Breadcrumb(); > Message Index (by Number) (by Subsystem) > RMI Subsystem Messages
RMI Subsystem Messages
The RMI1.0 catalog contains messages in the range BEA80000 - BEA89999. Messages in this catalog are part of the
weblogic.rmi Internationalization package and the
weblogic.i18n Localization package.
Warning: No replica in the list has the expected weight. Reverting to round-robin.
This message is no longer used. Cause
An error has occurred. Action
No action required. Error: Error in Dispatcher\n er.
Error in Dispatcher\n er. Cause
A runtime error occurred while dispatching a request to the server. Action
If the error is not application related please contact with stack trace for further analysis. Error: Unexport failed for: er
Failed to unexport remote object from rmi runtime for: er Cause
Remote object was unexported twice. Action
No action required. Warning: RuntimeException thrown by rmi server: server\n t.
RuntimeException thrown by rmi server: server\n t. Cause
A runtime exception was thrown while dispatching request to the server. Action
No action required. Warning: An error was thrown by rmi server: server\n t.
An error was thrown by rmi server: server\n t. Cause
A runtime error occurred while dispatching a response to the client. Action
The associated stacktrace contains information about the error. Please check the server logs for more details. Warning: Exception thrown by rmi server: server\n t.
Exception thrown by rmi server: server\n t. Cause
Unable to send error response to client. Underlying socket threw IOException while dispatching error response. Action
The associated stack trace contains information about the error. Warning: Failed to associate the transaction context with the response while marshalling an exception to the client:\n e.
Failed to associate the transaction context with the response while marshalling an exception to the client:\n e. Cause
An io exception occurred while associating a transaction context with the response. This happened when marshalling an exception in the response. Most likely, the socket has been torn down or there is an error in the stream. Logging this warning. Action
Please check the server logs for more details. Error: RMI runtime disabled, since it could not initialize DGC\n e.
RMI runtime disabled, since it could not initialize DGC\n e. Cause
Could not initialize rmi runtime. Action
Restart the server. If the problem continues, please contact Support at with stack trace information. Error: Send error reply to client failed\n e.
Send error reply to client failed\n e. Cause
An exception occurred while dispatching an error response to the client. Action
No action required. Warning: Error thrown by RMI server: s1 invoking: s2
An error was thrown by the RMI server: s1 invoking: s2 while performing server side remote method call. Cause
A java.lang.Error was thrown while invoking method s2 on s1. A ServerError was thrown due to the server side rmi method call. Action
Please check the nested exception in ServerError for more details. Error: Error in Dispatcher\n e.
This message is no longer used. Cause
Causes not listed. Action
No action required. Info: Empty workingSet found while assembling heart beat for jvmid.
Empty workingSet found while assembling heart beat for jvmid. Cause
Found an empty set of references for jvmid while assembling DGC heart beats for all remote Virtual Machines that are referenced from this Virtual Machine. Action
If you receive java.rmi.NoSuchObjectException, please contact support at Error: No workingSet found for oid residing in jvmid.
No workingSet found for oid residing in jvmid. Cause
Found an empty working set for oid while periodically scanning the list of references that have been finalized and decrementing the count for any reference that is found. This is related to DGC. Action
If you receive an java.rmi.NoSuchObjectException, please contact for further analysis of the error. Error: Reference for oid not found in working set.
Reference for oid not found in working set. Cause
Did not find oid in the working set while attempting to decrement the reference count. This is related to DGC. Action
If you receive an java.rmi.NoSuchObjectException, please contact for further analysis of the error. Debug: str
str Cause
Debug messages. Please ignore. Action
Please contact support at to prevent this message from getting logged if debugging is disabled. Error: Could not mark references\n e.
RMI DGC mechanism periodically scans through a list of stubs whose lease must be renewed. After scanning through the list, the DGC client send an rmi call to the server to renew the lease, so that the remote object is not garbage collected. Cause
An exception was thrown during the execution of DGC trigger. Action
If you receive an java.rmi.NoSuchObjectException, please contact support for further analysis of the error. Warning: No connection available to: jvmid. References to objects hosted by it are in jeopardy.
No connection available to: jvmid. References to objects hosted by jvmid will be in jeopardy if it requires lease renewal for these objects. Cause
The client lost connection to the server jvmid. If the server does not receive lease renewal messages on the server, rmi runtime removes the remote objects whose lease is not renewed. Action
If server jvmid has been shutdown or crashed, no action required. Otherwise, make sure that the network is healthy. Warning: Failed to renew lease for: length objects hosted by: jvmid.
The RMI client failed to renew the lease for: length objects hosted by: jvmid. Cause
Logged only in debug mode. Action
No action required. Error: Remote objects exported from this JVM will not be collected\n tte.
Remote objects exported from this JVM will not be collected\n tte, since there is no trigger to clean those references that are ready for garbage collection. Cause
This error indicates that the DGC trigger could not be scheduled due to tte. Hence all remote objects exported by this JVM will not be garbage collected. Action
Please restart the server. If the problem still persists, contact support with the stack trace. Info: Marked in: cnt ms
DGC trigger took cnt ms to mark remote objects. Cause
This message is logged only if the LogDGCStatistics debug flag is enabled. Action
No action is necessary. Error: Exception occurred in the DGC server sweep\n e.
An exception occurred in the DGC server sweep\n e. Cause
A runtime error occurred while the DGC server (host of remote objects) called sweep to periodically cleanup server references. Action
Please provide logs to support for further analysis of the problem. Info: Sweep freed: cnt1 objects in: cnt2 ms. cnt3 exported objects remain.
Sweep freed: cnt1 objects in: cnt2 ms. cnt3 exported objects remain. Cause
This message is logged only if the LogDGCStatistics debug flag is enabled. Action
No action required. Info: Tried to enroll lost reference: cnt1.
When a remote object gets exported into rmi runtime, it enrolls itself with DGC. If the object is already exported, the reference counter is incremented. If the server fails to enroll the remote object, it logs a message. Cause
This message is logged when an attempt is made to increment the reference count of a lost reference. The reference may have already been released. Action
If you receive an java.rmi.NoSuchObjectException, please contact for further analysis of the error. Info: Tried to unenroll a lost reference: cnt1.
DGC Server tried to unenroll a lost reference: cnt1. Cause
Logged only if the DebugDGCEnrollment flag is enabled for debugging. Action
No action required. Info: Tried to renew lease on lost reference: cnt1.
DGC Server failed to renew lease on lost reference: cnt1. Cause
Logged only if the DebugDGCEnrollment flag is enabled for debugging. Action
No action required. Error: Remote objects exported to this JVM will not be renewed\n e.
Remote objects exported to this JVM will not be renewed\n e. Cause
Unable to start DGC client trigger that periodically renews the lease of all the remote objects active in this JVM. Action
Please restart the client. If the problem continues, please provide support with stack trace. Info: Exporting remote object className with id oid.
When a remote object is exported into RMI, RMI runtime assigns an object id to it, thus setting up the environment for remote invocation. This is an informational message. Cause
When a remote object is exported into RMI, RMI runtime assigns an object id to it, thus setting up the environment for remote invocation. Action
This is an informational message. No action required. Info: A heartbeat was not sent due to probable client disconnect.
The thin-client detects network partitioning by receiving periodic heartbeat responses from the server. When the client exits, the server is no longer able to send the heartbeat messages and assumes the client has disconnected. Cause
A thin-client disconnected from the server. Action
This is an informational message. No action required.