Breadcrumb(); > Message Index (by Number) (by Subsystem) > Console Subsystem Messages
Console Subsystem Messages
The Console1.0 catalog contains messages in the range BEA240000 - BEA240200. Messages in this catalog are part of the
weblogic.logging Internationalization package and the
weblogic.logging Localization package.
Debug: msg
The console has output a debug message to the server log. Cause
Console debug is enabled. Action
No action is required. Info: msg
The console has output an informational message to the server log. Cause
The Console logs informational messages about console usage. Action
No action is required. Info: msg
The console has output a warning message to the server log. Cause
The Console has encountered an error that is potentially harmful. Action
Review the warning message text to determine the appropriate action. Error: Console encountered the following error msg
The console has output an error message to the server log. Cause
The Console has encountered an error, but the console may continue to run. Action
Review the error message text to determine the appropriate action. Critical: Console encountered the following error msg
The console has output a fatal message to the server log. Cause
The Console has encountered a critical error. Action
Review the message text to determine the appropriate action.