WebSphere eXtreme Scale Administration Guide > Administer the WebSphere eXtreme Scale environment > Administering WebSphere eXtreme Scale with WebSphere Application Server

Configure ports in a WebSphere Application Server environment

The catalog service runs a single instance within the deployment manager by default, and uses the Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (IIOP) bootstrap port for the deployment manager Java™ virtual machine.

Web applications or Enterprise JavaBeans™ (EJB) applications within a cell can connect to grids that are within the same cell using the null,null connect call instead of specifying catalog service bootstrap ports.

If the catalog service grid in WebSphere Application Server is hosted by the deployment manager, clients outside the cell (including Java Platform, Standard Edition clients) must connect to the catalog service using the deployment manager host name and the IIOP bootstrap port.

When the catalog service runs in WebSphere Application Server cells while the clients run outside the cells, locate client connect ports by locating the cell custom properties with the catalog.services.cluster name. If this entry is found, then use the entry to connect the clients to the catalog service, but if not, use the IIOP port on the deployment manager for the client connection. If the clients are in WebSphere Application Server cells, you can retrieve ports from the CatalogServerProperties interface directly.

eXtreme Scale reuses the high availability manager Distribution and Consistency Services (DCS) ports for group membership. Java Management Extensions (JMX) ports are also reused.

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Administer WebSphere eXtreme Scale with WebSphere Application Server


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