Overview | Related MBeans | Attributes | Operations
This interface defines a diagnostic monitor, which is applied at the specified locations within the included classes in an instrumentation scope.
Since Security roles The following roles have read, write, and invoke permission for all non-encrypted attributes and operations in this MBean:
- Deployer
Fully Qualified Interface Name If you use the getMBeanInfo operation in MBeanTypeServiceMBean, supply the following value as this MBean's fully qualified interface name:
Factory Methods No factory methods. Instances of this MBean are created automatically.
This section describes the following attributes:
The diagnostic actions attached to this monitor. Actions are relevant only for delegating and custom monitors. Valid actions are:
ThreadDumpAction, and
Privileges Read/Write Type class java.lang.String[]
Optional description of this monitor.
Privileges Read/Write Type java.lang.String
Whether dye filtering is enabled for the diagnostic actions associated with this monitor.
Privileges Read/Write Type boolean
The dye mask for all diagnostic actions associated with this monitor.
Privileges Read/Write Type java.lang.String
Whether the monitor and its associated diagnostics actions are enabled.
Privileges Read/Write Type boolean Default Value true
Pattern expressions for classes that will be excluded for this instrumentation monitor. If specified, classes matching given patterns will not be instrumented with this monitor.
For more information, see:
Privileges Read/Write Type class java.lang.String[]
Pattern expressions for classes that are included for this instrumentation monitor. If specified, only included classes will be instrumented with this monitor. If not specified, all classes loaded within the application and which are not explicitly excluded are eligible for instrumentation with this monitor.
A pattern can end with an asterisk (
*), in which case it will match with all classes whose fully qualified classname starts with the prefix of the pattern. For example,
weblogic.rmi.* will match with all classes in
weblogic.rmi and its subpackages.
For more information, see:
Privileges Read/Write Type class java.lang.String[]
Attached actions are applied at selected locations:
after, or
around pointcuts. This is relevant only for custom monitors. (A location where diagnostic code is added is called a diagnostic joinpoint. A set of joinpoints, identified by an expression, is called a pointcut.)
Once a location type is set, it cannot be changed.
Privileges Read/Write Type java.lang.String Default Value before Legal Values
- before
- after
- around
Name of
The name of the WebLogic Diagnostic Framework (WLDF) bean.
Privileges Read only Type java.lang.String Redeploy or Restart required Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
The pointcut expression for this monitor. (A location where diagnostic code is added is called a diagnostic joinpoint. A set of joinpoints, identified by an expression, is called a pointcut.)
Setting a pointcut expression is relevant only for custom monitors; for standard and delegating monitors, this definition is implicitly defined by WLDF.
Once a pointcut expression is set, it cannot be changed.
Privileges Read/Write Type java.lang.String
Properties for this monitor. Properties are name=value pairs, one pair per line. For example,
USER1=foo ADDR1=
Privileges Read/Write Type java.lang.String