WebSphere eXtreme Scale Administration Guide > Install and deploy WebSphere eXtreme Scale > Integrate WebSphere eXtreme Scale with WebSphere Application Server > Use the Installation Factory plug-in to create and install customized packages
Silently installing a CIP or an IIP
You can silently install a customized installation package (CIP) or an integrated installation package (IIP) for the product by using either a fully-qualified response file, which you configure specifically to the needs, or parameters that you pass to the command line.
Before you begin
Create the build definition file for the CIP or IIP. See Create a build definition file and generate a CIP for more information.
A silent installation uses the same installation program that the graphical user interface (GUI) version uses. However, instead of displaying a wizard interface, the silent installation reads all of the responses from a file that you customize, or from parameters that you pass to the command line. If you are silently installing an IIP, you can invoke a contribution with a combination of options that you specify directly on the command line, as well as options that you specify in a response file. However, any contribution options that you pass to the command line causes the IIP installer to ignore all of the options that are specified in a specific contribution's response file. See the detailed IIP installation options for more information.
You must specify the fully-qualified response file name. Specifying the relative path causes the installation to fail with no indication that an error occurred.
- Optional: If you choose to install the CIP or IIP using a response file, first customize the file.
- Copy the response file, wxssetup.response.txt, from the product DVD to the disk drive.
- Open and edit the response file in the text editor of the choice. The file includes comments to assist the configuration process and must include these parameters:
- The license agreement
- The location of the product installation
Tip: The installer uses the location that you select for the installation to determine where the WebSphere Application Server instance is installed. If you install on a node with multiple WebSphere Application Server instances, clearly define the location.
- Run the following script to start the customized response file.
install -options /absolute_path/response_file.txt -silent
install.bat -options C:\drive_path\response_file.txt -silent
- Optional: If you choose to install the CIP or IIP by passing certain parameters to the command line, run the following script to start the installation:
install -silent -OPT silentInstallLicenseAcceptance=true -OPT installLocation=install_location
install.bat -silent -OPT silentInstallLicenseAcceptance=true -OPT installLocation=install_location
where install_location is the location of the existing WebSphere Application Server installation.
- Review the resulting logs for errors or an installation failure.
You silently installed the CIP or IIP.
What to do next
If you are running WebSphere Application Server v6.1 or v7.0, you can use the Profile Management Tool plug-in or the manageprofiles command to create and augment profiles. If you are running WebSphere Application Server v6.0.2, use the wasprofile command to create and augment profiles.
If you augmented profiles for eXtreme Scale during the installation process, you can deploy applications, start a catalog service, and start the containers in the WebSphere Application Server environment. See Administer WebSphere eXtreme Scale with WebSphere Application Server for more information.
- wxssetup.response.txt file
You can use a fully qualified response file to install WebSphere eXtreme Scale silently.
Parent topic
Use the Installation Factory plug-in to create and install customized packagesRelated reference