
This example demonstrates the ability of WebLogic Tuxedo Connector to allow WebLogic Server to interoperate with Tuxedo using conversations.



Interface Summary

TuxedoConversation The methods in this interface are the public face of the simpapp client.
TuxedoConversationHome This interface is the home interface for the, which in WebLogic is implemented by the code-generated container class TraderBeanC.


Class Summary

Client This class illustrates calling a stateful SessionBean and performing the following exercises: Create a TuxedoConversation Buy some shares using the TuxedoConversation Sell some shares using the TuxedoConversation Remove the TuxedoConversation
TuxedoConversationBean ToupperBean is a stateful SessionBean.

Package Description

This example demonstrates the ability of WebLogic Tuxedo Connector to allow WebLogic Server to interoperate with Tuxedo using conversations.

Configure the example

You need to configure Tuxedo and WLS.

Tuxedo configuration

  1. Your PATH environment variable needs to include the path of your C compiler. Use set PATH to check the status and add the path if necessary.
  2. Create a working Tuxedo convsimp directory.
  3. Copy the following files from the package to your working Tuxedo convsimp directory.
    • ubbdomain
    • dom1config
    • convcl.c
    • convsimp.c
  4. Change directories to the working Tuxedo convsimp directory
  5. Set environment variables. Update the following parameters:
    • TUXDIR - base directory of the TUXEDO Software
    • APPDIR - base directory of the sample program
    • PATH - must include %TUXDIR%\bin
    • TUXCONFIG - full pathname of binary tuxconfig file
    NT/2000 users modify setEnv.cmd located at %TUXDIR%. Unix users modify the tux.env file located at $TUXDIR.
  6. Build the clients:
      buildclient -o convcl -f convcl.c
      buildserver -o convsimp -f convsimp.c -s CTOUPPER
  7. Modify the ubbdomain for your Tuxedo environment. This includes setting the pathnames for APPDIR, TUXCONFIG, and TUXDIR and setting the machine name. Replace all <bracked> items with information for your environment.
  8. Load the ubbdomain file
      tmloadcf -y ubbdomain
  9. Modify the dom1config for your Tuxedo environment. This includes creating log devices and updating the network addresses.
    • Logs
    • NWADDR
      TDOM1 NWADDR="//TuxedoMachine:1234"
      TDOM2 NWADDR="//WTCMachine:5678"
  10. Load the dom1config file
      set BDMCONFIG=d:\my_apps\convsimp\bdmconfig
      dmloadcf -y dom1config
  11. Boot the Tuxedo domain
      tmboot -y
  12. Verify all processes have started using the tmadmin psc command.The following domain processes should have booted:
    • The CTOUPPER service

WLS Configuration

  1. Boot your WebLogic Examples Server
    • Make sure that no other WTCServer Mbeans are targeted to the examplesServer
    • Add TDOM1 to your WebLogic Server User list in the Security node.
  2. Change directories to the simpconv directory
  3. Set environment variables. Update the following parameters:
    • Set the APPLICATIONS to the location of the applications directory in your WebLogic Server installation
    • Set the CLIENT_CLASSES to build
    NT/2000 users modify and run the setExamplesEnv.cmd. Unix users copy ./config/examples/ script to your WTC simpapp directory, then modify and run the script.
  4. Build the wtc_tux_server_Conversations.jar file using ant.
    • Enter the following command: ant
  5. Change directories to the WTC convsimp directory
  6. Build the wtc_tux_Conversations.jar file using ant.
    • Enter the following command: ant
  7. Check to see that the wtc_tux_Conversations.jar and wtc_tux_server_Conversations.jar are deployed. Use the WLS console or check the config.xml file. Manually deploy the EJBs if needed.
  8. Configure your WTC convsimp service.
    • Enter the following command: ant setwtc

    You will be promped for your username, password, and the network addresses for your TDOM2 local Tuxedo access point and your TDOM1 remote Tuxedo access point. The following is an example of a successful configuration:
    Buildfile: build.xml
    [input] Enter system username:
    [input] Enter system password:
    [input] Enter the Network Address for your local access point, TDOM2:
    [input] Enter the Network Address for your remote access point, TDOM1:
    [java] Ok
    [java] Ok
    [java] Ok
    [java] Ok
    [java] Ok
    [java] Ok
    [java] Ok
    [java] Ok
    [java] Ok
    [java] Ok
    [java] Ok

    Note: If you are using a Tuxedo 6.5 service, you will need to set Interoperate in your Local Tuxedo Access Point Connections tab. You will need to untarget the WTC service, set Interoperate to yes, and then target and deploy the WTC service.

Run the example

Start a WLS client. From the WTC convsimp directory, start a client:
  • Use the following command: ant run

The Tuxedo service replies to your WLS application with:
Buildfile: build.xml
[java] Beginning statefulSession.Client...
[java] Creating TuxedoConversation
[java] datasize: 1 iterations: 1
[java] End statefulSession.Client...

Your WebLogic Server display the following:

setSessionContext called
ejbCreate called
conversation called, datasize:1 iterations: 1
About to start convesation
tpconnect successfull!
first send successful!
first receive successful!
second send successful!
second receive successful!

You are ready to run the simpconv example.

Use TraceLevel

If you have a problem running the simpapp example, use the WTC tracing feature. Add the TraceLevel attribute to your startWebLogic script.
A TraceLevel of 20000 traces all of the calls to the Tuxedo object in the client.

There's more...

For more information about WebLogic Server WebLogic Tuxedo Connector, see: