Programming Advanced Features of WebLogic Web Services Using JAX-WS
This document is a resource for software developers who program advanced features for WebLogic Web Services using JAX-WS. The advanced features described are summarized in the following table.
Table 1-1 Programming Advanced Features Using JAX-WS Advanced Features Description Invoking a Web Service Using Asynchronous Request-Response Invoke a Web Service asynchronously. Publishing a Web Service Endpoint Publish a Web Service endpoint at runtime, without deploying the Web Service. Using Callbacks Notify a client of a Web Service that an event has happened by programming a callback. Optimizing Binary Data Transmission Using MTOM/XOP Send binary data using MTOM/XOP and/or streaming SOAP attachments to optimize transmission of binary data. Creating Dynamic Proxy Clients Invoke a Web Service based on a service endpoint interface (SEI) dynamically at run-time without using clientgen. Using XML Catalogs Use XML catalogs to resolve network resources to versions that are stored locally. Creating and Using SOAP Message Handlers Create and configure SOAP message handlers for a Web Service. Programming RESTful Web Services Create a Web Service that follows the RESTful design paradigm. Publishing and Finding Web Services Using UDDI Use the UDDI features of WebLogic Web Service.
For an overview of WebLogic Web Services, standards, samples, and related documentation, see Introducing WebLogic Web Services.
JAX-WS supports Web Services Security (WS-Security) 1.1 (except for WS-Secure Conversation). For information about WebLogic Web Service security, see Securing WebLogic Web Services.