WebSphere eXtreme Scale Product Overview > Cache concepts > Database integration > Side cache and in-line cache > In-line caching scenarios > Loaders > Data pre-loading and warm-up
Write-behind caching
You can use write-behind caching to reduce the overhead that occurs when updating a database you are using as a back end.
Write-behind caching asynchronously queues updates to the Loader plug-in. You can improve performance by disconnecting updates, inserts, and removes for a map, the overhead of updating the back-end database. The asynchronous update is performed after a time-based delay (for example, five minutes) or an entry-based delay (1000 entries).
Figure 1. Write-behind caching
The write-behind configuration on a BackingMap creates a thread between the loader and the map. The loader then delegates data requests through the thread according to the configuration settings in the BackingMap.setWriteBehind method. When an eXtreme Scale transaction inserts, updates, or removes an entry from a map, a LogElement object is created for each of these records. These elements are sent to the write-behind loader and queued in a special ObjectMap called a queue map. Each backing map with the write-behind setting enabled has its own queue maps. A write-behind thread periodically removes the queued data from the queue maps and pushes them to the real back-end loader.
The write-behind loader only sends insert, update, and delete types of LogElement objects to the real loader. All other types of LogElement objects, for example, EVICT type, are ignored.
Enable write-behind support has the following benefits:
- Back end failure isolation: Write-behind caching provides an isolation layer from back end failures. When the back-end database fails, updates are queued in the queue map. The applications can continue driving transactions to eXtreme Scale. When the back end recovers, the data in the queue map is pushed to the back-end.
- Reduced back end load: The write-behind loader merges the updates on a key basis so only one merged update per key exists in the queue map. This merge decreases the number of updates to the back-end database.
- Improved transaction performance: Individual eXtreme Scale transaction times are reduced because the transaction does not need to wait for the data to be synchronized with the back-end.
Application design considerations
Enable write-behind support is simple, but designing an application to work with write-behind support needs careful consideration. Without write-behind support, the ObjectGrid transaction encloses the back-end transaction. The ObjectGrid transaction starts before the back-end transaction starts, and it ends after the back-end transaction ends.
With write-behind support enabled, the ObjectGrid transaction finishes before the back-end transaction starts. The ObjectGrid transaction and back-end transaction are de-coupled.
Referential integrity constraints
Each backing map that is configured with write-behind support has its own write-behind thread to push the data to the back-end. Therefore, the data that updated to different maps in one ObjectGrid transaction are updated to the back-end in different back-end transactions. For example, transaction T1 updates key key1 in map Map1 and key key2 in map Map2. The key1 update to map Map1 is updated to the back-end in one back-end transaction, and the key2 updated to map Map2 is updated to the back-end in another back-end transaction by different write-behind threads. If data stored in Map1 and Map2 have relations, such as foreign key constraints in the back-end, the updates might fail.
When designing the referential integrity constraints in the back-end database, ensure that out-of-order updates are allowed.
Queue map locking behavior
Another major transaction behavior difference is the locking behavior. ObjectGrid supports three different locking strategies: PESSIMISTIC, OPTIMISITIC, and NONE. The write-behind queue maps uses pessimistic locking strategy no matter which lock strategy is configured for its backing map. Two different types of operations exist that acquire a lock on the queue map:
- When an ObjectGrid transaction commits, or a flush (map flush or session flush) happens, the transaction reads the key in the queue map and places an S lock on the key.
- When an ObjectGrid transaction commits, the transaction tries to upgrade the S lock to X lock on the key.
Because of this extra queue map behavior, you can see some locking behavior differences.
- If the user map is configured as PESSIMISTIC locking strategy, there isn't much locking behavior difference. Every time a flush or commit is called, an S lock is placed on the same key in the queue map. During the commit time, not only is an X lock acquired for key in the user map, it is also acquired for the key in the queue map.
- If the user map is configured as OPTIMISTIC or NONE locking strategy, the user transaction will follow the PESSIMISTIC locking strategy pattern. Every time a flush or commit is called, an S lock is acquired for the same key in the queue map. During the commit time, an X lock is acquired for the key in the queue map using the same transaction.
Loader transaction retries
ObjectGrid does not support 2-phase or XA transactions. The write-behind thread removes records from the queue map and updates the records to the back-end. If the server fails in the middle of the transaction, some back-end updates can be lost.
The write-behind loader will automatically retry to write failed transactions and will send an in-doubt LogSequence to the back-end to avoid data loss. This action requires the loader to be idempotent, which means when the Loader.batchUpdate(TxId, LogSequence) is called twice with the same value, it gives the same result as if it were applied one time. Loader implementations must implement the RetryableLoader interface to enable this feature. See the API documentation for more details.
Loader failures
The loader plug-in can fail when it is unable to communicate to the database back end. This can happen if the database server or the network connection is down. The write-behind loader will queue the updates and try to push the data changes to the loader periodically. The loader must notify the ObjectGrid run time that there is a database connectivity problem by throwing a LoaderNotAvailableException exception.
Therefore, the Loader implementation should be able to distinguish a data failure or a physical loader failure. Data failure should be thrown or re-thrown as a LoaderException or an OptimisticCollisionException, but a physical loader failure should be thrown or re-thrown as a LoaderNotAvailableException. ObjectGrid handles these two exceptions differently:
- If a LoaderException is caught by the write-behind loader, the write-behind loader will consider it fails due to some data failure, such as duplicate key failure. The write-behind loader will unbatch the update, and try the update one record at one time to isolate the data failure. If A {{LoaderException}}is caught again during the one record update, a failed update record is created and logged in the failed update map.
- If a LoaderNotAvailableException is caught by the write-behind loader, the write-behind loader will consider it fails because it cannot connect to the database end, for example, the database back-end is down, a database connection is not available, or the network is down. The write-behind loader will wait for 15 seconds and then re-try the batch update to the database.
The common mistake is to throw a LoaderException while a LoaderNotAvailableException should be thrown. All the records queued in the write-behind loader will become failed update records, which defeats the purpose of back-end failure isolation.
Performance considerations
Write-behind caching support increases response time by removing the loader update from the transaction. It also increases database throughput since database updates are combined. It is important to understand the overhead introduced by write-behind thread, which pulls the data out of the queue map and pushed to the loader.
The maximum update count or the maximum update time need to be adjusted based on the expected usage patterns and environment. If the value of the maximum update count or the maximum update time is too small, the overhead of the write-behind thread may exceed the benefits. Setting a large value for these two parameters could also increase the memory usage for queuing the data and increase the stale time of the database records.
For best performance, tune the write-behind parameters based on the following factors:
- Ratio of read and write transactions
- Same record update frequency
- Database update latency.
Parent topic
Data pre-loading and warm-up