IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Install IBM BPM > IBM BPM Advanced for z/OS: Process Server > Configure IBM BPM Advanced for z/OS: Process Server > Configure components > Configure optional components > Configure Business Process Choreographer > Use the bpeconfig.jacl script to configure Business Process Choreographer

bpeconfig.jacl script file

This script file configures Business Process Choreographer or Business Process Archive Manager and all the necessary resources on a server or cluster.


This script can either be run interactively or in batch mode to configure Business Process Choreographer or Business Process Archive Manager. The script can create a local database and the necessary messaging resources. It can optionally configure a Business Process Choreographer Explorer or Business Process Archive Explorer.


The bpeconfig.jacl script file is located in the Business Process Choreographer config directory:


This script has the following restrictions:

For a DB2 for z/OS database

The bpeconfig.jacl script cannot create a DB2 for z/OS database. You must create it manually.

Running the script in an ND environment

The configuration script is run using the wsadmin command. In an ND environment:

Configure Business Process Choreographer with a Business Process Choreographer Explorer, and Business Process Choreographer Explorer reporting function non-interactively

If you provide the necessary parameters on the command line, you will not be prompted for them. To configure Business Process Choreographer, enter one of the following commands:

If your current directory is INSTALL_ROOT, enter the command:

bin/ -f ProcessChoreographer/config/bpeconfig.jacl  parameters
where parameters are as follows:
       -adminGroups  groupList
       -adminUsers  userList
       -adminJobPwd  password        -adminJobUser  userID
       -bpcdbDesign  databaseDesignFile
       -cluster  clusterName
       -conntype NONE
       -contextRootBFMWS  contextRootBFMWS
       -contextRootBFMREST  contextRootBFMREST
       -contextRootExplorer  explorerContextRoot
       -contextRootHTMWS  contextRootHTMWS
       -contextRootHTMREST  contextRootHTMREST
       -createDB { yes | no }        -createExplorer { yes | no }        -dbConnectionTarget  DB2zOSSubSystem

       -dbJava  JDBCDriverPath

       -dbPwd  databasePassword
       -dbSchema  schemaQualifier
       -dbServerName  databaseServerName
       -dbServerPort  databaseServerPort
       -dbStorageGroup  DB2zOSStorageGroup
       -dbTablespaceDir  databaseTableSpacePath
       -dbType  databaseType
       -dbUser  databaseUser

       -explorerHost  explorerURL
       -hostName  VirtualHostname
       -jmsBFMRunAsPwd  password        -jmsBFMRunAsUser  userID
       -jmsHTMRunAsPwd  password        -jmsHTMRunAsUser  userID
       -mailPwd  mailPassword
       -mailServerName  mailServerName
       -mailUser  mailUserID 
       -maxListEntries  max
       -medbPwd  meDatabasePassword 
       -medbUser  meDatabaseUser
       -monitorGroups  groupList
       -monitorUsers  userList 
       -mqCreateTables { yes | no }        -mqPwd  JMSProviderPassword
       -mqSchemaName  mqSchemaName
       -mqUser  JMSProviderUserID
       -node  nodeName
       -operationMode { RUNTIME | ARCHIVE }        -options  responsefile
       -precompileJSPs { yes | no }        -promptMode { ASK | USE_DEFAULT | FAIL_IF_MISSING }        -remoteCluster  clusterName
       -remoteNode  nodeName
       -remoteServer  serverName
       -restAPIBFM  restAPIURL
       -restAPIHTM  restAPIURL
       -server  serverName

Some of these parameters are optional, depending on the values provided for other parameters. The dependencies between parameters and the conditions that determine whether a parameter is optional or required are described for each parameter in the following descriptions. Any required parameters that are not specified on the command line are prompted for interactively. If the same parameter is specified more than once, the last value specified is used.


You can use the following parameters when invoking the script using wsadmin:

-adminGroups groupList

Where groupList is the list of names of groups, from the user registry, to which the Business Process Choreographer system administrator role maps to. The separator character is the vertical line (|). This property is needed to install the process container. This parameter has no default value. Either one or both of the adminUsers or adminGroups options must be set.

-adminUsers userList

Where userList is the list of names of users, from the user registry, to which the Business Process Choreographer system administrator role maps to. The separator character is the vertical line (|). This property is needed to install the process container. This parameter has no default value. Either one or both of the adminUsers or adminGroups options must be set.

-bpcdbDesign databaseDesignFile

If you used the database design tool to create a database design file, use this option to specify the database design file, databaseDesignFile.

The values specified in the database design file have precedence over any occurrences of the following parameters included on the command line: -dbJava, -dbName, -dbPwd, -dbSchema, -dbServerName, -dbServerPort, -dbTablespaceDir, -dbType, and-dbUser.

-adminJobPwd password

Where password is the password for the administration job user ID.

-adminJobUser user ID

This user ID is used to run administrative jobs such as the Business Flow Manager and Human Task Manager cleanup services and the process instance migration tool. If you will not use these services, you do not need to specify the user ID.This user ID is optional. If you specify this user ID, it must be a member of the Business Process Choreographer system administrator role.

-cluster clusterName

Where clusterName is the name of the cluster where Business Process Choreographer will be configured. This parameter is optional. Do not specify this option in a standalone server environment, nor if you specify the node and server.

-conntype NONE

This specifies that no administration connection is available. Only include this option if the dmgr (for ND) is not running. This is a wsadmin parameter, if you do not specify it, you will not be prompted for it.

-contextRootBFMREST contextRootBFMREST

Where contextRootBFMREST is the context root for the REST API endpoint URL. For the Business Flow Manager (BFM) the default context root on a server or a cluster is /rest/bpm/bfm.

-contextRootBFMWS contextRootBFMWS

Where contextRootBFMWS is the context root for the web service endpoint URL. For a Business Flow Manager (BFM), on a server, the default context root is /BFMIF_ nodeName_ serverName. On a cluster, the default is /BFMIF_ clusterName.