5.4 Monitoring


5.4 Monitoring

There are several options and interfaces available for monitoring an eXtreme Scale deployment environment:

The Statistics API, a direct interface to eXtreme Scale's internal statistics tree (see http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/wxsinfo/v7r1/index.jsp?topic=/com.ibm.websphere.extremescale.prog.doc/txsmonitorstats.html)

The WebSphere Application Server performance monitoring infrastructure (PMI) and Tivoli Performance Viewer

MBeans statistics

The xsadmin utility

Logs and traces

Tools like IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Hyper HQ and CA Wily Introscope

Most of these statistics monitoring options are built on an internal statistics tree but are used for different reasons. In this chapter we will be focusing on the xsadmin utility and PMI to monitor session management on eXtreme Scale. For more information about other monitoring options, see Section 3.8, Monitoring eXtreme Scale.

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