Overview | Related MBeans | Attributes | Operations
This MBean represents configuration attributes for the PKI credential mapping provider.
Fully Qualified Interface Name If you use the getMBeanInfo operation in MBeanTypeServiceMBean, supply the following value as this MBean's fully qualified interface name:
Factory Methods No factory methods. Instances of this MBean are created automatically.
Related MBeans
This section describes attributes that provide access to other MBeans. For more information about the MBean hierarchy, refer to WebLogic Server MBean Data Model.
Returns the realm that contains this security provider. Returns null if this security provider is not contained by a realm.
Privileges Read only Type RealmMBean Relationship type: Reference.
This section describes the following attributes:
Description of the PKI credential mapping provider.
Description of the PKI credential mapping provider.
Privileges Read only Type java.lang.String Default Value PKI credential mapping Provider Redeploy or Restart required Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
Location of the keystore relative to the directory where the server was started.
Privileges Read/Write Type java.lang.String Default Value
The Keystore password.
Privileges Read/Write Type java.lang.String Default Value Encrypted true
Privileges Read/Write Type byte[] Encrypted true
Represents a provider for the Java Security API that should be used.
Privileges Read/Write Type java.lang.String Default Value
The provider will generate a keystore object of this type. Default is JKS.
Privileges Read/Write Type java.lang.String Default Value JKS
Name of
Privileges Read only Type java.lang.String Default Value PKICredentialMapper Redeploy or Restart required Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
The name of the Java class that loads the PKI credential mapping provider.
Privileges Read only Type java.lang.String Default Value Redeploy or Restart required Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
The credential maps that you want to be exported from this PKI credential mapping provider's database. If no constraints are specified, all are exported.
Privileges Read only Type class java.lang.String[] Default Value passwords Redeploy or Restart required Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
The format of the file to export. The list of supported export formats is determined by this PKI credential mapping provider.
Privileges Read only Type class java.lang.String[] Default Value PKICreds Redeploy or Restart required Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
The PKI credential maps that you want to be imported into this credential mapping provider's database. If no constraints are specified, all are imported.
Privileges Read only Type class java.lang.String[] Default Value Redeploy or Restart required Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
The format of the file to import. The list of supported import formats is determined by the PKI credential mapping provider from which the credential maps were originally exported.
Privileges Read only Type class java.lang.String[] Default Value PKICreds Redeploy or Restart required Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
Whether to enables selection of credential mappings based on the group names of the initiator.
Privileges Read/Write Type boolean Default Value true
Whether to enable selection of credential mappings by traversing up the resource hierachy for each type of resource
Privileges Read/Write Type boolean Default Value true
The version of the PKI credential mapping provider.
Privileges Read only Type java.lang.String Default Value 1.0 Redeploy or Restart required Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
This section describes the following operations:
Advances the list to the next element in the list.
Operation Name "advance"
Parameters Object [] { cursor }
cursor is an object of type
java.lang.String that specifies:
- The cursor returned from a previous list method.
Signature String [] { "java.lang.String" }
Returns void
Indicates that the caller is finished using the list, and that the resources held on behalf of the list may be released. If the caller traverses through all the elements in the list, the caller need not call this method. In other words, it is used to let the caller close the list without reading each element that is returned.
Operation Name "close"
Parameters Object [] { cursor }
cursor is an object of type
java.lang.String that specifies:
- The cursor returned from a previous list method.
Signature String [] { "java.lang.String" }
Returns void
Exports provider specific data in a specified format. When errors occur, the MBean throws an ErrorCollectionException containing a list of
java.lang.Exceptions, where the text of each exception describes the error.
Operation Name "exportData"
Parameters Object [] { format, filename, constraints }
format is an object of type
java.lang.String that specifies:
- The format for exporting provider specific data.
filename is an object of type
java.lang.String that specifies:
- The full path to the filename used to write data.
constraints is an object of type
java.util.Properties that specifies:
- The constraints to be used when exporting data. A null value indicates that all data will be exported.
Signature String [] { "java.lang.String", "java.lang.String", "java.util.Properties" }
Returns void
For a certificate entry this method will return the certificate corresponding to the alias. For a keyentry it will return the first Certificate entry in a CertificateChain.
Operation Name "getCertificate"
Parameters Object [] { keystoreAlias }
keystoreAlias is an object of type
java.lang.String that specifies:
- The keystore alias.
Signature String [] { "java.lang.String" }
Returns Certificate
Gets an credential action from a list that has been returned from the
listMappings or the
listMappingsByPattern() method. This method returns the credential action that corresponds to current location in the list.
Operation Name "getCurrentCredAction"
Parameters Object [] { cursor }
cursor is an object of type
java.lang.String that specifies:
- The cursor that has been returned from the
listMappings method or the
Signature String [] { "java.lang.String" }
Returns String
Gets the keystore alias from a credentials map that has been returned from the
listMappings or the
listMappingsByPattern() method. This method returns the keystore alias that corresponds to current location in the list.
Operation Name "getCurrentCredential"
Parameters Object [] { cursor }
cursor is an object of type
java.lang.String that specifies:
- The cursor that has been returned from the
listMappings or the
listMappingsByPattern method.
Signature String [] { "java.lang.String" }
Returns String
Gets an username from a list that has been returned from the
listMappings or the
listMappingsByPattern() method. This method returns the username that corresponds to current location in the list.
Operation Name "getCurrentInitiatorName"
Parameters Object [] { cursor }
cursor is an object of type
java.lang.String that specifies:
- The cursor that has been returned from the
listMappings method or the
Signature String [] { "java.lang.String" }
Returns String
Gets the current resource id from a list that has been returned from the and
listMappingsByPattern() method. This method returns the resource id that corresponds to current location in the list.
Operation Name "getCurrentResourceId"
Parameters Object [] { cursor }
cursor is an object of type
java.lang.String that specifies:
- The cursor that has been returned from the
listMappingsByPattern method.
Signature String [] { "java.lang.String" }
Returns String
Gets the keystore alias that is mapped to a username for a particular resource and credential action.
Operation Name "getKeystoreAlias"
Parameters Object [] { resourceId, userName, isInitiatorUserName, credAction, credType }
resourceId is an object of type
java.lang.String that specifies:
- The resource id that is used to map user names to keystore alias and password. A resource object such as assigns IDs to external sources.
userName is an object of type
java.lang.String that specifies:
- The username that is mapped to the alias and password.
isInitiatorUserName is an object of type
java.lang.Boolean that specifies:
- Set true if the initiator name passed in is the username. False otherwise.
credAction is an object of type
java.lang.String that specifies:
- The credential action for which the mapping is created for.
credType is an object of type
java.lang.String that specifies:
- The credential type.
Signature String [] { "java.lang.String", "java.lang.String", "java.lang.Boolean", "java.lang.String", "java.lang.String" }
Returns String
NotFoundException - This exception is thrown if the keystore alias is not found.
Returns true if there are more objects in the list, and false otherwise.
Operation Name "haveCurrent"
Parameters Object [] { cursor }
cursor is an object of type
java.lang.String that specifies:
- The cursor returned from a previous list method.
Signature String [] { "java.lang.String" }
Returns boolean
Imports provider specific data from a specified format. When errors occur, the MBean throws an ErrorCollectionException containing a list of
java.lang.Exceptions, where the text of each exception describes the error.
Operation Name "importData"
Parameters Object [] { format, filename, constraints }
format is an object of type
java.lang.String that specifies:
- The format for importing provider specific data.
filename is an object of type
java.lang.String that specifies:
- The full path to the filename used to read data.
constraints is an object of type
java.util.Properties that specifies:
- The constraints to be used when importing data. A null value indicates that all data will be imported.
Signature String [] { "java.lang.String", "java.lang.String", "java.util.Properties" }
Returns void
Returns whether the initiator name from a list that has been returned from the
listMappings or the
listMappingsByPattern()method is a user name or a group name. Method returns true if the username returned by the getCurrentInitiatorName is a user name. If the initiator name returned is a Group name this method returns false.
Operation Name "isInitiatorUserName"
Parameters Object [] { cursor }
cursor is an object of type
java.lang.String that specifies:
- The cursor that has been returned from the
listMappings method or the
Signature String [] { "java.lang.String" }
Returns boolean
Returns true if the specified attribute has been set explicitly in this MBean instance.
Operation Name "isSet"
Parameters Object [] { propertyName }
propertyName is an object of type
java.lang.String that specifies:
property to check
Signature String [] { "java.lang.String" }
Returns boolean
Returns a list of all the public certificate aliases currently configured in the keystore. Console can call this method to display a list of all possible certificate aliases.
Operation Name "listAllCertEntryAliases"
Parameters null
Signature null
Returns class
Returns a list of all the key pair aliases that currently configured in the keystore. Console can call this method to display a list of all possible keypair aliases.
Operation Name "listAllKeypairEntryAliases"
Parameters null
Signature null
Returns class
Gets a list of usernames, credential actions, keystore aliases and their passwords. Returns a cursor as a string. Use the
getCurrentCredAction() methods to get the username, keystore alias and credential action for the current item in the list.
Operation Name "listMappings"
Parameters Object [] { resourceId, }
resourceId is an object of type
java.lang.String that specifies:
- the resource id that the credential mappings are created for. A resource object such as assigns IDs to external sources.
Signature String [] { "java.lang.String", "java.lang.String" }
Returns String
Gets a list of all the configured credential mappings. Returns a cursor as a string. Use the
getCurrentCredential() methods to get the username, credential action, resource id and keystore alias for the current item in the list.
Operation Name "listMappingsByPattern"
Parameters Object [] { resourceIdPattern, maxToReturn, credType }
resourceIdPattern is an object of type
java.lang.String that specifies:
- the resource id pattern to filter the records to be returned. If you pass null or * the method will not filter and return all records.
maxToReturn is an object of type
java.lang.Integer that specifies:
- The maximum number of records to return
credType is an object of type
java.lang.String that specifies:
- The credential type
Signature String [] { "java.lang.String", "java.lang.Integer", "java.lang.String" }
Returns String
Removes the mapping between the principalName, resourceid and credential action to the keystore alias.
Operation Name "removePKICredentialMapping"
Parameters Object [] { resourceId, principalName, isInitiatorUserName, credAction, credType }
resourceId is an object of type
java.lang.String that specifies:
- The resource for which the user name is mapped to the keystore alias and password.
principalName is an object of type
java.lang.String that specifies:
- The principalName used in the credential mapping.
isInitiatorUserName is an object of type
java.lang.Boolean that specifies:
- True if the initiator name is a user name. False if it is a group.
credAction is an object of type
java.lang.String that specifies:
- The credential action.
credType is an object of type
java.lang.String that specifies:
- The credential type.
Signature String [] { "java.lang.String", "java.lang.String", "java.lang.Boolean", "java.lang.String", "java.lang.String" }
Returns void
Creates a public certificate mapping between the principalName, resourceid and credential action to the keystore alias.
Operation Name "setCertificateCredential"
Parameters Object [] { resourceId, principalName, isInitiatorUserName, credAction, keystoreAlias }
resourceId is an object of type
java.lang.String that specifies:
- The resource for which the user name is mapped to the keystore alias.
principalName is an object of type
java.lang.String that specifies:
- The principalName used in the credential mapping.
isInitiatorUserName is an object of type
java.lang.Boolean that specifies:
- True if the initiator name is a user name. False if it is a group.
credAction is an object of type
java.lang.String that specifies:
- The credential action.
keystoreAlias is an object of type
java.lang.String that specifies:
- The keystore alias.
Signature String [] { "java.lang.String", "java.lang.String", "java.lang.Boolean", "java.lang.String", "java.lang.String" }
Returns void
CreateException - Exception thrown if the keystore alias does not point to a certificate entry.
Creates a keypair mapping between the principalName, resourceid and credential action to the keystore alias and the corresponding password.
Operation Name "setKeypairCredential"
Parameters Object [] { resourceId, principalName, isInitiatorUserName, credAction, keystoreAlias, password }
resourceId is an object of type
java.lang.String that specifies:
- The resource for which the user name is mapped to the keystore alias and password.
principalName is an object of type
java.lang.String that specifies:
- The principalName used in the credential mapping.
isInitiatorUserName is an object of type
java.lang.Boolean that specifies:
- True if the initiator name is a user name. False if it is a group.
credAction is an object of type
java.lang.String that specifies:
- The credential action.
keystoreAlias is an object of type
java.lang.String that specifies:
- The keystore alias.
password is an object of type
[C that specifies:
- The password for the keystore entry.
Signature String [] { "java.lang.String", "java.lang.String", "java.lang.Boolean", "java.lang.String", "java.lang.String", "[C" }
Returns void
CreateException - Exception thrown if the keystore alias does not point to a keypair entry or if the password supplied here is not correct.
Restore the given property to its default value.
Operation Name "unSet"
Parameters Object [] { propertyName }
propertyName is an object of type
java.lang.String that specifies:
property to restore
Signature String [] { "java.lang.String" }
Returns void
UnsupportedOperationException if called on a runtime implementation.
Operation Name "wls_getDisplayName"
Parameters null
Signature null
Returns String