IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Install IBM BPM > Plan for IBM BPM > Plan to configure Business Process Choreographer
Plan the topology, setup, and configuration path
Your choice of topology and setup affects which Business Process Choreographer configuration paths you can use.
The different configuration paths vary in complexity, flexibility, and their support for different topologies and databases.
- Be aware that you must choose between several different configuration paths for creating a Business Process Choreographer configuration.
- The "Basic sample" only includes the following:
- Business Process Choreographer runtime configuration.
- Business Process Choreographer Explorer.
- The "Sample with organization" also includes the following:
- A people directory that is preconfigured with 15 users in a sample organization.
- Substitution and group work items are enabled.
- "Production deployment environment"
- "Flexible custom configuration"
For most configuration paths, you have a choice of configuration tools.
An additional "Business Process Archive" configuration path only configures a Business Process Archive Manager.
- Be aware of the different configuration tools that you can use to configure Business Process Choreographer.
- Installer
- The Installer provides an easy way to create a non-production system.
- The combination of a typical install and using DB2 for the common database is one way to get the "Basic sample" Business Process Choreographer configuration.
- The combination of a custom install and using DB2 Express for the common database is the only way to get the "Sample with organization" Business Process Choreographer configuration
- Profile Management Tool
- Profile Management Tool provides two ways to create a non-production system with a"Basic sample" Business Process Choreographer configuration.
- If you use DB2 for the common database, creating a typical profile for a Process Server or a Process Center will include a "Basic sample" Business Process Choreographer configuration.
- Creating an advanced profile and selecting the Business Process Choreographer option includes the "Basic sample" Business Process Choreographer configuration, which can use any supported database.
- Administrative console's deployment environment wizard
- Can be used to create a "Production deployment environment" Business Process Choreographer configuration, based on a deployment environment pattern.
- Administrative console's Business Process Choreographer configuration page
- You can use this administrative console page to configure a "Flexible custom configuration" Business Process Choreographer production system on a server or cluster. It provides the opportunity to set many configuration parameters, which need detailed planning. This page does not configure the Business Process Choreographer Explorer, which you can configure using its own configuration page in the administrative console, or by running a script. This configuration path is most suitable for creating production systems.
- bpeconfig.jacl configuration script
- You can use this script to configure a "Flexible custom configuration" Business Process Choreographer production system and all the necessary resources on a given server or cluster. You can run the script interactively, or if you provide all the necessary parameters, it can run in batch mode for repeatable automation. It can create a local database, the necessary messaging resources, and can optionally configure the Business Process Choreographer Explorer. For some database systems, it can also create a remote database. This configuration path is most suitable for creating production systems.
You can also use this script to configure a Business Process Archive Manager, but not on the same deployment target where Business Process Choreographer is configured.
- clientconfig.jacl configuration script
- You can use this script to configure one of the following:
- A Business Process Choreographer Explorer.
- A Business Process Archive Explorer.
- Be aware that some of the configuration paths have restrictions that limit their suitability for production systems:
For example:
- If you create a Business Process Choreographer configuration that uses the common CMNDB database, it will not be suitable for a high-performance system.
- After experimenting with one of the sample configurations, if you want to use the same profile to create a new configuration that is suitable for a production system, you must remove the sample configuration first. If you want to keep your sample configuration, create one or more separate profiles for the production setup.
- Identify the main criteria for deciding which configuration path to use. Use the following table to identify choices and constraints:
Criteria for selecting a configuration path Choices Restrictions Suitable configuration path Are you planning a production system? What is the deployment target? Type of Business Process Choreographer configuration Can it use a separate database? Which message stores are supported for the messaging engine? Configuration path name and possible configuration tools No Stand-alone server Basic sample (without the sample organization)
Yes, the BPEDB database can be any supported database. Only the shared DB2 CMNDB database "Basic sample" using PMT to create an advanced Process Server or Process Center profile, and select the Business Process Choreographer option. No, the BPEDB database is created (using the schema name BPEDB) in the common database, CMNDB, which can only be DB2. "Basic sample" using PMT to create a typical Process Server or Process Center profile. "Basic sample" using the Installer to create a typical installation of Process Server or Process Center Sample including a 15 person organization, and substitution is enabled. No, the BPEDB database is created (using the schema name BPEDB) in the common database, CMNDB, which can only be DB2 Express. "Sample with organization" using the Installer to create a custom install of the Process Server. Yes Cluster Choice of deployment environment patterns:
- Single Cluster
- Remote Messaging
- Remote Messaging, Remote Support, and Web
- Remote Messaging and Remote Support
Yes, the BPEDB database can be any supported database. Any supported database. "Production deployment environment" using the Administrative Console. Flexible custom configuration "Flexible custom configuration" using one of:
- bpeconfig.jacl script
- Administrative console Business Process Choreographer configuration page
Stand-alone server Yes Any ND server or cluster where Business Process Choreographer is not configured. Business Process Archive The BPARCDB archive database must be separate from the BPEDB database. It must be of the same database type that is used by the Business Process Choreographer configuration. Does not have its own messaging engine. Uses the same messaging engine as the Business Process Choreographer configuration. "Business Process Archive" using:
- bpeconfig.jacl script to configure a Business Process Archive Manager.
Criteria for selecting a configuration path Choices Restrictions Suitable configuration path Are you planning a production system? What is the deployment target? Type of Business Process Choreographer configuration Can it use a separate database? Which message stores are supported for the messaging engine? Configuration path name and possible configuration tools No Stand-alone server Basic sample (without the sample organization)
No, the BPEDB database is created (using the schema name BPEDB) in the common database, CMNDB, which can only be DB2. Only the shared DB2 CMNDB database "Basic sample" using PMT Yes Cluster Choice of deployment environment patterns:
- Single Cluster
- Remote Messaging
- Remote Messaging, Remote Support, and Web
- Remote Messaging and Remote Support
Yes, the BPEDB database can be any supported database. Any supported database. "Production deployment environment" using the Administrative Console. Flexible custom configuration Yes, the BPEDB database can be any supported database. Any supported database. "Flexible custom configuration" using one of:
- bpeconfig.jacl script
- Administrative console Business Process Choreographer configuration page
Stand-alone server Any supported database. Yes Any ND server or cluster where Business Process Choreographer is not configured. Business Process Archive The BPARCDB archive database must be separate from the BPEDB database. It must be of the same database type that is used by the Business Process Choreographer configuration. Does not have its own messaging engine. Uses the same messaging engine as the Business Process Choreographer configuration. "Business Process Archive" using:
- bpeconfig.jacl script to configure a Business Process Archive Manager.
It is also possible to use any of the configuration paths that are recommended for creating a production system to create a configuration that is not suitable for a production system. Consider the following options:
- Decide whether you are configuring a production system. Typically a production system requires high-performance, scalability, and security. For Business Process Choreographer, a production system should have its own BPEDB database.
- Decide whether the deployment target for the Business Process Choreographer will be a stand-alone server or a cluster.
- If you do not want to create a production system, decide whether a sample configuration on a stand-alone server will meet your needs. If so, decide whether you want the sample to include a sample people directory (populated with a sample organization) for people assignment and substitution enabled.
The sample people directory uses the default file registry configured for the federated repositories, and includes all sample people with the same password "wid". The WebSphere administration user ID is also added to the directory, using the password that was specified during profile creation. After the sample configuration has been created, you can use the administrative console to view which users and groups are available by clicking Users and Groups, then either Manage Users or Manage Groups.
- If you want to configure Business Process Choreographer on a cluster, depending on your performance requirements, decide whether the messaging engines and supporting applications, (such as the Business Process Choreographer Explorer and Common Event Infrastructure) will have their own cluster, or share one. The standard deployment environment patterns are:
- Single cluster
- The single cluster pattern is the simplest pattern. It defines one application deployment target cluster, which includes the messaging infrastructure and supporting applications.
- Remote Messaging
- The remote messaging pattern defines one cluster for application deployment and one remote cluster for the messaging infrastructure. The supporting applications are configured on the application deployment target cluster.
- Remote Messaging, Remote Support, and Web
- The remote messaging, remote support, and web pattern defines one cluster for application deployment; one remote cluster for the messaging infrastructure; one remote cluster for the supporting applications; and one cluster for Business Space and REST services related web applications.
- Remote Messaging and Remote Support
- The remote messaging and remote support pattern defines one cluster for application deployment, one remote cluster for the messaging infrastructure, and one remote cluster for the supporting applications.
- For a production system, plan to have a dedicated BPEDB database for Business Process Choreographer.
- Business Process Choreographer will use the same database as a message store that is used by SCA. Business Process Choreographer will use its own schema in the same database.
- If you want to use the Business Process Archive Manager to move completed process instances and human tasks from the BPEDB database to an archive database, configure it on a deployment target where Business Process Choreographer is not configured. To perform the detailed planning now, perform Plan for the Business Process Archive.
- If you want WebSphere Portal Server or a custom IBM BPM Advanced client to access Business Process Choreographer, perform Plan for a remote client application.
- If you have application security enabled and you have a long-running process that calls a remote EJB method, Common Secure Interoperability Version 2 (CSIv2) identity assertion must be enabled when you configure CSIv2 inbound authentication.
- If you will use human tasks, then WebSphere administrative security and application security must both be enabled.
You have planned the topology and know which configuration path and configuration tool you will use.
Related concepts:
BPEL process archiving overview
Related tasks:
Plan for a remote client application
Related information:
Deployment Environment Patterns