NextExtreme Scale with WebSphere Commerce v7
Scalability challenges
Scalability is the ability of a system to handle increasing load in a graceful manner.Two scaling options...
Horizontal Add additional hosts to a tier (scale out) Vertical Add CPUs, memory, etc.. to a single system (scale up)
With linear scaling, doubling CPU capacity doubles maximum throughput.
Saturation is reached when throughput cannot be increased due to a bottleneck resource.
Because application servers can be effectively scaled horizontally to provide additional memory and processing cycles to service requests, the database is usually the bottleneck resource. The progressive approach to fix is to...
- Scale out by adding additional database servers
- Use a high speed connections between DB servers in a cluster
This approach is viable, but poses challenges in keeping database servers synchronized for data integrity and crash recovery. For example, consider two concurrent transactions that modify the same row in the database. When these transactions are executed by separate database servers, communication is required to ensure the atomic, consistent, isolated, and durable (ACID) attributes of database transaction are preserved. This communication can grow exponentially as the number of database servers increases, which ultimately limits the scalability of the database. In fact, although application server clusters with more than 100 hosts can be easily found, a database server cluster with more then four members is hard to find.
The scalability challenge is to provide scalable access to large amounts of data. In almost all application scenarios, scalability is treated as a competitive advantage. It directly impacts the business applications and the business unit that owns the applications. Applications that are scalable can easily accommodate growth and aid the business functions in analysis and business development. You want to be able to scale your product with predictable costs without requiring a redeployment of an application or topology.
Scalability solutions
A typical approach to resolving performance and therefore scalability problems is to implement caching of the data. The cache is a copy of frequently accessed data that is held in memory to reduce the access time to the data. This has the effect of placing the data closer to the application, which improves performance and throughput. It also reduces the number of requests to the database, reducing that resource's likelihood of being a bottleneck.
A cache simply extends the storage capability. It can be considered to act as a shock absorber to the database. The cache sits between the application and the database to reduce the load on the database.
Although a cache can reduce the load on the database, the same data might be cached in several servers simultaneously. Things become complicated when one copy of the data is changed, because all cached copies need to be either invalidated or updated.
For very large caching solutions, data grids are often used. In general terms, a grid is several loosely-coupled and heterogeneous computers that act together to perform large tasks. To accomplish this, a grid needs to be highly scalable. There are several forms of grids, depending on the task at hand.
The data grid can be located in the same JVM as the applications. This arrangement provides the fastest access to the data. However, as the data grid grows, it might not scale effectively because the application and grid share the same address space.
Another approach is to perform local caching in the application server tier (near cache) and to have the data grid cache implementation on a separate elastic tier where the servers are primarily only responsible for hosting the grid data. This architecture provides additional flexibility in designing the application topology and in the manner of client access (direct to the grid, or through the application server layer), and for the scalability and availability of the grid data...
As the use of the data grid technology increases, it is possible that the cache or data grid becomes the primary data access point. In this case, the database is used by the grid as a long term persistent data store. If the database is unavailable, the applications are still able to complete transactions against the grid so there is no loss of service to the application. The grid can push those updates to the database when it again becomes available. The database might also be required in application scenarios where logging or auditing of transactions is required for compliance or by regulations. In specialized use cases, such as transitory session state data, there might be no need to store the data from the grid into a database. Because the grid contains all of the information, data intensive computing tasks can then be moved into the grid and executed in parallel.
WebSphere scalability solutions
Both the IBM WebSphere DataPower XC10 Appliance and WebSphere eXtreme Scale software address scalability issues by introducing elastic data grids into your solution. The data grids hold cached data in a non-SQL structure, reducing read and write operations to the database.
This book focuses on solutions available today for integration of WebSphere eXtreme Scale.
WebSphere eXtreme Scale
WebSphere eXtreme Scale caches data used by an application. It can be used to build a highly scalable, fault tolerant data grid with nearly unlimited horizontal scaling capabilities.WebSphere eXtreme Scale creates infrastructure with the ability to deal with extreme levels of data processing and performance. When the data and resulting transactions experience incremental or exponential growth, the business performance does not suffer because the grid is easily extended by adding additional capacity in the form of JVMs and hardware.
Key features...
- Highly available elastic and scalable grid
- Extreme transaction support
- Security
- Runtime JVM support
- Monitoring
Highly available and scalable elastic grids
WebSphere eXtreme Scale supports a dynamic grid infrastructure with support for scale outs to thousands of server instances. This is accomplished by splitting large amounts of data into manageable chunks and distributing them across the grid.
Each of the server instances that host grid data does so in a grid container. Communication between containers in a grid can be a crucial limiting factor for scalability. This is why WebSphere eXtreme Scale grid containers have been designed to require minimal communication with each other, allowing large linear scale outs. Communication between grid containers is kept to a minimum, occurring only for availability management and data replication purposes.
When the data in the grid must be highly available, the grid can be configured for replication so that in the event of a failure no loss of critical data occurs. The grid data is kept highly available by having multiple instances of the data stored on separate servers, and even in separate locations to ensure recovery in a disaster scenario. This capability is defined when the grid is created.
Extreme transaction support
WebSphere eXtreme Scale has built-in transaction support for all changes made to the cached data. Changes are committed or rolled back in an atomic way. WebSphere eXtreme Scale augments the database and acts as an intermediary between the application and database. It can also be the system of record for applications when no database or other data store is used. Transaction processing ensures that multiple individual operations that work in tandem are treated as a single unit of work. If even one individual operation fails, the entire transaction fails.
As with other persistent store mechanisms, WebSphere eXtreme Scale uses transactions for the following reasons:
- To apply multiple changes as an atomic unit at commit time
- To ensure consistency of all cached data
- To isolate a thread from concurrent changes
- To act as the unit of replication to make the changes durable.
- To implement a life cycle for locks on changes
- To combine multiple changes to reduce the number of remote invocations
If the data that is stored in the cache is of a sensitive nature, fine-grained control over client access to data can be enforced. WebSphere eXtreme Scale applications can enable security features and integrate with external security providers. WebSphere eXtreme Scale includes the following security features:
Authentication Authenticate the identity of the client of the grid. This is done with credential information between the client and the grid server. Authorization Grant access only to authenticated clients. The authorization includes operations such as reading, querying, and modifying the data in the grid. Transport security Ensure secure communications between the remote clients and grid servers, and between the servers.
Runtime JVM support
WebSphere eXtreme Scale does not require WebSphere Application Server as a runtime application, although additional functionality for monitoring and maintaining the grid is available with that application. WebSphere eXtreme Scale can use any native JSE (1.4+) or JEE application server environment. Not all features are available with JSE 1.4. Additional capabilities for annotations and JPA support is available with JSE 1.5 or later.
It is also possible to access the data stored in the grid from an ADO.NET Data Services client using the Representational State Transfer (REST) API Data Services Framework. REST is available with WebSphere eXtreme Scale cumulative fix 2 or later.
Monitoring techniques
Monitoring the availability and performance of enterprise data is critical for maintaining the integrity of the application infrastructure. Monitoring of WebSphere eXtreme Scale grids can be done through the following widely used techniques:
The xsadmin utility can be used to view the grid usage. This utility is included with the standard installation.
The WebSphere eXtreme Scale web console provides a GUI view and usage pattern of the grid. The web console is included with the stand-alone installation of WebSphere eXtreme Scale.
JConsole can also be leveraged to view the grid statistics. JConsole is not supported with WebSphere Application Server. More information about monitoring can be found in Section 3.8.5, Monitoring MBean statistics in JConsole.
Custom MBean Scripts can be written to monitor the cache. A sample custom script that can be used to check the cache usage is included in Section 3.8.3, Monitoring with the Tivoli Performance Viewer.
The Tivoli Performance Viewer (TPV) shows grid statistics when you enable the Object Grid Related PMI statistics.
Third party monitoring products such as CA Wily Introscope, and Hyperic HQ can be used with WebSphere eXtreme Scale. IBM Tivoli Monitoring agent and Hyperic HQ gather data from WebSphere eXtreme Scale server side MBeans. CA Wily Introscope uses byte code instrumentation to display data.
When to use WebSphere eXtreme Scale
WebSphere eXtreme Scale provides a data grid to store data. How you access that grid, and the type of data you store in it can vary depending on the application. A detailed systems and design analysis is required to determine if, when, and how you use WebSphere eXtreme Scale. This is an important exercise for devising a road map for adoption of any new technology.
HTTP sessions
Many web applications use the HTTP session state management features provided by Java Enterprise Edition (JEE) application servers. Session state management allows the application to maintain state for the period of a user's interaction with the application. An example of this is a shopping cart, where information about intended purchases is stored until the shopping session is completed.
To support high-availability and failover, the state information must be available to all application server JVMs. Application servers typically achieve this by storing the state information in a shared database, or by performing memory-to-memory replication between JVMs. When HTTP session state is stored in a shared database, scalability is limited by the database server. The disk I/O operations have a significant impact on application performance. When the transaction rate exceeds the capacity of the database server, the database server must be scaled up.
When HTTP session state is replicated in memory between application servers, the limits to scalability vary depending on the replication scheme. Commonly, a simple scheme is used in which each JVM holds a copy of all user session data, so the total amount of state information cannot exceed the available memory of any single JVM. Memory-to-memory replication schemes often trade consistency for performance, meaning that in cases of application server failure or user sessions being routed to multiple application servers, the user experience might be inconsistent and confusing.
WebSphere eXtreme Scale is an ideal platform to store HTTP session data. An eXtreme Scale approach replaces the existing HTTP session state management facilities of the application server, placing the session data in a data grid. WebSphere eXtreme Scale fetches user session information from the grid and writes changes back to the grid as necessary. Because the HTTP session data is transient in nature, it does not need to be backed up to disk and can be contained completely in a highly-available replicated grid. The grid is not constrained to any one application server product or to any particular management unit, such as WAS cells. User sessions can be shared between any set of application servers - even across data centers in the case of a failover scenario. This allows for a more reliable and fault-tolerant user session state.
There are two topologies you can use with HTTP session offloading:
- Collocated HTTP sessions
Using this method, HTTP session grids coexist with the application in the JVMs. However, the session data is partitioned and distributed, making it highly scalable, fault tolerant, and much faster.
- HTTP session offloading
Using this method, HTTP session data grids are offloaded from the JVM running the application and placed into external eXtreme Scale containers. This reduction of session data held in the application JVM can increase the efficiency of the application.
An example of using WebSphere eXtreme Scale HTTP session support with WebSphere Portal Server for customer portlets can be seen in Chapter 5, Integrating WebSphere Portal with WebSphere eXtreme Scale.
Dynamic cache
Dynamic page generation techniques, like JavaServer Pages (JSPs), often contain data that rarely changes, such as product details or information about corporate policies. Application servers generally provide an in-memory cache to store the generated output the first time the page is rendered to save the processing work and back-end system load for subsequent requests.
WebSphere Application Server's dynamic cache service stores the output of servlets, JSPs, and custom application objects. The dynamic cache service can be configured to off-load cached objects to disk, or to replicate cached objects across a cluster of application servers.
When the disk off-load option is enabled, the dynamic cache service extends its in-memory cache by writing cached objects to disk when the in-memory cache is full. If the working set of the application does not fit within the in-memory cache, disk access time becomes an important factor in application performance. Faster disk technologies, such as Storage Area Networks (SANs), are often used to improve performance.
When memory-to-memory cache replication is used, the size of the cache is limited to the available memory of any single JVM hosting the application. If the working set of the application outgrows the cache, the application will perform redundant work to re-create objects that have been evicted from the cache.
WebSphere eXtreme Scale provides a drop-in replacement for the dynamic cache service that stores cached objects in a grid, allowing the size of the cache to expand to the sum of all available memory in JVMs in the grid. The application's dynamic cache service policy remains in effect, so the carefully defined dependency and invalidation rules continue to function.
One benefit is that a newly started application server no longer has to warm up its cache before reaching peak performance. The cached data is already available to the application server from the grid. As a result, the application's performance is more reliable, and scaling out the application does not result in load spikes at the back-end systems.
Memory usage for caching can be reduced by as much as 70 percent compared to per-server disk off-load caches, owing to the reduced redundancy of a single shared cache. Additionally, the eXtreme Scale dynamic cache service provider can compress the contents of the cache to save even more memory.
An example of using WebSphere eXtreme Scale as a dynamic cache provider can be seen in Chapter 6, Integrating WebSphere Commerce with WebSphere eXtreme Scale.
Application data cache
WebSphere eXtreme Scale can be used to cache internal application data that is not directly represented in a database or other back-end system.This expands the amount of such data that can be cached by the application and improves the cache hit rate by sharing the cache across application servers and, potentially, between related applications.
This type of caching must be implemented within the application, requiring development effort. For more information about using eXtreme Scale as an application data cache, see User's Guide to WebSphere eXtreme Scale, SG24-7683.
Database cache
The back-end database is the scalability bottleneck for many database-centric applications. As the data volume and transaction rate expand, the application will eventually reach a point where the database server cannot be scaled up any further.
WebSphere eXtreme Scale can be used as a scalable, shared, coherent cache for databases and other data sources, reducing the load on the back-end systems and improving the performance of the application. It offers drop-in caching solutions for the OpenJPA and Hibernate database persistence layers, meaning that only configuration changes are required for certain applications.
For more information, go to the Information Center for the L2 cache Plugin Support.
Using the grid as a data access layer
Using WebSphere eXtreme Scale as a data access layer allows access to its querying and indexing capabilities, which can reduce the load on back-end systems. This approach involves replacing the application's existing data access layer using the WebSphere eXtreme Scale programming interfaces. In this case, a grid acts as a cache for the database. The database remains the system of record, but all data access from the application goes through the cache grid. The application uses the WebSphere eXtreme Scale programming interfaces to access the data.
Using this method, the application can use the JPA-based database loader provided with WebSphere eXtreme Scale or a custom loader to retrieve and update grid entries from the back-end data store. For more information about using eXtreme Scale as a data access layer, see User's Guide to WebSphere eXtreme Scale, SG24-7683. Another article of interest is IBM Extreme Transaction Processing (XTP) Patterns: Leveraging WebSphere eXtreme Scale as an in-line database buffer
Moving application processing into the grid
Beyond caching and data access scenarios, WebSphere eXtreme Scale offers a programming model for processing data sets in parallel within the grid containers that hold the data. Inserting a fully populated, partitioned, in-memory cache into the application architecture allows you to process the entire data set in parallel at local memory access speeds. Instead of fetching data from the back-end data store and processing it in series, the application can process the data in parallel across multiple grid containers and combine the results together.
This approach requires significant application design effort to identify the operations to perform within the grid, and to implement those operations using the WebSphere eXtreme Scale programming interfaces.
This approach enables parallel processing of large volumes of data in ways that were not practical without the grid. It might even be possible to run processes online that previously could only be run as batch jobs.
WebSphere Business Events uses eXtreme Scale to handle complex event processing. An overview of this scenario can be found in Chapter 2, Integrating WebSphere eXtreme Scale with other middleware.
WebSphere Commerce and WebSphere eXtreme Scale
The WebSphere Commerce Server uses the WebSphere Application Server dynamic cache service to cache web and catalog content. The figure below shows a typical deployment of the default dynamic cache provider. Each Commerce application server contains the same cached data, which is replicated between the application servers on a best-effort basis to provide consistency of application performance.
The default dynamic cache architecture of the WebSphere Commerce Server poses the following challenges:
- Scalability
The dynamic cache capacity is determined by the individual JVM size. The scalability of the cache depends solely on how big an individual JVM can grow.
- Performance bottleneck due to disk off-loading
When the dynamic cache grows, it is practically impossible for a single JVM to hold all of the data, making it necessary to offload data to disk. Disk offloading decreases performance, and SAN or external storage is often required to offload the cache from the memory.
- Commerce performance
Commerce JVMs have large workloads to handle, in addition to holding cached data. A slight increase in the cache data exponentially affects the performance of the underlying JVM.
- Cache duplication and high invalidation traffic
The dynamic cache is a local cache, so to maintain consistency, the cache data is duplicated across all the cluster JVMs. This means that a change in dynamic cache content on one JVM creates invalidation traffic between the cluster JVMs.
- Constraints on core group scalability
Dynamic cache replication is done with the help of the data replication service (DRS) that runs in the underlying application server. The more members there are in a core group, the greater the performance loss, due to the increase of DRS traffic between the cluster JVMs. Management of huge core groups becomes a challenge in itself. Additional management tasks are required to split the larger core groups into smaller ones using bridging to provide consistent data.
- Cold cache
With the dynamic cache, every restart of the JVM requires the data to be populated from the backend systems. This can consume a large amount of time. In the case of a lazy cache loading scenario, where only a subset of the cache is initially loaded, the optimal performance of using dynamic cache is only achieved after a significant amount of time.
WebSphere eXtreme Scale benefits
The primary benefit in using WebSphere eXtreme Scale is to reduce the total cost of ownership of running a WebSphere Commerce deployment.Typical deployment...
By using WebSphere eXtreme Scale, you can make efficiency savings in a number of areas. The technical and business benefits include:
- Consistent and predictable performance as the site grows
The default dynamic cache provider in WebSphere Application Server is not designed to scale as effectively as eXtreme Scale. It is designed to copy data to other application servers, which naturally has its limits. WebSphere eXtreme Scale is an elastic, self-healing grid technology that has proven linear scalability of throughput and data quantity while retaining consistent high performance.
- A disk or SAN is not required
Eliminating this requirement provides cost, performance, and scalability benefits. A cache in eXtreme Scale can be very large, and an in-memory cache will be faster than a disk cache.
Consider how much disk space is needed. For example, the disk offload might be 20 Gb. This is duplicated n times for n servers. In our small example (Figure 2-9), this is 100 Gb of SAN requirement that is not needed for eXtreme Scale.
- WebSphere Commerce is more efficient
With eXtreme Scale, a Commerce application server can delegate all caching to another tier, and does not have to dedicate, for example, 30% of its memory to caching and a corresponding amount of CPU to manage cache replication, garbage collection and so on. Higher cache hit ratio and no duplication of cached data.
WebSphere eXtreme Scale stores the cached data in a single location, so all Commerce servers have access to the cache. Also, having no duplicated data removes the potential inconsistency of cached data where clients might receive different versions of cached pages from different servers. Having no duplication removes the communication needed to maintain cache consistency, making the cache more efficient in memory and CPU. And with no duplication of data there is less data to store. Compare this to dynamic cache. For example, each dynamic cache instance holds 400 Mb in memory, which is duplicated n times for n servers. For a small example of five Commerce servers (Figure 2-9), this is 1.6 Gb of wasted memory.
- Consistency and predictability of site performance
One area where eXtreme Scale makes a big difference is when the Commerce servers need to be restarted. As part of the restart, the cache needs repopulating either by lazily recreating the cache, or by copying the data from another Commerce server. With either option there is a significant period after an application server restart where the site performance is well below optimal. WebSphere eXtreme Scale dramatically reduces site instability and warm-up time.
WebSphere eXtreme Scale architecture
User view
The most fundamental component of the structure of WebSphere eXtreme Scale is the grid. Users connect to a grid, then access the maps in that grid. Data is stored as key value pairs in the maps.
We use the term "grid" loosely. We have used it to refer to the entire WebSphere eXtreme Scale infrastructure, or that part that stores and manages data. However, the term grid has a precise technical definition in eXtreme Scale, namely, a container for maps that contain the grid's data. Clients connect to grids, and access the data in the map sets they contain.
Figure 3-2 exposes the next level of detail by introducing the map set and partitioning concepts. A map set is a collection of, or container for, maps. Therefore, a grid is really a collection of map sets. The key abstraction introduced by a map set is that it can be partitioned. This means it can be split into parts that can be spread over multiple containers.
The following list provides detailed definitions for the components and terms used in WebSphere eXtreme Scale infrastructure.
Map An interface that stores data as key-value pairs (duplicate keys are not supported). A map is considered an associative data structure because it associates an object with a key. The key is the primary means of access to the data in the grid. The value part of the map is the data typically stored as a Java object. Key A Java object instance that identifies a single cache value. Keys can never change and must implement the equals() and hashCode() methods. Value A Java object instance that contains the cache data. The value is identified by the key and can be of any type. Map set A collection of maps whose entries are logically related. More formally, a map set is a collection of maps that share a common partitioning scheme. Key elements of this scheme are...
- number of partitions
- number of synchronous and asynchronous replicas
Grid A collection of map sets. Partitions The concept of splitting data into smaller sections. Partitioning allows the grid to store more data than can be accommodated in a single JVM. It is the fundamental concept that allows linear scaling. Partitioning happens at the map set level. The number of partitions is specified when the map set is defined. Data in the maps is striped across the N partitions using the key hashcode modulo N. Choosing the number of partitions for your data is an important consideration when configuring and designing for a scalable infrastructure. Shards Partitions are logical concepts. The data in a partition is physically stored in shards. A partition always has a primary shard. If replicas are defined for a map set, each partition will also have that number of replica shards. Replicas provide availability for the data in the grid. Grid containers Grid containers host shards, and thus provide the physical storage for the grid data. Grid container server A grid container server hosts grid containers. It is WebSphere eXtreme Scale code running either in an application server or a stand-alone JSE JVM. Grid container servers are sometimes referred to as JVMs.
- A grid container server can host many grid containers.
- A grid container hosts shards, which can be from one or more grids. A grid can be spread across many grid containers. The catalog service places shards in grid containers.
- A grid consists of a number of map sets. A map set is partitioned using a key. Each map in the map set is defined by a BackingMap.
- A map set is a collection of maps that are typically used together. Many map sets can exist in one grid.
- A map holds (grid) data as key value pairs.
- A map set consists of a number of partitions. Each partition has a primary shard and N replica shards.
Figure 3-4 shows how the parts and concepts we have discussed are interrelated. It shows how grid A can be physically stored in WebSphere eXtreme Scale. Grid A contains two map sets: Red and Yellow. The Red map set has three partitions (0, 1, and 2) and two replicas, for a total of nine shards (three partitions times three shards for each partition, the primary plus two replicas). The Yellow map set has four partitions (0, 1, 2, and 3) and one replica, for a total of eight shards. This is one way the shards can be distributed over the available grid containers.
Grid client and servers
The following terms are used when discussing how an application interacts with the grid.
- Grid server
Catalog servers and the JVMs that host grid containers holding the cache are defined as grid servers. The catalog server's primary function is to provide routing information while the other grid servers host the cache (stored in BackingMaps).
The terms "grid server" and "ObjectGrid server" are interchangeable. In this, and other product documentation, particularly older documents, you will see ObjectGrid used at times.
- Grid client
Clients connect to a grid and are attached to the whole grid. Clients need to examine the key of application data to determine to which partition to route the request. Any entity that is attached to the grid with any kind of request becomes a client. A client contains an ObjectMap and can contain a near-cache copy of a BackingMap.
The terms "grid client" and "ObjectGrid client" are interchangeable.
A grid client can maintain an independent copy (near-cache) of a subset of the server data (far-cache). The far-cache is always shared between clients. The near-cache (if in use) is shared between all threads of the grid client. Clients can read data from multiple partitions in a single transaction. However, clients can only update a single partition in a transaction.
In our integration scenarios, we install the eXtreme Scale Client on WebSphere Portal Server and WebSphere Commerce Server so that it can communicate with a remote grid.
Catalog service
The catalog service, as shown in Figure 3-5, is a highly available service that maintains the healthy operation of grid servers and containers. The catalog service is made highly available by starting more than one catalog service process.
The catalog service becomes the central nervous system of the grid operation by providing the following essential operation services:
- Location service to all grid clients
- Health management of the catalog and grid container servers
- Shard distribution and re-distribution
- Policy and rule enforcement
Shard placement
The catalog service plays an instrumental role in the elastic nature of the grid configuration. It is responsible for replication, distribution, and assignment of the shards to grid containers. The catalog service evenly distributes the primary shards and their replicas among the registered container servers.
Water flow algorithm
The mechanism employed to distribute shards among the available grid containers is based on an algorithm resembling the natural flow of water. As grid container servers leave and join the grid, shards are re-distributed.
This re-distribution maintains shard placement rules, such as not placing primary and replica shards in the same container, or even the same machine, to maintain high availability. Section 3.5, Zone support introduces another important shard placement rule.
The water flow algorithm...
- Ensures the equitable distribution of the total number of shards across the total number of available containers.
- Ensures that no one container is overloaded when other containers are available to host shards.
- Enables fault tolerance when the primary shard disappears (due to container failure or crash) by promoting a replica shard to primary shard.
If a replica shard disappears, another is created and placed on an appropriate container, preserving the placement rules. Other key aspects of the approach are that it minimizes the number of shards moved and the time required to calculate the shard distribution changes. Both of these concerns are important to allowing linear scaling.
To ensure high (or continuous) availability of a data partition, WebSphere eXtreme Scale ensures that primary and replica shards of a partitions are never placed in the same container or even on the same machine.
Figure 3-6 shows four partitions, each with a primary shard and one replica shard, distributed across four containers.
Figure 3-7 shows how the shard placement adjusts when one of the containers fails and only three containers are available for placement. In this case, no primary partitions were affected so no replicas were promoted to be primary partitions. The two failed replica partitions are simply recreated in another container in the grid.
Zone support
Zone support allows for rules-based shard placement, enabling high availability of the grid by placing replica shards across physical locations. This notion is particularly appealing to enterprise environments that need data replication and availability across geographically-dispersed data centers. In the past, these enterprise computing environments were limited due to the performance constraints imposed by networks and real-time data replication requirements.
With the inclusion of zone support, WebSphere eXtreme Scale offers better scalability by decoupling the grid environment. With zone support, only the metadata shared by the catalog servers is synchronously replicated. The data objects are copied asynchronously across networks. This not only enables better location awareness and access of objects, but also imposes fewer burdens on enterprise networks by eliminating the requirement of real time replication.
As long as the catalog service sees zones being registered (as the zoned grid container servers come alive), the primary and replica shards are striped across zones. Further, the zone rules described in the grid deployment descriptor file dictate placement of synchronous or asynchronous replica shards in respective zones.
As a general practice, place only synchronous replicas in the same zone and asynchronous replicas in a different zone for optimal replication performance. This placement is also optimal for scaling across geographies or data centers. This configuration also ensures high availability for a grid container server failure in a local zone (synchronous replica), and ensures high availability in a complete data center failure (asynchronous replica).
Typically, catalog servers are placed in each data center or zone, and the catalog servers synchronize their object/shard routing information. The catalog service must be clustered for high availability in every zone. The catalog service retains topology information of all of the containers and controls shard placement and routing for all clients.
This flexibility ensures the availability of data to the application regardless of its zoned location. The catalog service provides up-to-date routing information about the location of an object if the object is not found in the zone with the closest proximity to the application container.
Figure 3-8 shows the relationship between zones and catalog servers.
Zone-based routing
WebSphere eXtreme Scale provides a mechanism for clients to set preferences on how their requests are routed. eXtreme Scale supports a routing preference for zones, local host, and local process. This preference applies to both...
- hash-based fixed partitions
- per-container partitions
Proximity-based routing provides the capacity to minimize client traffic across zone boundaries to minimize client traffic across machines, and to minimize client traffic across processes.
Heap size and the number of JVMs
Although the eXtreme Scale grid offers linear scalability, grid deployment, data size, and application patterns determine the size and volume of JVMs that make up the grid. This is also an important data point to facilitate future growth of the grid. Consider grid deployment factors such as estimated partition size, number of partitions, number of synchronous and asynchronous replicas, desired availability, zoned deployment over geographies, and so forth, when deciding the total JVMs and size (in terms of memory allocation) of JVMs that make up the grid.
Number of grids
A single grid infrastructure can support many logical grid instances, each containing a distinct set of maps and data. A single application can connect to multiple grid instances if required. In general, assign each application its own dedicated grid instance, except in cases where data is shared between applications.
Put a different way, multiple applications and multiple grids can share the same catalog service. In general, provide each logical set of grids used by one or more applications its own dedicated catalog service to maintain a separation of applications so that one application's problems do not cause failures in the other applications.
Catalog servers
Plan for catalog service high availability and sizing requirements. The decision on the number of catalog servers in the catalog service depends on overall grid size, desired high availability, and zones configuration. As a general rule, use at least two catalog servers for high availability, and at least one per zone.
Sizing for growth
WebSphere eXtreme Scale can scale linearly with growth. Growth imperatives include decisions and considerations regarding grid topology, hardware requirements and availability, and managed or stand-alone grid environment. The driving factors are the resource (hardware and software) availability and the set of tasks involved in adding grid containers to expand the grid on demand. This imperative can also include the decision points and operational procedures required to add to the grid capacity.Set the number of partitions high enough to allow for future growth. After the application is deployed, the number of partitions cannot be changed without restarting the entire grid. This means that beyond the point where there is one only one shard on each grid container JVM, adding more JVMs will not provide any benefit. A good general rule is 10 shards per grid container JVM.
Offloading data from server JVMs
Offloading data to an external JVM is the preferred topology when you face memory constraints or huge memory requirements with the existing environment. As we mentioned previously, WebSphere eXtreme Scale provides a highly scalable and elastic environment for large memory requirements and helps the application JVM work efficiently. In integration scenarios, you can offload dynamic caches and sessions from application JVMs to remote eXtreme Scale JVMs.
Remote managed eXtreme Scale topology
Figure 3-9 shows the grid installed in the WebSphere Application Server JVM and is remote to the application. Apart from the offloading feature, it also provides more flexibility and ease of management. We use this topology in our examples.
Remote managed topology gives you the following advantages:
- Offloading of session or cache data from the application JVMs helps the application respond faster
- Better management facilities using the Network Deployment administrative console
- Clustering and high availability management is taken care of by WebSphere Network Deployment
- Adding and removing grid members is easier
- Zones can be easily set up using the nodegroup facility
- Existing monitoring tools of the WebSphere Network Deployment environment can be easily leveraged
A disadvantage when using remote managed topology is the cost factor.
Remote stand-alone eXtreme Scale topology
Figure 3-10 shows a remote stand-alone eXtreme Scale topology. In this example, the grid client communicates to the remote stand-alone grid server. The WebSphere Application Server container does not host the grid. This setup provides all of the facilities provided by the embedded version except for the WebSphere Application Server monitoring features.
Advantages when using remote stand-alone topology include:
- Cost savings because there are no WebSphere Application Server license issues involved.
- Session and dynamic cache offloading.
Disadvantages when using remote stand-alone topology include:
- Less administrative control due to the absence of WebSphere Application Server administrative console.
- Certain monitoring techniques are not supported in a stand-alone environment. Tivoli Performance Viewer and Cache Monitor runs only in a WebSphere Application Server environment.
Embedded topology
In the local cache topology shown in Figure 3-11, the application logic runs in the same JVM as the data in the grid. Each application can only access the local grid instance to store or retrieve data from its cache. In this case, WebSphere eXtreme Scale is used as a simple local cache.
This topology can perform faster than using a database if the needed data can be found in the local ObjectGrid. This avoids a remote procedure call (RPC) to the back-end data store. Using WebSphere eXtreme Scale as a local cache can also reduce the load on your back-end data store. This topology is not recommended for fault tolerance or high availability.
A big drawback with this approach is you have more than one cache for the data. In this case, you have to keep the caches in sync. If an object is cached in both JVMs and is changed in one of them, the other cache becomes outdated. The two caches must be set up to shared cache to resolve the object, which is difficult to set up. This topology also scales poorly as you add applications with local caches. Use the following topologies instead to use a shared cache and avoid the problem altogether. This topology works well only when the applications are reading the data and not making any changes.
Embedded partitioned topology
In the colocated application and cache topology shown in Figure 3-12, the application logic runs in the same JVM as the data in the grid. However, the data stored in the grid is spread across all of the JVMs that have WebSphere eXtreme Scale installed and configured.
This topology can be faster than using a database because an application can take advantage of the grid near-cache to compensate for the RPC calls made when the requested data is stored on another server in the grid or can only be found in the back-end datastore. This topology can also reduce the load on your back-end datastore.
With this topology, replica shards that sit in a JVM other than the primary can be used to ensure fault tolerance and high availability.
High availability and multiple data center topologies
A zone-based topology helps enterprise computing environments to distribute their data cache across geographies for high availability and disaster recovery motives. For the distributed application spanning across multiple data centers, a multi-master topology helps in reducing data access time. In this section, we compare two topologies: zone-based and multi-master.
Zone-based topology
Zone support provides control of shard placement in the WebSphere eXtreme Scale-enabled grid. By definition, zones can be considered as a set of grid containers that belong to a domain or exist within a boundary. Multiple zones can be envisioned to exist across WANs and LANs, or even in the same LAN, but one zone is not intended to span across a WAN. Instead, define multiple zones across a WAN and combine them to form one single grid. Such a topology includes the following advantages:
- High availability of data cache across geographies
- Proximity of data to the application
- Controlled rule-based replication
- Primary and replica can be placed in separate zones, satisfying the disaster recovery requirements
The replication of data in real time, such as HTTP session data and application data, was a concern in the past due to cost of network and computing resources. The effort and costs involved in achieving this type of replication outweighed the potential benefits. Slower network connections mean lower bandwidth and higher latency connections. Zone-based replication factors include the possibility of network partitions, latencies, network congestion, and other factors.
A WebSphere eXtreme Scale grid adjusts to this unpredictable environment in the following ways:
- Limiting heartbeat to reduce traffic and processing
- Exploiting the catalog service as a centralized location service
The catalog service uses the WebSphere Application Server high availability manager to group processes together for availability monitoring. Each grouping of the processes is a core group. With eXtreme Scale, the core group manager dynamically groups the processes together. These processes are kept small to allow for scalability. Each core group elects a leader that has the added responsibility of sending status to the core group manager when individual members fail. The same status mechanism is used to discover when all the members of a group fail, which causes the communication with the leader to fail.
Multi-master topology
Using the multi-master asynchronous replication feature, two or more data grids can become exact mirrors of one another. This mirroring is accomplished using asynchronous replication among links connecting the grids together. Each grid is hosted in an independent catalog service domain, with its own catalog service, container servers, and a unique name.
With the multi-master asynchronous replication feature, you can use links to interconnect a collection of these catalog service domains and then synchronize the catalog service domains, using replication over the links. Such a topology includes the following advantages:
- Availability and partition tolerance.
- eXtreme Scale uses a arbitrator to resolve collisions.
- Replication is not queue based. There is no concern if the link is down.
- Each container JVM communicates directly to the shards in the other location.
- Lower response time for user queries.
In a distributed environment, especially those that span data centers across a LAN and WAN, management of client response time is a challenge. As shown in Figure 3-14, response time for the client accessing data from a data center located in a separate geographic region can vary greatly as compared to accessing data from a data center located in its own geographic region. In a multi-master topology, every domain can have its own primary replica. Every domain asynchronously replicates data with its linked domains. Data written to one primary is asychronously replicated to linked primaries as well. This data can be read locally from any data center.