WebSphere eXtreme Scale Administration Guide > Configure WebSphere eXtreme Scale > Integrate with Spring framework
Spring descriptor XML file
Use a Spring descriptor XML file to configure and integrate eXtreme Scale with Spring.
In the following sections, each element and attribute of the Spring objectgrid.xsd file is defined. The Spring objectgrid.xsd file is in the ogspring.jar file and the objectgrid namespace com/ibm/ws/objectgrid/spring/namespace. See the Spring objectgrid.xsd file for an example of the descriptor XML schema.
register element
Use the register element to register the default bean factory for the ObjectGrid.
- Number of occurrences: Zero to many
- Child element: None
- id
- Specifies the name of the default bean directory for a particular ObjectGrid.
- gridname
- Specifies the name of the ObjectGrid instance. The value assigned to this attribute must correspond to a valid ObjectGrid configured in the ObjectGrid descriptor file.
<register (1) id="register id" (2) gridname="ObjectGrid name" />
server element
Use the server element to define an eXtreme Scale server, which can host a container, a catalog service, or both.
- Number of occurrences: Zero to many
- Child element: None
- id
- Specifies the name of the eXtreme Scale server.
- tracespec
- Indicates the type of trace and enables trace and trace specification for the server.
- tracefile
- Provides the path and name of the traceFile to create and use.
- statspec
- Indicates the statistic specification for the server.
- jmxport
- Designates the unused port number through which to enable JMX/RMI connections. JMX enables monitoring and management from remote systems.
- isCatalog
- Specifies whether the particular server hosts a catalog service. The default value is false.
- name
- Specifies the name of the server.
<server (1) id="server id" (2) tracespec="the server trace specification" (3) tracefile="the server trace file" (4) statspec="the server statistic specification" (5) jmxport="JMX port number" (6) isCatalog="true"|”false” (7) name="the server name” />
catalog element
Use the catalog element to route to container servers in the data grid.
- Number of occurrences: Zero to many
- Child element: None
- host
- Host name of the workstation where the catalog service is running.
- port
- Port number paired with the host name to determine the catalog service port which the client can connect to.
<catalog (1) host="catalog service host name" (2) port="catalog service port number" />
container element
Use the container element to store the data itself.
- Number of occurrences: Zero to many
- Child element: None
- objectgridxml
- Path and name of the descriptor XML file to use that specifies characteristics for the ObjectGrid, including maps, locking strategy, and plug-ins.
- deploymentxml
- Path and name of the XML file that is used with the descriptor XML to determine partitioning, replication, number of initial containers, and other settings.
- server
- Server on which the container is hosted.
<server (1) objectgridxml="the objectgrid descriptor XML file" (2) deploymentxml ="the objectgrid deployment descriptor XML file " (3) server="the server reference " />
JPALoader element
Use the JPALoader element to synchronize the ObjectGrid cache with an existing backend data-store when using the ObjectMap API.
- Number of occurrences: Zero to many
- Child element: None
- entityClassName
- Enables usage of JPAs such as EntityManager.persist and EntityManager.find. The entityClassName attribute is required for the JPALoader.
- preloadPartition
- Partition number at which the map preload is started. If the value is less than 0, or greater than (totalNumberOfPartition – 1), the map preload is not started.
<JPALoader (1) entityClassName="the entity class name" (2) preloadPartition ="int" />
JPATxCallback element
Use the JPATxCallback element to coordinate JPA and ObjectGrid transactions.
- Number of occurrences: Zero to many
- Child element: None
- persistenceUnitName
- Creates a JPA EntityManagerFactory and locates the JPA entity meta-data in the persistence.xml file. The persistenceUnitName attribute is required.
- jpaPropertyFactory
- Factory to create a persistence property map to override the default persistence properties. This attribute should reference a bean.
- exceptionMapper
- Specifies the ExceptionMapper plug-in that can be used for JPA-specific or database-specific exception mapping functions. This attribute should reference a bean.
<JPATxCallback (1) persistenceUnitName="the JPA persistence unit name" (2) jpaPropertyFactory ="JPAPropertyFactory bean reference" (3) exceptionMapper="ExceptionMapper bean reference" />
JPAEntityLoader element
Use the JPAEntityLoader element to synchronize the ObjectGrid cache with an existing backend data-store when using the EntityManager API.
- Number of occurrences: Zero to many
- Child element: None
- entityClassName
- Enables usage of JPAs such as EntityManager.persist and EntityManager.find. The entityClassName attribute is optional for the JPAEntityLoader element. If the element is not configured, the entity class configured in the ObjectGrid entity map is used. The same class must be used for the ObjectGrid EntityManager and for the JPA provider.
- preloadPartition
- Partition number at which the map preload is started. If the value is less than 0, or greater than (totalNumberOfPartition – 1) the map preload is not launched.
<JPAEntityLoader (1) entityClassName="the entity class name" (2) preloadPartition ="int" />
LRUEvictor element
Use the LRUEvictor element to decide which entries to evict when a map exceeds its maximum number of entries.
- Number of occurrences: Zero to many
- Child element: None
- maxSize
- Total entries in a queue until the evictor must intervene.
- sleepTime
- Sets the time in seconds between an evictor's sweep over map queues to determine any necessary actions on the map.
- numberOfLRUQueues
- Setting of how many queues the evictor must scan to avoid having a single queue that is the size of the entire map.
<LRUEvictor (1) maxSize="int" (2) sleepTime ="seconds" (3) numberOfLRUQueues ="int" />
LFUEvictor element
Use the LFUEvictor element to determine which entries to evict when a map exceeds its maximum number of entries.
- Number of occurrences: Zero to many
- Child element: None
- maxSize
- Total entries that are allowed in each heap until the evictor must act.
- sleepTime
- Sets the time in seconds between an evictor's sweeps over map heaps to determine any necessary actions on the map.
- numberOfHeaps
- Setting of how many heaps the evictor must scan to avoid having a single heap that is the size of the entire map.
<LFUEvictor (1) maxSize="int" (2) sleepTime ="seconds" (3) numberOfHeaps ="int"
HashIndex element
Use the HashIndex element with Java™ reflection to dynamically introspect objects stored in a map when the objects are updated.
- Number of occurrences: Zero to many
- Child element: None
- name
- Specifies the name of the index, which must be unique for each map.
- attributeName
- Specifies the name of the attribute to index. For field-access indexes, the attribute name is equivalent to the field name. For property-access indexes, the attribute name is the JavaBean-compatible property name.
- rangeIndex
- Indicates whether range indexing is enabled. The default value is false.
- fieldAccessAttribute
- Used for non-entity maps. The getter method is used to access the data. The default value is false. If you specify the value as true, the object is accessed using the fields directly.
- POJOKeyIndex
- Used for non-entity maps. The default value is false. If you specify the value as true, the index introspects the object in the key part of the map, which is useful when the key is a composite key and the value does not have the key embedded within it. If you do not set the value or you specify the value as false, the index introspects the object in the value part of the map.
<HashIndex (1) name="index name" (2) attributeName="attribute name" (3) rangeIndex ="true"|"false" (4) fieldAccessAttribute ="true"|"false" (5) POJOKeyIndex ="true"|"false" />
- Spring objectgrid.xsd file
Use the Spring objectgrid.xsd file to integrate eXtreme Scale with Spring to manage eXtreme Scale transactions and configure clients and servers.
Parent topic
Integrate with Spring framework