WebSphere eXtreme Scale Administration Guide > Monitor the deployment environment > Use Managed Beans (MBeans) to administer the environment
Managed MBean usage overview
You can used managed beans (MBeans) to track statistics in the environment.
Before you begin
For the attributes to be recorded, enable statistics. You can enable statistics in one of the following ways:
- With the server properties file:
You can enable statistics in the server properties file with a key-value entry of statsSpec=<StatsSpec>. Some examples of possible settings follow:
- To enable all statistics, use statsSpec=all=enabled or statisticsSpec=all=enabled
- To enable only ObjectGrid statistics, use statsSpec=og.all=enabled.
To see a description of all possible statistics specifications, see the StatsSpec API.
For more information about the server properties file, see Server properties file.
- Programmatically:
You can also enable statistics programmatically with the StatsAccessor interface, which is retrieved with the StatsAccessorFactory class. Use this interface in a client environment or when you need to monitor aneXtreme Scale that is running in the current process.
For an example of how to use managed beans, see Use the xsAdmin sample utility.
Parent topic
Use Managed Beans (MBeans) to administer the environment