WebSphere eXtreme Scale Product Overview > Transaction processing
Transactions have many advantages for data storage and manipulation. You can use transactions to protect the grid from concurrent changes, to apply multiple changes as a concurrent unit, to replicate data and to implement a life cycle for locks on changes.
Transaction overview
Use transactions for the following reasons:
- To protect a thread from concurrent changes.
- To apply multiple changes as an atomic unit at commit time.
- To implement a life cycle for locks on changes.
- To act as the unit of replication.
When a transaction starts, WebSphere eXtreme Scale allocates a special difference map to hold the current changes or copies of key and value pairs that the transaction uses. Typically, when a key and value pair is accessed, the value is copied before the application receives the value. The difference map tracks all changes for operations such as insert, update, get, remove, and so on. Keys are not copied because they are assumed to be immutable. If an ObjectTransformer object is specified, then this object is used for copying the value. If the transaction is using optimistic locking, then before images of the values are also tracked for comparison when the transaction commits.
If a transaction is rolled back, then the difference map information is discarded, and locks on entries are released. When a transaction commits, the changes are applied to the maps and locks are released. If optimistic locking is being used, then eXtreme Scale compares the before image versions of the values with the values that are in the map. These values must match for the transaction to commit. This comparison enables a multiple version locking scheme, but at a cost of two copies being made when the transaction accesses the entry. All values are copied again and the new copy is stored in the map. WebSphere eXtreme Scale performs this copy to protect itself against the application changing the application reference to the value after a commit.
You can avoid using several copies of the information. The application can save a copy by using pessimistic locking instead of optimistic locking as the cost of limiting concurrency. The copy of the value at commit time can also be avoided if the application agrees not to change a value after a commit.
Transaction size
Larger transactions are more efficient, especially for replication. However, larger transactions can adversely impact concurrency because the locks on entries are held for a longer period of time. If you use larger transactions, you can increase replication performance. This performance increase is important when you are pre-loading a Map. Experiment with different batch sizes to determine what works best for the scenario.Larger transactions also help with loaders. If a loader is being used that can perform SQL batching, then significant performance gains are possible depending on the transaction and significant load reductions on the database side. This performance gain depends on the Loader implementation.
CopyMode attribute
You can tune the number of copies by defining the CopyMode attribute of the BackingMap or ObjectMap objects. The copy mode has the following values:
The COPY_ON_READ_AND_COMMIT value is the default. The COPY_ON_READ value copies on the initial data retrieved, but does not copy at commit time. This mode is safe if the application does not modify a value after committing a transaction. The NO_COPY value does not copy data, which is only safe for read-only data. If the data never changes then you do not need to copy it for isolation reasons.
Be careful when you use the NO_COPY attribute value with maps that can be updated. WebSphere eXtreme Scale uses the copy on first touch to allow the transaction rollback. The application only changed the copy, and as a result, eXtreme Scale discards the copy. If the NO_COPY attribute value is used, and the application modifies the committed value, completing a rollback is not possible. Modifying the committed value leads to problems with indexes, replication, and so on because the indexes and replicas update when the transaction commits. If you modify committed data and then roll back the transaction, which does not actually roll back at all, then the indexes are not updated and replication does not take place. Other threads can see the uncommitted changes immediately, even if they have locks. Use the NO_COPY attribute value for read-only maps or for applications that complete the appropriate copy before modifying the value. If you use the NO_COPY attribute value and call IBM support with a data integrity problem, you are asked to reproduce the problem with the copy mode set to COPY_ON_READ_AND_COMMIT.
The COPY_TO_BYTES value stores values in the map in a serialized form. At read time, eXtreme Scale inflates the value from a serialized form and at commit time it stores the value to a serialized form. With this method, a copy occurs at both read and commit time.
The default copy mode for a map can be configured on the BackingMap object. You can also change the copy mode on maps before you start a transaction by using the ObjectMap.setCopyMode method.
An example of a backing map snippet from an objectgrid.xml file that shows how to set the copy mode for a given backing map follows. This example assumes that you are using cc as the objectgrid/config namespace.
<cc:backingMap name="RuntimeLifespan" copyMode="NO_COPY"/>
See CopyMode best practices for more information.
Automatic commit mode
If no transaction is actively started, then when an application interacts with an ObjectMap object, an automatic begin and commit operation is done on behalf of the application. This automatic begin and commit operation works, but prevents rollback and locking from working effectively. Synchronous replication speed is impacted because of the very small transaction size. If you are using an entity manager application, then do not use automatic commit mode because objects that are looked up with the EntityManager.find method immediately become unmanaged on the method return and become unusable.
Locking mode and transactions
Locks are bound by transactions. You can specify the following locking settings:
- No locking: Running without the locking setting is the fastest. If you are using read-only data, then you might not need locking.
- Pessimistic locking: Acquires locks on entries, then and holds the locks until commit time. This locking strategy provides good consistency at the expense of throughput.
- Optimistic locking: Takes a before image of every record that the transaction touches and compares the image to the current entry values when the transaction commits. If the entry values change, then the transaction rolls back. No locks are held until commit time. This locking strategy provides better concurrency than the pessimistic strategy, at the risk of the transaction rolling back and the memory cost of making the extra copy of the entry.
Set the locking strategy on the BackingMap. You cannot change the locking strategy for each transaction. An example XML snippet that shows how to set the locking mode on a map using the XML file follows, assuming cc is the namespace for the objectgrid/config namespace:
<cc:backingMap name="RuntimeLifespan" lockStrategy="PESSIMISTIC" />
External transaction coordinators
Typically, transactions begin with the session.begin method and end with the session.commit method. However, when eXtreme Scale is embedded, the transactions might be started and ended by an external transaction coordinator. If you are using an external transaction coordinator, you do not need to call the session.begin method and end with the session.commit method. See the Program Guide for more information about eXtreme Scale and external transaction interaction. If you are using WebSphere Application Server, you can use the WebSphereTranscationCallback plug-in. See the Program Guide for more information about the plug-ins that are available with WebSphere eXtreme Scale.
Parent topic
Transaction processing