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Management Subsystem Messages
The Management1.0 catalog contains messages in the range BEA149300 - BEA149399. Messages in this catalog are part of the Internationalization package and the
weblogic.i18ntools Localization package.
Error: Cannot compare passed Version object.\nexception.
Different version received. Cause
This is an internal error. Action
Report this error to BEA support. Error: Delta credentials cannot be externalizable\nexception.
Failed to externalize Delta credentials. Cause
This is an internal error. Action
Report this error to BEA support. Error: Delta credentials cannot be read from the outputStream\nexception.
Failed to read Delta credentials from outputStream. Cause
This is an internal error. Action
Report this error to BEA support. Error: Unable to initialize Master Deployer version.
Master Deployer could not be initialized. Cause
This is due to an improper server start. Action
Report this error to BEA support. Error: Deployment update failed. version
Deployment update failed. DRS was unable to connect to target. Cause
This is an internal error. Action
Report this error to BEA support. Error: Deployment update failed. Update was not found by DRS version.
Deployment update failed. Update was not found by DRS. Cause
This is an internal error. Action
Report this error to BEA support. Info: Task task for application app with ID id has been cancelled for target target.
Response to a cancellation request. Cause
Response to a cancellation request. Action
No action required. Warning: Unable to completely remove a completed deployment task: name : desc , from the system due to reason: e
Deletion of the completed deployment task failed. Cause
The deployment task might be referenced by other classes Action
No action required. Error: The cluster member 'version' cannot be targeted. Target the cluster instead.
Deployment cannot be targeted to a cluster member. Cause
There was an attempt to target a cluster member. Action
Target the cluster, not the cluster member. Warning: The request to deploy 'application' to server 'server' will be deferred till the server becomes active.
A deployment request to a server that is not running will be deferred. When the server starts, it will receive the deployment request. Cause
The targeted server is not running. Action
No action required. The targeted server will get the deployment request at startup. Warning: Deployment of the application 'application' to cluster 'cluster' failed because the following server(s) are unreachable: 'failedServer'. To deploy to this cluster, either start the unreachable servers or remove the unreachable servers from the cluster, then reattempt the deployment. Another workaround for this problem is to restart the admin server without the 'weblogic.ClusterConstraintsEnabled' flag or set it to 'false'. This allows you to deploy the application only to those servers that can be reached.
A deployment request to a cluster that does not have all its member servers active is rejected when the domain is not enforcing cluster constraints. Cause
Not all the servers in the cluster are running. Action
Start all the servers in the cluster and try deployment again, or ensure that the 'weblogic.ClusterConstraintsEnabled' flag in the admin start command line is either removed or set to 'false'. Error: Targeting errors were detected for configured application 'app'.
This error occurs during admin server startup while deploying configured applications. The application in question contained module definitions with invalid targets (for example, a module attempted to target a cluster and a cluster member). No changes are made to the target list, but the application is reconfigured to not be deployed; its Deployed attribute is set to false. Cause
The application has one or more modules defined with invalid targets. Action
The specific error was logged. Use the information in that log entry to resolve the configuration error. Warning: Cannot deploy to the following server(s) because they are unreachable: 'failedServer'. Make sure that these servers are currently shutdown. Deployment will continue on the remaining servers in the cluster 'server'. Once deployment has commenced, do not attempt to start or shutdown any servers until the application deployment completes.
Deployment to a cluster that does not have all its servers active is allowed only in development mode. Do not start/stop servers in this cluster until deployment is complete. Cause
Some of the servers in the cluster are not reachable. Action
Bring the unreachable server up in order for the deployment to succeed. Warning: No server in the cluster 'server' is active. The request to deploy 'application' to cluster 'server' will be deferred till its servers become active.
There is no running server in the cluster. Deployment cannot proceed and hence will be deferred. Cause
No servers in the cluster are running. Action
Bring up the servers in the cluster in order for the deployment to succeed. Warning: Application 'app' is configured with the incorrect deployment protocol. Changing to old style.
The application is configured with the TwoPhase attribute set to true. The application structure is not supported by this protocol. The application configuration is being automatically changed to TwoPhase=false to allow it to be deployed. Cause
The application is not a proper EAR, yet it contains multiple modules. Action
No action required. However, consider repackaging the application as a proper EAR. Warning: Application 'app' is configured with a deprecated deployment protocol and will be deployed as such.
The application is configured with the TwoPhase attribute set to false or left unspecified. While supported, the application cannot take advantage of numerous features (such as application scoped resources) using the deprecated deployment protocol. Cause
A deprecated deployment configuration was found in the domain configuration. Action
No action required. However, consider reconfiguring the application to use two-phase deployment. To do so, the application must be undeployed and then deployed again using either the console or weblogic.Deployer. Warning: Application 'app' is not deployed on target 'target'. Redeploy can be called on a target only if an application is already deployed on that target.
Application 'app' is not deployed on target 'target'. Redeploy can be called on a target only if an application is already deployed on that target. Cause
An attempt to redeploy an application to a target where the application is not deployed and active. Action
Use the -deploy option to deploy an application for the first time to a target.