IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Customize and rebranding interfaces > Customize Process Portal > Customize Process Portal spaces

Customize themes in a Process Portal space

A theme defines the overall structure, appearance, and behavior of a space. By default, all spaces use the standard theme that is provided with the product. You can create one or more custom themes to replace or augment this default theme.

The theme is a powerful set of programming artifacts that you can use to control every aspect of how a page is displayed in a space. However, for most customization purposes, for example, changing the color or images used within a space, consider customizing the style of the space rather than creating a new theme. Customizing the theme of a space is a much more complex undertaking, and has implications for space maintenance, migration, and upgrades to later product versions.

Important: Before you customize the theme, be aware of the following:

The following files and folders define and control the theme for a space.

Theme files and folders
File or folder name Description

The theme is primarily defined by the theme.html file. This file contains four types of elements:

Markup code

Static markup code that defines the overall structure of the page.

You can modify this code to customize how the page is structured and organized.

JavaScript code

JavaScript code that defines page-level scripting logic. You can add additional JavaScript to extend the existing page behavior.

Dynamic content spots

Special markup that defines where generated content from server-side JavaServer Pages (JSP) files will be added. Administrators use the administrative console to map the content spot identifiers and JSP pages.

The following example illustrates a dynamic content spot:

<link rel="dynamic-content" href="dyn-cs:id:head@tl:oid:csa2.theme">
You can add, remove, replace, or hide dynamic content spots.

System widget markup

Special markup that reference widget descriptors (the iWidget 2.1 specification). Widgets are created with client-side JavaScript processing, and then added dynamically to the Document Object Model (DOM) in the defined regions. Widget artifacts can be deployed as Java EE WAR files or they can be deployed directly in WebDAV.

The following example illustrates system widget markup:

<div class="iw-iWidget iw-Standalone" id="modeSelector">
<a clas="iw-Definition" href="/BusinessSpace/iWidget/widgets/system/modeSelector/modeSelector.xml">

You can add, remove, replace, or hide system widgets.

embed.html A simplified version of theme.html, this file contains the main lotusFrame markup with the widgets and is used to display the content area when a page is embedded on another web page. The properties file that contains identifying information for the theme.
theme.css and bspaceCustom.css The style sheets that control the appearance of the theme.

If you plan to make style changes to the theme, you need to either edit these files or create an additional CSS file as a peer of theme.css and bspaceCustom.css.

banner This folder contains the dynamic content needed for banner customization.
images This folder contains the images used in the theme.
menuDefinitions This folder contains JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) files used to customize the content in context menus.
metaData This folder contains the file, which defines the name of theme shown in the Choose a theme for this space drop-down menu.
spaceStyles This folder contains JavaScript files and subfolders used to apply different styles to the interface.
Standard This folder contains the standard skin for widgets. This skin has a border around each widget and a toolbar on top with a context menu and icons for minimizing, maximizing, and restoring widget size.
Thin This folder contains a widget skin that hides the border and the toolbar.

What to do next

To make your changes to the theme available, restart the server that hosts the Process Portal space.

Customize Process Portal spaces