IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms >

Troubleshooting and support for IBM BPM

Troubleshooting and support information for IBM BPM helps you understand, isolate, and resolve problems.

Troubleshooting and support information contains instructions for using the problem-determination resources that are provided with your IBM products.

To resolve a problem on your own, you can find out how to identify the source of a problem, how to gather diagnostic information, where to get fixes, and which knowledge bases to search. If you need to contact IBM Support, you can find out what diagnostic information the service technicians need to help you address a problem.

Resources for troubleshooting IBM BPM include a strategy for troubleshooting and diagnosing problems, a list of error messages, specific troubleshooting documentation organized by the tasks you are performing in IBM BPM, documentation about tools that help you track and monitor errors in your deployed applications, and links to technical support web sites.

Another troubleshooting resource is the IBM BPM forum on developerWorks. Use the forum to read or participate in technical discussions about the product with other customers.

IBM Redpapers publication: WebSphere for z/OS Problem Determination Means and Tools