Breadcrumb(); > Message Index (by Number) (by Subsystem) > RJVM Subsystem Messages
RJVM Subsystem Messages
The RJVM1.0 catalog contains messages in the range 500 - 599. Messages in this catalog are part of the
weblogic.rjvm Internationalization package and the
weblogic.i18n Localization package.
Debug: msg
Uncatalogued debug message - please do not change Cause
Debugging - please do not change. Action
No action required. Info: Peergone send failed - target unreachable
Info: Peergone send failed - target already gone
Error: Incoming message header or abbreviation processing failed\n e
While processing an incoming message an error was encountered. It is likely that the message was corrupted. Cause
While processing an incoming message an error was encountered. It is likely that the message was corrupted. Action
This is in all likelihood a temporary situation. No user action is necessary. If this situation continues, please contact BEA support with the server logs and configuration. Error: Unmarshal exception: received illegal command code:\ne
A message containing an invalid command code was received. This message cannot be processed. Cause
A message containing an invalid command code was received. This message cannot be processed. One of the possible reasons is that the message was corrupted in transit. Action
This is in all likelihood a temporary situation. No user action is necessary. If this situation continues, please contact BEA support with the server logs and configuration. Error: Peer did not send us a valid heartbeat interval - using the default heartbeat specified as a property.
A message containing an invalid heartbeat interval was received. The default heartbeat interval will be used for communication with the peer. Cause
The incoming message has an invalid heartbeat interval. This is either due to message corruption in transit or to an invalid choice for the heartbeat interval on the peer attempting to establish communication with this JVM. Action
If the peer attempting to establish communication is over-riding the default heartbeat interval, please ensure that a valid interval is used. If not, please contact BEA support with the server logs and configuration. Error: Closing: connection because of problem
While processing an incoming message an error was encountered. As a result, communication with the corresponding peer will be terminated. Cause
This JVM has received an incoming message that is incompatible with the way the protocols are supposed to work. Action
This is in all likelihood a temporary situation. No user action is necessary. If this situation continues, please contact BEA support with the server logs and configuration. Warning: Could not create/send request to close duplicate connection message\n e
In attempting to close a duplicate connection from a peer JVM, an error was encountered. Cause
Creation of the message to request closing a connection or sending of the message caused an IO error. Action
This is in all likelihood a temporary situation. No user action is necessary. If this situation continues, please contact BEA support with the server logs and configuration. Error: Id: id in use by: o, can not install ri
The id id is already associated and in use by o and hence cannot be used in associated with ri. Cause
The id id is already associated and in use by o and hence cannot be used in associated with ri. Action
Please ensure that unique ids are used in registration. Error: Finder not initialized
This JVM does not have a finder associated with it. It will not be possible to dispatch messages through this JVM without a finder. Cause
This JVM is being created without a valid finder. Action
Please ensure that a valid finder is used when creating this JVM. Warning: Unsolicited response: resp
This incoming response could not be dispatched since there is no corresponding request. Cause
A duplicate response has been received for a request that has already received its response. Action
This is in all likelihood a temporary situation. No user action is necessary. If this situation continues, please contact BEA support with the server logs and configuration. Warning: Unsolicited error response for: rid
This incoming error response could not be dispatched since there is no corresponding request. Cause
A duplicate error response has been received for a request that has already received its response or its error response. Action
This is in all likelihood a temporary situation. No user action is necessary. If this situation continues, please contact BEA support with the server logs and configuration. Info: New heartbeat period: val1 is different from established heartbeat period: val2 - using established heartbeat period
Info: Failure in heartbeat trigger for RJVM: id\n t.
This is usually a temporary failure. Cause
This failure indicates a temporary failure in the heartbeat trigger mechanism. Action
No action is necessary. This is usually a temporary failure. Error: openConnection() failed\n e
A HTTP connection could not be created. Cause
Possible causes are an invalid target address or the target not being active or reachable. Action
This is in all likelihood a temporary situation. No user action is necessary. If this situation continues, please contact BEA support with the server logs and configuration. Error: execute failed\n t
A failure was encountered when handling the incoming HTTP message. Cause
A failure was encountered when handling the incoming HTTP message. Action
This is in all likelihood a temporary situation. No user action is necessary. If this situation continues, please contact BEA support with the server logs and configuration. Error: The HTTP Scavenger could not schedule a trigger\n e
A failure was encountered when scheduling a scavenger of idle connections. Cause
A failure was encountered when scheduling a scavenger of idle connections. Action
This failure indicates a critical condition of the Timer subsystem of the WebLogic server. Please contact BEA support with the server logs and configuration. Debug: msg\nt
Uncatalogued debug message - please do not change Cause
Debugging - please do not change. Action
No action required. Debug: msg\nt
Uncatalogued debug message - please do not change Cause
Debugging - please do not change. Action
No action required. Warning: Unable to connect to a remote server on address address and port port with protocol protocol. The Exception is t
Unable to connect to a remote server on address address and port port with protocol protocol. The Exception is t Cause
The target is either not reachable or is not active. Action
Please ensure that the target is active. Info: Network Configuration\ninfo
This is a summary of network configuration settings. The default channel and default admin channel base these settings on server, ssl, and cluster configuration. Additional channels base settings on this configuration as well as network channel and network access point configuration.\n For more information, refer to the administration documentation and javadoc.\n Emergency: No default listen port was enabled for the server. The default plain-text and/or default SSL port must be enabled in addition to those on the optional configured channels. If the plain text port is disabled, ensure that SSL is configured and that the SSL port is enabled.
No default listen port was enabled for the server. The default plain-text and/or default SSL port must be enabled in addition to those on the optional configured channels. Cause
No default listen port was enabled for the server. The default plain-text and/or default SSL port must be enabled in addition to those on the optional configured channels. Action
No default listen port was enabled for the server. If the plain text port is disabled, ensure that SSL is configured and that the SSL port is enabled. Emergency: A port conflict was detected in the server configuration. The server is configured to listen on two ports that have the same port number and IP address. Channel "channel1" address "address1" port port conflicts with channel "channel2" address "address2" port port.
A port conflict was detected in the server configuration. The server is configured to listen on two ports that have the same port number and IP address. Channel "channel1" address "address1" port port conflicts with channel "channel2" address "address2" port port. Cause
The server is configured to listen on two ports that have the same port number and IP address. Channel "channel1" address "address1" port port conflicts with channel "channel2" address "address2" port port. Action
Please ensure that the address identities [ListenAddress and ListenPort combination] are distinct and unique. Info: none
Info: Network Channel
Info: Listen Address
Info: Listen Port
Info: SSL Listen Port
Info: External DNS Name
Info: Cluster Address
Info: Protocol(s)
Info: Tunneling Enabled
Info: Outgoing Enabled
Info: Admin Traffic Only
Info: Admin Traffic OK
Info: Channel Weight
Info: Accept Backlog
Info: Login Timeout
Info: Login Timeout SSL
Info: Max Message Size HTTP
Info: Message Timeout HTTP
Info: Max Message Size COM
Info: Message Timeout COM
Info: Max Message Size IIOP
Info: Message Timeout IIOP
Info: Idle Timeout IIOP
Info: Max Message Size T3
Info: Message Timeout T3
Info: ms
milliseconds Info: secs
seconds Info: Administrator
name of Administrator channel Info: Default
name of Default channel Info: not configured
Info: Tunneling Timeout
Info: Tunneling Ping
Info: Cluster Participant
Info: Cluster Name
Info: Cluster Multicast Address
Info: Cluster Multicast Interface
Info: Cluster Multicast Port
Info: Cluster Multicast TTL (max hops)
Info: Cluster Multicast Send Delay
Info: Cluster Multicast Buffer Size
Info: Native Socket IO Enabled
Info: Java Socket IO Thread Pool %
Info: Java Socket IO Timeout Min
Info: Java Socket IO Timeout Max
Info: Reverse DNS Allowed
Info: Network Configuration for Channel "name"\n Listen Address\t\t address\n Public Address\t\t extAddress\n Http Enabled\t\t httpenabled\n Tunneling Enabled\t tunneling\n Outbound Enabled\t outbound\n Admin Traffic Enabled\t admin
This is a summary of network configuration settings. The default settings are based on server, ssl, and cluster configuration. Additional channels base settings on this configuration as well as network access point configuration.\n For more information, refer to the administration documentation and javadoc.\n Debug: Network Configuration Detail for Channel "name"\n Channel Weight\t\t weight\n Accept Backlog\t\t backlog\n Login Timeout\t\t loginTimeoutms\n Max Message Size\t maxMessage\n Message Timeout\t messageTimeouts\n Idle Timeout\t\t idleTimeouts\n Tunneling Timeout\t tunnelTimeouts\n Tunneling Ping\t\t tunnelPing>s
These are the detailed network configuration settings. The default settings are based on server, ssl, and cluster configuration. Additional channels base settings on this configuration as well as network access point configuration.\n For more information, refer to the administration documentation and javadoc.\n Error: The server rejected a connection attempt problem probably due to an incorrect firewall configuration or admin command.
While processing a bootstrap message the server could not reconcile the clients configuration with its own internal configuration. Cause
The incoming connection attempt was probably made through an address translating firewall. WebLogic Server needs to be correctly configured for this to work. This message can also occur if an admin connection attempt, requiring admin-level security, is made on a non-admin port. Action
Configure the public and private addresses for this WebLogic Server instance to reflect the configuration of the firewall. The private address is the actual address that the server is running on. The public address is the address that external clients use to connect.