IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Install IBM BPM > Plan for IBM BPM > Plan the ND environment
Determining whether to create a standardized or customized ND environment
There are two approaches to configuring your ND environment after profile creation. You can create a standardized ND environment based on IBM-supplied topology patterns, or you can create a customized ND environment to meet your unique business processing needs.
Reasons to create a standardized ND environment
If the IBM-supplied topology patterns (packaged as templates in IBM BPM ) address all or most of your business processing needs, use the Deployment Environment wizard to create a standardized ND environment. The Deployment Environment wizard generates clusters and servers according to several predefined topology patterns, and configures multiple components across them all at the same time.
You should choose to create a standardized ND environment for one or more of the following reasons:
- You do not have a lot of experience using the features and functions of the administrative console required to create and configure servers, server clusters, and IBM BPM components.
- You want to configure multiple components by using a single wizard in the administration application.
- You want to import a database design file to provide the values for database-related resource definitions.
- You have a predefined Deployment Environment that you can import into the current environment and customize, if necessary.
Reasons to create a customized ND environment
If the complexities of your business processing needs are not sufficiently met by any of the IBM-supplied topology patterns, use the features and functions of the administrative console to create a customized ND environment.
You might choose to create a customized ND environment for one or more of the following reasons:
- You are well-versed in using the administrative console to create deployment environments.
- You understand the concepts and component architecture required in a multi-clustered environment.
- You want to configure any clusters or servers upon which the components will be deployed before configuring the IBM BPM components themselves.
Related tasks:
Create database design files for DB2
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Create database design files for DB2 for z/OS
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