WebSphere eXtreme Scale Administration Guide > Administer the WebSphere eXtreme Scale environment > Stop stand-alone eXtreme Scale servers
stopOgServer script
The stopOgServer script stops servers.
By providing its name and catalogServiceEndpoints, you can use the stopOgServer script to stop a server.
The stopOgServer script is in the bin directory of the root directory, for example:cd objectgridRoot/bin
To stop a catalog server:
stopOgServer.bat <server> -catalogServiceEndPoints <csHost:csListenerPort,csHost:csListenerPort> [options]
stopOgServer.sh <server> -catalogServiceEndPoints <csHost:csListenerPort,csHost:csListenerPort> [options]To stop an ObjectGrid container server:
stopOgServer.bat <server> -catalogServiceEndPoints <csHost:csListenerPort,csHost:csListenerPort> [options]
startOgServer.sh -catalogServiceEndPoints <csHost:csListenerPort,csHost:csListenerPort> [options]
- -clientSecurityFile <security properties file>
- -traceSpec <trace specification>
- String that specifies the scope of the trace that is enabled when the server starts.
- ObjectGrid=all=enabled
- ObjectGrid*=all=enabled
- -traceFile <trace file>
- Path of a file in which to save trace information.
Example: ../logs/c4Trace.log- -jvmArgs <JVM arguments>
- Every parameter after the -jvmArgs option is used to start the server Java™ virtual machine (JVM). When the -jvmArgs option is used, ensure that it is the last optional script argument specified.
Parent topic
Stop stand-alone eXtreme Scale servers
Related tasks
Stop stand-alone eXtreme Scale servers
Related reference
Distributed eXtreme Scale grid configuration