WebSphere eXtreme Scale Administration Guide > Plan application deployment

Hardware and software requirements

You are not required to use a specific level of hardware or operating system for WebSphere eXtreme Scale.

However, for the official detailed list of supported hardware and software options by operating system for WebSphere eXtreme Scale, see the System Requirements page.

If there is a conflict between the information provided in the information center and the information on the System Requirements page, the information at the Web site takes precedence. Prerequisite information in the information center is provided as a convenience only.

Hardware requirements

WebSphere eXtreme Scale does not require a specific level of hardware. The hardware requirements are dependent on the supported hardware for the Java™ Platform, Standard Edition installation that you use to run WebSphere eXtreme Scale. If you are using eXtreme Scale with WebSphere Application Server or another Java Platform, Enterprise Edition implementation, the hardware requirements of these platforms are sufficient for WebSphere eXtreme Scale.

Operating system requirements

eXtreme Scale does not require a specific operating system level. Each Java SE and Java EE implementation requires different operating system levels or fixes for problems that are discovered during the testing of the Java implementation. The levels required by these implementations are sufficient for eXtreme Scale.

WebSphere Application Server requirements

eXtreme Scale clients and servers running in a distributed environment and local in-memory ObjectGrids are supported on WebSphere Application Server v6.0.2 and later.

To use the dynamic cache provider, the system must meet one of the following minimum requirements:

See the Recommended fixes for WebSphere Application Server for more information.

Other application server requirements

Other Java EE implementations can use the eXtreme Scale run time as a local instance or as a client to eXtreme Scale servers.

To implement Java SE, use v1.4.2 or later.

Parent topic

Plan application deployment

Related tasks

Migrate to WebSphere eXtreme Scale v7.0

Administer the WebSphere eXtreme Scale environment

Stop stand-alone eXtreme Scale servers

Install and deploy WebSphere eXtreme Scale


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