Overview | Related MBeans | Attributes | Operations
Provides information about harvestable and harvested attributes, types, and instances. Harvestable means potentially available for harvesting; harvested means explicitly designated for harvesting. These terms apply to types, instances, and the attributes within those types. In addition, the interface provides access to sampling and snapshot statistics. All statistics are base on data collected during the current server session.
Since Fully Qualified Interface Name If you use the getMBeanInfo operation in MBeanTypeServiceMBean, supply the following value as this MBean's fully qualified interface name:
Factory Methods No factory methods. Instances of this MBean are created automatically.
This section describes the following attributes:
The average amount of time, in nanoseconds, spent in sampling cycles.
Privileges Read only Type long
Private property that disables caching in proxies.
Privileges Read only Type boolean
The number of collected data samples in the current snapshot.
Privileges Read only Type long
Whether or not the sampling time for the most recent data sample differed significantly enough from the average to be considered a statistical outlier.
Privileges Read only Type boolean
The elapsed time, in nanoseconds, of a snapshot.
Privileges Read only Type long
The start time, in nanoseconds, of a snapshot.
Privileges Read only Type long
The set of all known types, regardless of whether the types are currently configured for harvesting. The set includes the WebLogic Server MBeans, which are always present, plus any other types that can be discovered. MBeans that are not WebLogic Server MBeans will require instances to exist in order to discover the type.
Privileges Read only Type class java.lang.String[]
The maximum sampling time, in nanoseconds.
Privileges Read only Type long
Returns the MBean info for this MBean.
Privileges Read only Type javax.management.MBeanInfo
The minimum sampling time, in nanoseconds.
Privileges Read only Type long
Name of
Name of configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.
Privileges Read only Type java.lang.String
Returns the ObjectName under which this MBean is registered in the MBean server.
Privileges Read only Type weblogic.management.WebLogicObjectName
The multiplicative factor used to determine a statistical outlier. If the actual sampling time exceeds this the session average multiplied by the outlier detection factor, then the sampling time is considered to be a statistical outlier.
Privileges Read only Type float
Return the immediate parent for this MBean
Privileges Read/Write Type
Returns false if the the MBean represented by this object has been unregistered.
Privileges Read only Type boolean
The current global sample period, in nanoseconds.
Privileges Read only Type long
The number of configured data samples that have been collected so far in this server session.
Privileges Read only Type long
The total number of sampling cycles taken thus far.
Privileges Read only Type long
The total amount of time, in nanoseconds, spent in sampling cycles.
Privileges Read only Type long
The number of times within this server session that the sampling time differed significantly enough from the average to be considered a statistical outlier. The Harvester removes these values form the ongoing averages.
Privileges Read only Type long
Returns the type of the MBean.
Privileges Read only Type java.lang.String
This section describes the following operations:
The set of attributes that are currently being harvested for the specified type. The specified type must be explicitly configured for harvesting.
The returned set of attributes usually matches the corresponding set of attributes configured for harvesting; but if an error occurs when harvesting an attribute, that attribute will be omitted from the returned set.
Operation Name "getCurrentlyHarvestedAttributes"
Parameters Object [] { type }
type is an object of type
java.lang.String that specifies:
the name of the type to get the attributes for
Signature String [] { "java.lang.String" }
Returns class
HarvesterException.MissingConfigurationType if the provided type is not configured for harvestingweblogic.diagnostics.harvester.HarvesterException$HarvestingNotEnabled
HarvesterException.HarvestingNotEnabled if the Harvester is not deployedweblogic.diagnostics.harvester.HarvesterException$AmbiguousTypeName
HarvesterException.HarvesterException.AmbiguousTypeName if the type name requires qualification to resolve
The set of instances that are currently being harvested for the specified type. The type must be configured for harvesting.
The returned set of instances usually matches the corresponding set of instances configured for harvesting; but if an error occurs when harvesting an instance, that instance will be omitted from the returned set.
Operation Name "getCurrentlyHarvestedInstances"
Parameters Object [] { type }
type is an object of type
java.lang.String that specifies:
the name of the type to get the instances for
Signature String [] { "java.lang.String" }
Returns class
HarvesterException.MissingConfigurationType if the provided type is not configured for harvestingweblogic.diagnostics.harvester.HarvesterException$HarvestingNotEnabled
HarvesterException.HarvestingNotEnabled if the Harvester is not deployedweblogic.diagnostics.harvester.HarvesterException$AmbiguousTypeName
HarvesterException.AmbiguousTypeName if the type name requires qualification to resolve
The set of attributes that are eligible for harvesting for the specified type. The specified type does not need to be currently configured for harvesting. For MBeans other than WebLogic Server MBeans, returns null until at least one instance has been created.
The returned array represents a list of pairs. The first element in each pair is the attribute name and the second element is the class name of the attribute's type.
Operation Name "getHarvestableAttributes"
Parameters Object [] { type }
type is an object of type
java.lang.String that specifies:
the name of the type to get the attributes for
Signature String [] { "java.lang.String" }
Returns class
HarvesterException.HarvestableTypesNotFoundException if the type name is valid but could not be locatedweblogic.diagnostics.harvester.HarvesterException$AmbiguousTypeName
HarvesterException.AmbiguousTypeName if the type name requires qualification to resolveweblogic.diagnostics.harvester.HarvesterException$TypeNotHarvestable
HarvesterException.TypeNotHarvestableException if the type could never be harvested
The set of attributes that are eligible for harvesting for the specified instance name. The type of the specified instance does not need to be currently configured for harvesting. For MBeans other than WebLogic Server MBeans, returns null until at least one instance has been created.
Note that in the case where an ObjectName pattern is specified for a WebLogic Server MBean, the ObjectName's property list must contain the "Type" property (e.g., "com.bea:Type=ServerRuntime,*"). Otherwise, as is the case for any non-WebLogic Server MBean, an instance must exist in order for for the set of harvestable attributes to be known.
The returned array represents a list of pairs. The first element in each pair is the attribute name and the second element is the class name of the attribute's type.
Operation Name "getHarvestableAttributesForInstance"
Parameters Object [] { instancePattern }
instancePattern is an object of type
java.lang.String that specifies:
the ObjectName or ObjectName pattern of the type to get the attributes for
Signature String [] { "java.lang.String" }
Returns class
HarvesterException.HarvestableTypesNotFoundException if the type name is valid but could not be locatedweblogic.diagnostics.harvester.HarvesterException$AmbiguousTypeName
HarvesterException.AmbiguousTypeName if the type name requires qualification to resolveweblogic.diagnostics.harvester.HarvesterException$TypeNotHarvestable
HarvesterException.TypeNotHarvestableException if the type could never be harvested
The type associated with a particular harvestable instance.
Operation Name "getHarvestableType"
Parameters Object [] { instanceName }
instanceName is an object of type
java.lang.String that specifies:
the name of the instance to get the type for
Signature String [] { "java.lang.String" }
Returns String
HarvesterException.HarvestableInstancesNotFoundException if the provided instance does not currently existweblogic.diagnostics.harvester.HarvesterException$AmbiguousInstanceName
HarvesterException.AmbiguousInstanceName if the instance name requires qualification to resolve
The set of instances that are eligible for harvesting for the specified type at the time of the call. The type does not need to be currently configured for harvesting.
The caller should be aware that instances come and go. This method returns only those instances that exist at the time of the call.
- Note
For MBeans that are not WebLogic Server MBeans, returns null until at least one instance has been created.
Operation Name "getKnownHarvestableInstances"
Parameters Object [] { type }
type is an object of type
java.lang.String that specifies:
the name of the type to get the attributes for
Signature String [] { "java.lang.String" }
Returns class
HarvesterException.HarvestableTypesNotFoundException if the type name is valid but could not be locatedweblogic.diagnostics.harvester.HarvesterException$AmbiguousTypeName
HarvesterException.AmbiguousTypeName if the type name requires qualification to resolveweblogic.diagnostics.harvester.HarvesterException$TypeNotHarvestable
HarvesterException.TypeNotHarvestableException if the type could never be harvested
Operation Name "preDeregister"
Parameters null
Signature null
Returns void