WebSphere eXtreme Scale Administration Guide > Capacity planning

Sizing CPU per partition for transactions

Although a major functionality of eXtreme Scale is its ability for elastic scaling, it is also important to consider sizing and to adjust the ideal number of CPUs to scale up.

Processor costs include:

Java virtual machines per server

Use two servers and start the maximum JVM count per server. Use the calculated partition counts from the previous section. Then, preload the Java virtual machines with enough data to fit on these two computers only. Use a separate server as a client. Run a realistic transaction simulation against this grid of two servers.

To calculate the baseline, try to saturate the processor usage. If you cannot saturate the processor, then it is likely that the network is saturated. If the network is saturated, add more network cards and round robin the Java virtual machines over the multiple network cards.

Run the computers at 60% processor usage, and measure the create, retrieve, update, and delete transaction rate. This measurement provides the throughput on two servers. This number doubles with four servers, doubles again at 8 servers, and so on. This scaling assumes that the network capacity and client capacity is also able to scale.

As a result, eXtreme Scale response time should be stable as the number of servers is scaled up. The transaction throughput should scale linearly as computers are added to the grid.

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Capacity planning


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