrator role.

    On Windows, even if security is enabled, the -username and -password parameters do not have to be specified if the server is running as a Windows service. In this case, the parameters are automatically passed into the script that the Windows service uses to shut down the system.

    For more information about the BPMMigrateProfile command, see the BPMMigrateProfile topic.

  12. Check the migration status.

    Run the BPMMigrationStatus command from the target_INSTALL_ROOT/bin directory to verify the current state of the migration.

    For more information about the BPMMigrationStatus command, see the BPMMigrationStatus command topic.


The profile is migrated from an earlier version of IBM BPM to IBM BPM V8.0.1, and the operating system is upgraded.

What to do next

Verify that the migration was successful. For instructions, see Verifying migration.

Runtime migration subprocedures