Plan for the Business Process Archive Manager

Configure the Business Process Archive Manager requires a database, to which completed process instances and human tasks can be moved.


  1. For the Business Process Archive Manager, plan the following:

    1. Identify the deployment target of the source Business Process Choreographer configuration that this Business Process Archive Manager will serve.

    2. Identify the deployment target for the Business Process Archive Manager. Keep in mind that it cannot coexist on a deployment target with any Business Process Choreographer or other Business Process Archive Manager configuration. However, it must be in the same cell as the Business Process Choreographer configuration from which it will archive instances. Consider configuring it on a support cluster, if you have one.
    3. Plan to configure the Service Component Architecture (SCA) on the deployment target of the Business Process Archive Manager before you configure run the script to configure Business Process Archive Manager. You need to know the remote bus member location of the SCA configuration that is used by the Business Process Choreographer configuration. Do not plan any other values for configuring SCA for the Business Process Archive Manager, because use the prefilled values for the datastore settings.

    4. You can only configure the Business Process Archive Manager using the bpeconfig.jacl script. Plan all the configuration parameters. The following table contains some guidelines. For detailed information about these parameters, including default values, see bpeconfig.jacl script file.

    Planning bpeconfig.jacl parameters for a Business Process Archive Manager configuration
    Condition Plan action
    Only if the dmgr is not running: Include the wsadmin option:
    -conntype NONE
    If the dmgr is running and administrative security is enabled: Include the following wsadmin parameters for a user ID that is authorized to run wsadmin:
    -user   userName
    -password   userPassword
    If you are not using the default profile: Include the wsadmin parameter:
    -profileName  profileName
    If you want to run the script interactively and be prompted for all mandatory and optional parameters: Invoke the script and only specify any necessary wsadmin parameters (listed earlier in this table), but none of the script parameters listed below in this table.

    By specifying no script parameters, -promptMode defaults to ASK.

    If you want to run the script interactively and be prompted for all mandatory and optional parameters, but also specify some script parameters: Specify any necessary wsadmin parameters and any script parameters, but also include the option:
    -promptMode ASK
    Any script parameters that you specify are also prompted for, and the values you provided are offered as defaults, which you can accept or change.
    If you want to run the script interactively and want any missing optional script parameters to take their default values without being prompted for: Specify any necessary wsadmin parameters and all mandatory script parameters, but also include the option:
    -promptMode USE_DEFAULT

    If a mandatory parameter is missing the script switches to -promptMode ASK mode.

    If you want any missing mandatory parameters to cause the script to fail, rather than prompting for them: Include the option:
    -promptMode FAIL_IF_MISSING
    Use this option if the script is invoked without the possibility to get input from the console.
    If you want to use a response file that specifies parameter values for the script: Include the option:
    -options  responseFile
    For more information, refer to the description of the -options parameter in bpeconfig.jacl script file.
    To create a Business Process Archive Manager configuration: Include the option:
    -operationMode ARCHIVE
    If you are not creating the configuration on the default server: Include either the parameter:
    -cluster  clusterName
    or both parameters:
    -node  nodeName
    -server  serverName
    For every Business Process Archive Manager configuration: Include the required parameters for authorization:
    -jmsBFMRunAsUser  userID
    -jmsBFMRunAsPwd  password -jmsHTMRunAsUser  userID
    -jmsHTMRunAsPwd  password
    For the following administrator and monitor parameter pairs ending in Users and Groups you must specify either one or both parameters.
    {-adminUsers  userList |
     -adminGroups  groupList} 
    {-monitorUsers  userList |
     -monitorGroups  groupList}

    The administration job user ID and password are optional.

    -adminJobUser  userID 
    -adminJobPwd  password
    If you do not want to use the default context roots for the APIs: Include the optional parameters for context roots:
    -contextRootBFMWS  contextRootBFMWS
    -contextRootBFMREST  contextRootBFMREST
    -contextRootHTMWS  contextRootHTMWS
    -contextRootHTMREST  contextRootHTMREST
    Because you can either have the script file create the Business Process Archive database, or just have it generate the SQL script without running the scripts: Use the option
    -createDB { yes | no } 

    Select no because you will create the database separately after the configuration is complete.

    If you select yes, the script will fail because it cannot create a DB2 for z/OS database.

    If you select yes, the bpeconfig.jacl script will generate and run an SQL file to create the database objects in the default table space, which is not suitable for a high-performance system. In this case also plan to stop the dmgr and use the -conntype NONE option.

    If you select no, and the database does not already exist, then you or your database administrator must run the generated SQL script. For a high-performance system, specify no, because you will need to customize the SQL script before running it. Also specify no if you do not have the authority to create the database yourself, so that you can provide the SQL script to your database administrator to customize and run.

    You must also specify no if you are using a database which has restricted support.

    The script cannot create the following types of databases:

    • DB2 for z/OS
    • Oracle

    • A remote Microsoft SQL Server

    If you select yes and you are running the script in connected mode, creating the database or schema can fail if it takes longer than the a default timeout of 3 minutes. How to change the timeout is described in Connection timeout when running a wsadmin script.

    Because every Business Process Archive Manager configuration requires a database: Include the parameter:
    -dbType  databaseType
    Also provide the parameters required for your database type (see bpeconfig.jacl script file for details):
    -dbVersion  version
    -dbHome  databaseInstallPath
    -dbJava  JDBCDriverPath 
    -dbName  databaseName 
    -dbUser  databaseUser 
    -dbPwd  databasePassword 
    -dbTablespaceDir  databaseTablespacePath 
    -dbServerName  databaseServerName 
    -dbServerPort  databaseServerPort 
    -dbStorageGroup  DB2zOSStorageGroup 
    -dbConnectionTarget  DB2zOSSubSystem 
    -dbSchema  schemaQualifier
    When running the script in batch mode on a cluster, if your database requires the -dbJava parameter, specify the parameter for each node that hosts a cluster member in the following way:
    -dbJava. nodeName  JDBCDriverPath_on_ nodeName 

    If you are using one of the following databases, bpeconfig.jacl can also create the database instance:

    • A local DB2 for Linux, UNIX, or Windows

    If you do not want a Business Process Archive Explorer on the same deployment target as the Business Process Archive Manager: Include the parameter:
    -createExplorer no

    You can run the clientconfig.jacl script later to create Business Process Archive Explorer configurations.

    If you want a Business Process Archive Explorer on the same deployment target as the Business Process Archive Manager: Include the following parameters.
    -createExplorer yes
    -restAPIBFM  restAPIURL
    -restAPIHTM  restAPIURL
    Also include any of the following optional parameters:
    -contextRootExplorer  explorerContextRoot
    -hostName  explorerVirtualHostname
    -maxListEntries  maximum
    -remoteCluster  clusterName
    -remoteNode  nodeName
    -remoteServer  serverName

    If you do not specify these parameters, the default values are used.

    Because not all bpeconfig.jacl parameters apply to the Business Archive Manager configuration Do not plan values for the following parameters:

    If you provide any of these parameters, they are ignored.

  2. If you have not already planned the process archive database for this Business Process Archive Manager, perform Plan the Business Process Archive database.


You have planned a Business Process Archive Manager configuration and its database.