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JTAExceptions Subsystem Messages
The JTAExceptions1.0 catalog contains messages in the range BEA119000 - BEA119999. Messages in this catalog are part of the
weblogic.transaction Internationalization package and the
weblogic.i18n Localization package.
Warning: One-phase transaction [xid] for logging last resource [loggingResourceName] is in an unknown state.
A logging last resource (LLR) is the only resource participating in a global one-phase transaction but the LLR local transaction failed. All operations will or already have either all rolled back, or all committed, but it is unknown which. The transaction is still atomic. Cause
If the logging last resource is a database, there are a number of possible root causes. Among them are: the database may have shutdown or crashed during the call to local commit, the database connection may have failed, the database local transaction may have timed out, or the database may have detected a potention dead-lock condition introduced by application operations within the local commit. Action
Examine the root exception thrown by the LLR resource to determine the root cause of the problem. Warning: Two-phase transaction [xid] for logging last resource [loggingResourceName] is in an unknown state.
A logging last resource (LLR) is participating in a global transaction but the LLR local transaction failed. All operations associated with the LLR either all rolled back or all committed, but it is unknown which. Operations associated with additional resources in the transaction are in a prepared state and will not be committed or rolled back until the transaction manager can successfully query the LLR to determine if the LLR committed or rolled back its operations. The transaction manager will periodically try test if the LLR local transaction committed by checking for the presence of the global commit record within the LLR transaction table. If the test determines that the global commit record was persisted in the LLR transaction table, then the LLR local transaction committed, and the transaction manager will commit the remaining resources (branches) in the global transaction. If the test determines that global commit record was not persisted, then the LLR local transaction rolled back, and the transaction manager will rollback the remaining resources in the global transaction. Cause
If the logging last resource is a database, there are a number of possible root causes. Among them are: the database may have shutdown or crashed during the call to local commit, the database connection may have failed, the database local transaction may have timed out, or the database may have detected a potention dead-lock condition introduced by application operations within the local commit. Action
Examine the root exception thrown by the LLR resource to determine the root cause of the problem. Critical: A logging last resource failed during initialization. The server cannot boot unless all configured logging last resources (LLRs) initialize. Failing reason: \nreason\n
While the server is running, the servers transaction manager may use any configured logging last resources (LLRs) to persist transaction state. If a configured LLR cannot be loaded during boot, then the server cannot boot, as the LLR may contain transaction records for committed two-phase transactions that have not completed committing all resources involved in the transaction. Cause
If the logging last resource is a JDBC LLR connection, there are a number of possible root causes. Among them are: the database may have shutdown or crashed, the database connection may have failed during boot, or the database connection may have incorrect database permissions. Action
Examine the root exception thrown by the LLR resource to determine the root cause of the problem. Critical: Logging last resource [resourceName] failed during initialization, as one of its records is corrupted. Failure reason: \nreason\n
While a server is running, the servers transaction manager may use any configured logging last resources (LLRs) to persist transaction state. A configured LLR resource returned a corrupted record during a subsequent boot. Cause
Unknown. Possible disk corruption. Action
Examine the root exception thrown by the LLR resource to determine the root cause of the problem. Some possible solutions are, A, restore LLR resource tables from backup, B, delete the failing LLR table (which risks producing heuristic hazards), or C, contact customer support. Error: The user preferred server of JTAMigratableTargetMBean [localServer] cannot be set to [configValue].
Invalid configuration value of user preferred server for server [localServer]. Cause
The value of user preferred server is invalid. It must be [localServer]. Action
Change the value of user preferred server of JTAMigratableTargetMBean [localServer] from [configValue] to [localServer]. Error: JTA sub-system failed. Server has to be force shutdown because it is in automatic JTA migration mode.
JTA sub-system failed. Server has to be force shutdown because it is in automatic JTA migration mode. Cause
JTA sub-system failed. Action
JTA Transaction Recovery Service will be automatically migrated to backup server.