WebSphere eXtreme Scale Administration Guide > Install and deploy WebSphere eXtreme Scale > Integrate WebSphere eXtreme Scale with WebSphere Application Server > Use the Installation Factory plug-in to create and install customized packages > Create a build definition file and generate a CIP
Install a CIP to apply maintenance to an existing product installation
You can apply maintenance packages to an existing product installation by installing a customized installation package (CIP). The process of applying maintenance to an existing installation with a CIP is commonly referred to as a slip installation.
Before you begin
Create a build definition file to specify what options to include in the CIP. See Create a build definition file and generate a CIP for more information.
When applying maintenance with a CIP that contains a refresh pack, a fix pack, or both, all previously installed authorized program analysis reports (APAR) are uninstalled by the wizard. If the CIP is at the same level as the product, previously installed APARs remain only if they are packaged in the CIP.
To successfully apply maintenance to an existing installation, include the installed features in the CIP.
- Stop all processes that are running on the workstation you are preparing for installation.
To stop the deployment manager, run the following script:
To stop the nodes, run the following script:
- Run the following script to start the installation:
- Follow the prompts in the wizard to complete the installation.
The installation preview summary lists the resulting product version and any applicable features and interim fixes. Next, the wizard successfully applies the maintenance, and updates the features of the product.
The product binary files are copied to the was_home/properties/version/nif/backup directory. You can use the IBM Update Installer to uninstall the update and restore the workstation. See Uninstall CIP updates from an existing product installation for more information.
Parent topic
Create a build definition file and generate a CIP