Package examples.webservices.client.dynamic_no_wsdl

This example shows how to create a dynamic client application that invokes a non-WebLogic Web service published at the following URL: The Main client application uses the javax.xml.rpc.Call JAX-RPC class to dynamically discover the operations of the Web service, as well as its parameters, and then call it with the appropriate values.



Class Summary

Main This class demonstrates a java client invoking a WebService.

Package examples.webservices.client.dynamic_no_wsdl Description

This example shows how to create a dynamic client application that invokes a non-WebLogic Web service published at the following URL:

The Main client application uses the javax.xml.rpc.Call JAX-RPC class to dynamically discover the operations of the Web service, as well as its parameters, and then call it with the appropriate values. The client application does not use the WSDL of the Web service to find this information.

The build.xml file sets the runtime property weblogic.webservice.verbose to true to provide additional information, useful for debugging.

  Additional Resources for examples.webservices.client.dynamic_no_wsdl

build.xml The Java Ant build script that runs the client application. The client application that invokes the Web service.


The following sections describe how to build and run the example.

  1. Prerequisites
  2. Build the Example
  3. Run the Example
  4. Check the Output



Before you run this example, you need:

  • WebLogic Server Version 8.1


Build the Example

To build the example, follow these steps:
  1. Set up your development shell as described in Quick Start.

  2. Change to the $SAMPLES_HOME\server\examples\src\examples\webservices\client\dynamic_no_wsdl directory, where SAMPLES_HOME refers to the main WebLogic Server examples directory, such as d:\beahome\weblogic81\samples.

  3. Assemble and compile the example by executing the Java ant utility at the command line:
    prompt> ant


Run the Example

In your development shell, run the Main Java application using the following command:
prompt> ant run 

NOTE: You do not need to start WebLogic Server because the application invokes a Web service from a different vendor rather than one running on WebLogic Server.


Check the Output

If the example executes successfully, you will see the following output in the command window from which you ran the example:
Buildfile: build.xml

     [java] <!-------------------- REQUEST ---------------->
     [java] URL        :
     [java] Headers    :
     [java]   SOAPAction: [""]
     [java]   Content-Type: [text/xml]
     [java] <env:Envelope xmlns:env="" xmln
s:xsi="" xmlns:soapenc="http://schemas.xmls" xmlns:xsd=""><env:Header/><e
nv:Body env:encodingStyle=""><m:getQuote xm
lns:m="urn:xmethods-delayed-quotes"><symbol xsi:type="xsd:string">BEAS</symbol></m:g
     [java] <!-------------------- END REQUEST ------------>
     [java] <!-------------------- RESPONSE --------------->
     [java] URL        :
     [java] Headers    :
     [java]   Date=Wed, 29 Jan 2003 01:55:26 GMT
     [java]   Content-Type=text/xml
     [java]   Server=Electric/1.0
     [java]   Connection=Keep-Alive
     [java]   Content-Length=491
     [java] Envelope   :
     [java] <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
     [java] <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap='' xm
lns:xsi='' xmlns:xsd='
1/XMLSchema' xmlns:soapenc='' soap:encoding
Style=''><soap:Body><n:getQuoteResponse xml
ns:n='urn:xmethods-delayed-quotes'><Result xsi:type='xsd:float'>12.45</Result></n:ge
     [java] <!-------------------- END RESPONSE ----------->
     [java] This example shows how to create a dynamic client application that invok
es a non-WebLogic Web service.
     [java] The webservice used was:
     [java] The quote for BEAS is:
     [java] 12.45


NOTE: The value of 12.45 is a sample output; because the example is executing a real Web service, you will see the true current stock price for BEA Systems.


See Also

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