WebSphere eXtreme Scale Administration Guide > Install and deploy WebSphere eXtreme Scale
Install stand-alone WebSphere eXtreme Scale
You can install stand-alone WebSphere eXtreme Scale in an environment that does not contain WebSphere Application Server or WAS ND.
Before you begin
- Verify that the target installation directory is empty or does not exist.
If a previous version of eXtreme Scale or the ObjectGrid component exists in the directory that you specify to install v7.0, the product is not installed. For example, you may have a previously existing <wxs_install_root>/ObjectGrid folder. You can either choose a different installation directory or cancel the installation. Next, uninstall the previous installation and run the wizard again.
- For improved performance and serviceability, download and install an IBM developer kit from developerWorks.
Restriction: If you are using hardware from an independent vendor, select one of the following options to download and install a developer kit.
- Download a Sun Java Development Kit (JDK).
- Download a JDK or Java™ Runtime Environment (JRE) from another independent software vendor.
When you install the product as stand-alone, you install the eXtreme Scale client and server independently. Server and client processes, therefore, access all required resources locally. You can also embed eXtreme Scale into existing Java Platform, Standard Edition (J2SE) applications by using scripts and Java archive (JAR) files.
WebSphere eXtreme Scale relies on ObjectGrid processes and related APIs. The following table lists the JAR files that are included in the installation.
Table 1. Runtime files in the /ObjectGrid/lib installation directory File name Environment Description cglib.jar Local, client, and server
The cglib.jar file is read by the cglib utility function when you are using the copy-on-write copy mode and when you are using the EntityManager API to track the changes of an entity. The file is automatically included in the server runtime environment when you use the supplied scripts. Add this file to the client or local runtime environment. The cglib.jar file is a CGLIB library and its version is cglib-nodep-2.1_3.jar.
objectgrid.jar Local, client, and server
The objectgrid.jar file is used by the server runtime environment of J2SE v1.4.2 and later. The file is automatically included in the server runtime environment when you use the supplied scripts.
ogagent.jar Local, client, and server
The ogagent.jar file contains the runtime classes that are required to run the Java instrumentation agent that is used with the EntityManager API.
ogclient.jar Local and client
The ogclient.jar file contains only the local and client runtime environments. You can use this file with J2SE v1.4.2 and later.
wsogclient.jar Local and client
The wsogclient.jar file is included when you install the product in an environment that contains WebSphere Application Server v6.0.2 and later. This file contains only the local and client runtime environments.
wxsdynacache.jar Server only
The wxsdynacache.jar file contains the necessary classes to use with the dynamic cache provider. The file is automatically included in the server runtime environment when you use the supplied scripts.
Attention: The file is in the ObjectGrid/dynacache/lib directory.
- Use the wizard to complete the installation. Run the following script to start the wizard:
- Follow the prompts in the wizard, and click Finish to complete the installation.
Restriction: The optional features panel lists the features from which you can choose to install. However, features cannot be added incrementally to the product environment after the product is installed. If you choose not to install a feature with the initial product installation, uninstall and reinstall the product to add the feature.
What to do next
Read about configuring eXtreme Scale to set up the client application processes and server processes.
- Use the Object Request Broker with stand-alone WebSphere eXtreme Scale processes
You can use WebSphere eXtreme Scale with applications that use the Object Request Broker (ORB) directly in environments that do not contain WebSphere Application Server or WAS ND.
Parent topic
Install and deploy WebSphere eXtreme ScaleRelated reference