Breadcrumb(); > Message Index (by Number) (by Subsystem) > JMSClientExceptions Subsystem Messages
JMSClientExceptions Subsystem Messages
The JMSClientExceptions1.0 catalog contains messages in the range BEA55000 - BEA60000. Messages in this catalog are part of the
weblogic.jms Internationalization package and the
weblogic.jms Localization package.
Error: Invalid time to deliver, must be >= -1
The time to deliver parameter passed to setTimeToDeliver was invalid. Cause
The time to deliver parameter passed to setTimeToDeliver was invalid. Action
Change the code to pass a time to deliver parameter that is >= -1. Error: Cannot convert object to a boolean
The given object could not be converted to boolean Cause
An object that was not null, not a Boolean and not a String could not be converted to a boolean value Action
Make sure the object passed in is either Boolean or String Error: Cannot convert null to a byte
The null object cannot be converted to a byte value Cause
The null object cannot be converted to a byte value Action
Do not pass null where a byte value is expected Error: Cannot convert object to a byte
The given object could not be converted to a byte Cause
An object that was not null, not a Byte and not a String could not be converted to a byte value Action
Make sure the object passed in is either Byte or String Error: Cannot convert null to a short
The null object cannot be converted to a short value Cause
The null object cannot be converted to a short value Action
Do not pass null where a short value is expected Error: Cannot convert object to a short
The given object could not be converted to a short Cause
An object that was not null, not a Short and not a String could not be converted to a short value Action
Make sure the object passed in is either Short or String Error: Could not serialize object
An object could not be serialized. The linked Exception may contain more detail Cause
An object could not be serialized. The linked Exception may contain more detail Action
See the linked exception which may contain more detail Error: Invalid redelivery limit, must be >= -1
The redelivery limit parameter passed to setRedeliveryLimit was invalid. Cause
The redelivery limit parameter passed to setRedeliveryLimit was invalid. Action
Change the code to pass a redelivery limit parameter that is >= -1. Error: Invalid send timeout, must be >= 0
The send timeout parameter passed to setSendTimeout was invalid. Cause
The send timeout parameter passed to setSendTimeout was invalid. Action
Change the code to pass a send timeout parameter that is >= 0. Error: Invalid time to live
The time to live parameter passed to setTimeToLive was invalid. Cause
The time to live parameter passed to setTimeToLive was invalid. Action
Change the code to pass a valid time to live value. Error: Invalid time to live
The time to live parameter passed to send was invalid. Cause
The time to live parameter passed to send was invalid. Action
Change the code to pass a valid time to live value. Error: Invalid time to live
The time to live parameter passed to send was invalid. Cause
The time to live parameter passed to send was invalid. Action
Change the code to pass a valid time to live value. Error: Using closed dispatcher
An attempt was made to use an invalid internal component. Cause
The network connection between the client and the server may be broken. Action
Check network connectivity between the client and the WLS server. If the connectivity is OK, contact BEA support. Error: Error sending message
An error was encountered while sending a message. More details can be found in the linked exception. Cause
The linked exception will contain more details concerning the failure to send the message. Action
The action will depend on the error that occurred. More information about the specific error that occurred can be found in the linked exception. Error: Invalid delivery mode
The delivery mode parameter passed to setDeliveryMode was invalid. Cause
The delivery mode parameter passed to setDeliveryMode was invalid. Action
Change the code to pass a valid delivery mode value. Error: Invalid priority
The priority parameter passed to setPriority was invalid. Cause
The priority parameter passed to setPriority was invalid. Action
Change the code to pass a valid priority value. Error: Durable connection consumers are not supported
The system does not support durable connection consumers. Cause
The system does not support durable connection consumers. Action
Do not attempt to create a durable connection consumer. Error: QueueSessions do not support multicast
Multicast is not supported for QueueSessions Cause
The MULTICAST_NO_ACKNOWLEDGE flag was set in createQueueSession. Action
Do not use MULTICAST_NO_ACKNOWLEDGE when creating a QueueSession. Error: Duplicate session
The session id already exists Cause
Unknown Action
Contact BEA Support. Error: Session not found
While attempting to remove a session, the session could not be found. Cause
The session may have been previously removed. Action
If this problem persists contact BEA Support. Error: ClientID is null
ClientID is null in a call to setClientID. Cause
ClientID is null in a call to setClientID. Action
Do not use null in a call to setClientID. Error: Zero length clientID
The clientID passed to setClientID was zero length. Cause
The clientID passed to setClientID was zero length. Action
The clientID must not be zero length. Error: Invalid value for messagesMaximum, messagesMaximum
The value given for messagesMaximum in createConnectionConsumer is invalid Cause
The value given for messagesMaximum in createConnectionConsumer is invalid Action
Change the code to pass a valid messages maximum value. Error: No such method methodId
The given method identification number does not exist. Cause
An internal error occurred. Action
Contact BEA Support. Error: Invalid messagesMaximum value
The messagesMaximum parameter passed to setMessagesMaximum was invalid. Cause
The messagesMaximum parameter passed to setMessagesMaximum was invalid. Action
Change the code to pass a valid messages maximum value. Error: Invalid overrunPolicy value, overrunPolicy
The overrun policy passed to setOverrunPolicy is invalid Cause
The overrun policy passed to setOverrunPolicy is invalid Action
Change the code to pass a valid overrun policy value. Error: Invalid redelivery delay, must be >= -1
The redeliveryDelay parameter passed to setRedeliveryDelay was invalid. Cause
The redeliveryDelay parameter passed to setRedeliveryDelay was invalid. Action
Change the code to pass a valid redelivery delay value. Error: Name of must not be null
The name parameter passed to createDurableSubscriber was null Cause
The name parameter passed to createDurableSubscriber was null Action
Change the code to pass a valid name to createDurableSubscriber Error: Name of must not be empty string
The name parameter passed to createDurableSubscriber had a length of zero Cause
The name parameter passed to createDurableSubscriber had a length of zero Action
Change the code to pass a valid name to createDurableSubscriber Error: This topic does not support durable subscriptions
An attempt was made to create a durable subscriber on a distributed topic or on a SAF topic Cause
Durable subscribers are not supported on Distributed Topics and no subscribers at all are supported on SAF topics Action
Do not attempt to create a durable subscriber on a distributed topic or do not create a subscriber on a SAF topic Error: This connection does not have a clientID
An attempt was made to unsubscribe a connection that does not have a clientID Cause
unsubscribe was called on a connection without a clientID Action
Do not attempt to unsubscribe a connection with no clientID Error: An attempt was made to create a named consumer (name) on a connection with no clientID
An attempt was made to create a named consumer on a connection with no clientID Cause
An attempt was made to create a named consumer on a connection with no clientID Action
Do not attempt to create a named consumer on a connection with no clientID Error: Queues do not support multicast
An attempt was made to create a multicast consumer with a destination that is a queue Cause
Queues do not support multicast Action
Do not attempt to create a multicast consumer on a queue Error: Topic destination does not support multicast
The given topic does not support multicast Cause
An attempt was made to create a multicast consumer on a topic that does not support multicast Action
Do not attempt to create a multicast consumer on the given topic Error: Cannot open multicast socket, e
The client failed to open the multicast socket, check the exception from the IO subsystem Cause
We attempted to open a multicast socket and failed. The reason for failure may be in the exception Action
Check the exception printed for more details on the failure to open the multicast socket Error: Cannot join multicast group (mutlicastAddress) e
The client failed to join the given multicast group. Check the exception from the IO subsystem Cause
We attempted to join a multicast group and failed. The reason for failure may be in the exception Action
Change the exception printed for more details on the failure to join the multicast group Error: Subscription name is in use
The given subscription name is already in use Cause
Two subscriptions with the same name are not allowed Action
Do not attempt to use a subscription name more than once. If necessary, unsubscribe the previous subscription Error: An unexpected response (response) was received from the server
An unexpected response was received from the server Cause
An internal protocol error has occurred Action
Contact BEA Systems, Inc. support Error: A system error has occurred. The error is e
The printed error has occurred Cause
The cause of this error may be contained in the printed exception Action
The action will depend on the error that has occurred. Contact BEA Systems, Inc. support Error: Subscription name is in use
The given subscription name is already in use Cause
An attempt was made to remove the named subscription while the subscription is in use Action
Do not attempt to use remove a subscription that is currently in use Error: Cannot leave multicast group (mutlicastAddress) e
The client failed to leave the given multicast group. Check the exception from the IO subsystem Cause
We attempted to leave a multicast group and failed. The reason for failure may be in the exception Action
Change the exception printed for more details on the failure to leave the multicast group Error: No such method method for class className
The given method number could not be found in the given class Cause
An internal error has occurred Action
Contact BEA Systems, Inc. support Error: No such method method for class className
The given method number could not be found in the given class Cause
An internal error has occurred Action
Contact BEA Systems, Inc. support Error: Multicast sessions do not support synchronous receives
Multicast sessions do not support synchronous receives Cause
An attempt was made to do a synchronous receive on a multicast consumer Action
Do not attempt to make a synchronous receive with a multicast consumer Error: An invalid value (timeout) for timeout was specified
The timeout given to a receive call is invalid. Timeout values must be positive Cause
The timeout given to a receive call is invalid. Timeout values must be positive Action
Change the code such that it does not pass a negative number into receive Error: A listener already exists
A pre-existing listener exists for this consumer Cause
A call to receive cannot be made if the consumer has a listener Action
Do not attempt to call receive if a listener already exists for the consumer Error: No such method methodid
The given method identification number does not exist. Cause
An internal error occurred. Action
Contact BEA Systems, Inc. support. Error: Multicast selectors are not supported in the thin client
When using the thin JMS client jar a selector was used Cause
Multicast selectors are not supported in the thin client. Action
If selectors are required, do not use the JMS thin client. If selectors are not required, do not use them while using the thin client Error: internal error iae
An internal error occurred. More detail about the error is found in the exception Cause
An internal error occurred. More detail about the error is found in the exception Action
Contact BEA Systems, Inc. support Error: internal error nsme
An internal error occurred. More detail about the error is found in the exception Cause
An internal error occurred. More detail about the error is found in the exception Action
Contact BEA Systems, Inc. support Error: internal error ie
An internal error occurred. More detail about the error is found in the exception Cause
An internal error occurred. More detail about the error is found in the exception Action
Contact BEA Systems, Inc. support Error: Invalid selector target
An error occurred while parsing the selector. The exception should provide more detail Cause
An error occurred while parsine a selector. The printed error should have more detail Action
Will depend on the nature of the error. Use a well-formed selector Error: Error creating connection to the server: roe
There was an error while creating a connection to the server. The exception printed out will have more detail Cause
The exception printed may have information regarding the cause of this failure Action
Will depend on the error printed out in the exception Error: Error finding dispatcher: t
An internal error has occurred Cause
An internal error has occurred Action
Contact BEA Systems, Inc. support Error: No transaction
There is no transaction on this session to commit Cause
A call to commit was made on a session but there is no current transaction Action
Do not call commit on a session that is not currently in a transaction Error: Error committing session
An error occurred while committing an XA session Cause
An error occurred while committing an XA session Action
Examine the transaction logs to see what occurred to the transaction Error: No transaction
There is no transaction on this session to rollback Cause
A call to rollback was made on a session but there is no current transaction Action
Do not call rollback on a session that is not currently in a transaction Error: Error committing session
An error occurred while committing an XA session Cause
An error occurred while committing an XA session Action
Examine the transaction logs to see what occurred to the transaction Error: getXAResource can only be called from the server
A call to getXAResource was made from a client JVM Cause
A call to getXAResource was made from a client JVM. getXAResource is not supported in the client Action
Do not call getXAResource from a client JVM Error: No transaction
There is no transaction on this session to commit Cause
A call to commit was made on a session but there is no current transaction Action
Do not call commit on a session that is not currently in a transaction Error: No transaction
There is no transaction on this session to rollback Cause
A call to rollback was made on a session but there is no current transaction Action
Do not call rollback on a session that is not currently in a transaction Error: This session is transacted
A call to recover was made on a transacted session Cause
A call to recover was made on a transacted session Action
Do not call recover on a transacted session. Use rollback instead Error: This session has consumer listeners
The session on which setMessageListener was called already has consumer listeners Cause
The session on which setMessageListener was called already has consumer listeners Action
Do not call setMessageListener on a session that already has consumer listeners Error: Unsupported topic operation on a queue session
Cannot call createTopic on a QueueSession Cause
A call to createTopic was made on a QueueSession Action
Do not call createTopic on a QueueSession Error: Unsupported topic operation on a queue session
Cannot call createDurableSubscriber on a QueueSession Cause
A call to createDurableSubscriber was made on a QueueSession Action
Do not call createDurableSubscriber on a QueueSession Error: Unsupported topic operation on a queue session
Cannot call createTemporaryTopic on a QueueSession Cause
A call to createTemporaryTopic was made on a QueueSession Action
Do not call createTemporaryTopic on a QueueSession Error: Unsupported topic operation on a queue session
Cannot call unsubscribe on a QueueSession Cause
A call to unsubscribe was made on a QueueSession Action
Do not call unsubscribe on a QueueSession Error: There is no subscription to unsubscribe from
There is no subscription on this session Cause
The user called unsubscribe on a session that does not have a subscription Action
Do not call unsubscribe on a session that does not have a subscription Error: Unsupported queue operation on a topic session
Cannot call createQueue on a TopicSession Cause
A call to createQueue was made on a TopicSession Action
Do not call createQueue on a TopicSession Error: Unsupported queue operation on a topic session
Cannot call createBrowser on a TopicSession Cause
A call to createBrowser was made on a TopicSession Action
Do not call createBrowser on a TopicSession Error: Unsupported queue operation on a topic session
Cannot call createTemporaryQueue on a TopicSession Cause
A call to createTemporaryQueue was made on a TopicSession Action
Do not call createTemporaryQueue on a TopicSession Error: Wrong connection for this temporary destination
An attempt was made to create a consumer on a different connection from where the temporary destination was created Cause
An attempt was made to call createConsumer on an invalid connection from a temporary destination Action
Make sure to only create consumers using the same connection that created the temporary destination Error: Dropping new message
A new message is being dropped because too many messages have arrived Cause
A new message is being dropped because too many messages have arrived Action
Consume messages faster, or produce messages for this session slower Error: Dropping old message
An old message is being dropped because too many messages have arrived Cause
An old message is being dropped because too many messages have arrived Action
Consume messages faster, or produce messages for this session slower Warning: It is possible that the client is malfunctioning: a RuntimeException was thrown from its onMessage method
The onMessage method of the client threw a RuntimeException. Naughty Cause
The onMessage method of the client threw a RuntimeException. Naughty Action
Modify the code such that the RuntimeException is not thrown from within the body of the user code. This warning is required by secion 4.5.2 of the JMS Specification Error: The session is closed
An operation was attempted on a closed session Cause
An operation was attempted on a closed session Action
Do not attempt this operation on a closed session Error: Cannot override producer destination
A call to send with a non-null destination was made on a producer that is already bound to a destination Cause
A call to send with a non-null destination was made on a producer that is already bound to a destination Action
Do not call send with a non-null destination on a producer that is already bound to a destination Error: Cannot override producer destination
A call to send with a non-null destination was made on a producer that is already bound to a destination Cause
A call to send with a non-null destination was made on a producer that is already bound to a destination Action
Do not call send with a non-null destination on a producer that is already bound to a destination Error: Must provide destination to send to
The send call does not have a destination to send to Cause
There is no destination to send to Action
Use the version of send that has a destination or bind a destination to the producer before calling send Error: Must provide destination to send to
The send call does not have a destination to send to Cause
There is no destination to send to Action
Use the version of send that has a destination or bind a destination to the producer before calling send Error: Unsupported topic operation on a queue session
Cannot call createDurableConnectionConsumer on a QueueConnection Cause
A call to createDurableConnectionConsumer was made on a QueueConnection Action
Do not call createDurableConnectionConsumer on a QueueConnection Error: The connection is closed
The connection has been closed. Only a few operations are valid on a closed connection Cause
The connection has been closed. Only a few operations are valid on a closed connection Action
Do not call any illegal operations on a closed queue connection Error: Cannot set clientid to clientID. The client ID is already set to clientID1
The clientID clientID1 is already set on this connection. The clientID cannot be set to clientID Cause
The clientID clientID1 is already set on this connection. The clientID cannot be set to clientID Action
Do not attempt to set a clientID on a connection that already has one Error: A connection consumer only works on the server
A connection consumer can only be created in the same JVM in which the server is running Cause
A connection consumer can only be created in the same JVM in which the server is running Action
Do not attempt to create a connection consumer on a JVM that is not running the server Error: Destination is null
In a call to createConnectionConsumer or createConsumer the destination parameter was null Cause
In a call to createConnectionConsumer or createConsumer the destination parameter was null Action
Do not use null for the destination in a call to createConnectionConsumer or createConsumer Error: Foreign destination
In a call to createConnectionConsumer the destination given was a foreign destination Cause
Foreign destination are not supported when creating connectionConsumers Action
Do not use a foreign destination in a call to createConnectionConsumer Error: The session already has a message listener
A consumer may not have an individual message listener if its parent session already has one defined Cause
A consumer may not have an individual message listener if its parent session already has one defined Action
Do not attempt to set a message listener for a consumer if the session already has a listener defined Error: The consumer is closed
The consumer has been closed. Only a few operations are valid on a closed consumer Cause
The consumer has been closed. Only a few operations are valid on a closed consumer Action
Do not call any illegal operations on a closed consumer Error: Destination is null
In a call to send the destination parameter was null Cause
In a call to send the destination parameter was null Action
Do not use null for the destination in a call to send Error: Foreign destination
In a call to send the destination given was a foreign destination Cause
Foreign destination are not supported when sending Action
Do not use a foreign destination in a call to send Error: Destination destination must be a queue
An attempt was made to publish to a queue Cause
An attempt was made to publish to a queue Action
Do not use publish to a queue. Use send instead Error: Destination destination must be a topic
An attempt was made to send to a topic Cause
An attempt was made to send to a topic Action
Do not use send to a topic. Use publish instead Error: Error converting foreign message
An IO exception occurred while converting foreign message Cause
An IO exception occurred while converting foreign message. The cause of the failure may be contained in the linked exception Action
Examine the linked IO Exception Error: The producer is closed
The producer has been closed. Only a few operations are valid on a closed producer Cause
The producer has been closed. Only a few operations are valid on a closed producer Action
Do not call any illegal operations on a closed producer Error: The browser is closed
The browser has been closed. Only a few operations are valid on a closed browser Cause
The browser has been closed. Only a few operations are valid on a closed browser Action
Do not call any illegal operations on a closed browser Error: Cannot convert null to a char
The null object cannot be converted to a char value Cause
The null object cannot be converted to a char value Action
Do not pass null where a char value is expected Error: Cannot convert object to a char
The given object could not be converted to a char Cause
An object that was not null, not a Character and not a String could not be converted to a char value Action
Make sure the object passed in is either Character or String Error: Cannot convert null to an int
The null object cannot be converted to an int value Cause
The null object cannot be converted to an int value Action
Do not pass null where an int value is expected Error: Cannot convert object to an int
The given object could not be converted to an int Cause
An object that was not null, not an Integer and not a String could not be converted to a int value Action
Make sure the object passed in is either Integer or String Error: Cannot convert null to a long
The null object cannot be converted to a long value Cause
The null object cannot be converted to a long value Action
Do not pass null where a long value is expected Error: Cannot convert object to a long
The given object could not be converted to a long Cause
An object that was not null, not a Long and not a String could not be converted to a long value Action
Make sure the object passed in is either Long or String Error: Cannot convert null to a float
The null object cannot be converted to a float value Cause
The null object cannot be converted to a float value Action
Do not pass null where a float value is expected Error: Cannot convert object to a float
The given object could not be converted to a float Cause
An object that was not null, not a Float and not a String could not be converted to a float value Action
Make sure the object passed in is either Float or String Error: Cannot convert null to a double
The null object cannot be converted to a double value Cause
The null object cannot be converted to a double value Action
Do not pass null where a double value is expected Error: Cannot convert object to a double
The given object could not be converted to a double Cause
An object that was not null, not a Double and not a String could not be converted to a short value Action
Make sure the object passed in is either Double or String Error: A byte[] cannot be converted to a String
A byte[] cannot be converted to a String Cause
A byte[] cannot be converted to a String Action
Do not pass a byte array that need to be converted to a string Error: Cannot convert object to a byte[]
The given object could not be converted to a byte[] Cause
The given object could not be converted to a byte[] Action
Make sure the object passed in can be converted to a byte array Error: Read past end of message
An attempt was made to read past the end of a StreamMessage Cause
An attempt was made to read past the end of a StreamMessage. A linked EOFException may contain more information Action
Do not attempt to read past the end of a StreamMessage. See the linked EOFException for more information Error: Error reading from stream
There was an error reading the stream from a StreamMessage Cause
There was an error reading the stream from a StreamMessage. A linked IOException may contain more information Action
See the linked IOException for more information Error: Error writing to stream
There was an error writing to the stream of a StreamMessage Cause
There was an error writing to the stream of a StreamMessage. A linked IOException may contain more information Action
See the linked IOException for more information Error: Cannot convert from from to to
A StreamMessage was unable to convert one type to another Cause
A StreamMessage was unable to convert one type to another Action
Ensure the two types are compatible. Do not attempt to convert incompatible types Error: Error reading from stream
There was an error reading the stream from a StreamMessage Cause
There was an error reading the stream from a StreamMessage. A linked ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException may contain more information Action
See the linked ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException for more information Error: Error reading from stream
There was an error reading the stream from a StreamMessage Cause
There was an error reading the stream from a StreamMessage. A linked ArrayStoreException may contain more information Action
See the linked ArrayStoreException for more information Error: Error deserializing an object. Some typical reasons for failure: missing application class, application class version mismatch, Java object's not supported.
There was an error deserializing an object. A linked IOException may have more detail Cause
There was an error deserializing an object. A linked IOException may have more detail Action
See the linked IOException Error: Error deserializing an object
There was an error deserializing an object. A linked ClassNotFoundException may have more detail Cause
There was an error deserializing an object. A linked ClassNotFoundException may have more detail Action
See the linked ClassNotFoundException Error: Internal error unknown message type type
This error should never happen Cause
This error should never happen Action
Contact BEA Systems, Inc. support Error: Invalid delivery mode mode
The delivery mode passed into setJMSDeliveryMode is invalid Cause
The delivery mode passed into setJMSDeliveryMode is invalid Action
Change the code so that it calls setJMSDeliveryMode with a valid deliver mode Error: Invalid redelivery limit, must be >= -1
The redelivery limit parameter passed to setJMSRedeliveryLimit was invalid. Cause
The redelivery limit parameter passed to setJMSRedeliveryLimit was invalid. Action
Change the code to pass a redelivery limit parameter that is >= -1. Error: Invalid priority, priority
The priority parameter passed to setJMSPriority was invalid. Cause
The priority parameter passed to setJMSPriority was invalid. Action
Change the code to pass a valid priority value. Error: Invalid property name, "name"
The property name passed to setObjectProperty was invalid Cause
The property name passed to setObjectProperty was invalid Action
Change the code to pass a valid property name Error: Invalid property name, "name"
The property name passed to setObjectProperty was invalid Cause
The property name passed to setObjectProperty was invalid Action
Change the code to pass a valid property name Error: Property write attempted in READ mode
An attempt was made to write a property but the message is read-only Cause
An attempt was made to write a property but the message is read-only Action
Do not attempt to write a property to a message in read-only mode Error: Invalid property value, value
The property value passed to setObjectProperty was invalid Cause
The property value passed to setObjectProperty was invalid Action
Change the code to pass a valid property value Error: Peer neither compatible with ver1 or ver2 or ver3. PeerInfo is pi
A version mismatch occurred in a message Cause
A version mismatch occurred in a message Action
This is an internal error that should not occur. Please contact BEA Systems, Inc. support Error: Unknown underlying stream type, cannot convert 6.0 class
While attempting to read a message created by an older version of WLS a failure occurred Cause
While attempting to read a message created by an older version of WLS a failure occurred Action
It may not be possible to read the older version of the message. Contact BEA Systems, Inc. support Error: Stream is corrupted. Possible older version
While attempting to read a message created by an older version of WLS a failure occurred Cause
While attempting to read a message created by an older version of WLS a failure occurred Action
It may not be possible to read the older version of the message. Contact BEA Systems, Inc. support Error: Unsupported version
The version of the message being read is unsupported Cause
The version of the message being read is unsupported Action
Contact BEA Systems, Inc. support Error: Read attempted in WRITE mode
An attempt was made to read a message in WRITE mode Cause
An attempt was made to read a message in WRITE mode Action
Do not attempt to read a message in WRITE mode Error: Write attempted in READ mode
An attempt was made to write a message that is read-only Cause
An attempt was made to write a message that is read-only Action
Do not attempt to write to a message in read-only mode Error: Invalid data type: className
The class name given is not a valid data type Cause
The class name given is not a valid data type. The type for setObject must be Number, String, Boolean, byte[], Character or null. Action
Only pass one of the acceptable data types to setObject in a MapMessage Error: Illegal name: name
The given name is not legal. It is either null or of zero length Cause
The given name is not legal. It is either null or of zero length Action
Pass a non-null or non-zero-length string as the name of a MapMessage element Error: Could not copy message
A linked IOException will contain more information about the nature of the error Cause
The system could not copy a MapMessage. The linked IOException should contain more information about the nature of the error Action
Examine the linked exception to discover what the cause of the failure was Error: Could not deserialize message
A linked IOException will contain more information about the nature of the error Cause
The system could not deserialize a MapMessage. The linked IOException should contain more information about the nature of the error Action
Examine the linked exception to discover what the cause of the failure was Error: Unsupported class version version. Expected a value between min and max inclusive.
The version version is not between the expected versions min and max. This is an unexpected failure. Cause
While attempting to interoperate between different releases or service packs an error occurred while attempting to serialize or deserialize an object. The version number of the object was not in the expected range. If version is larger than min then it is possible an attempt was made to access a newer JMS version than the current version. Otherwise a possible attempt has been made to interoperate with an unsupported older version of JMS. Action
Make sure the versions of BEA products that are interoperating are supported. If the versions should be supported, contact BEA Systems, Inc. support Error: Could not write object, expected simple type, but got class name
While attempting to write an object version of a simple type we got an unknown class with the given name Cause
We could not write the given object class because it is not a simple type Action
Contact BEA Systems, Inc. support Error: Could not read object, unrecognized class code code
While attempting to read an object we received an unknown class code Cause
An unknown class code was received. The object cannot be read Action
Contact BEA Systems, Inc. support Error: JMSProducerSendResponse versions oldVersion, newVersion not compatible with peer: peer
An internal object type version was not valid. It cannot interoperate with the given peer Cause
An interoperability error occurred Action
Only use versions of BEA products that can interoperate with each other. If the versions you are using should interoperate, contact BEA Systems, Inc. support Error: Peer not compatible with DistributedDestinationImpl version version. Peer Major Version is less than 6
An internal object with the given version number was not compatible with its peer Cause
An interoperability error occurred Action
Only use versions of BEA products that can interoperate with each other. If the versions you are using should interoperate, contact BEA Systems, Inc. support Error: Invalid Temporary Destination
The destination was invalid, there is no associated connection Cause
An attempt was made to delete an invalid temporary destination Action
Do not attempt to delete invalid temporary destinations Error: Internal error or marshalling error, unknown destination type type
An unknown type was encountered when marshalling a destination Cause
An unknown type was encountered when marshalling a destination Action
Contact BEA Systems, Inc. support Error: Destination is null
While checking a destination type the incoming destination was null Cause
While checking a destination type the incoming destination was null Action
Do not attempt to discover the type of a null destination Error: Foreign destination, destination
While checking a destination type the incoming destination is foreign Cause
While checking a destination type the incoming destination is foreign Action
Do not attempt to discover the type of a foreign destination Error: Destination must be a queue, destination
The given destination must be a queue, but it is not a queue Cause
The given destination must be a queue, but it is not a queue Action
Only use the proper type of destination when checking types Error: Destination must be a topic, destination
The given destination must be a topic, but it is not a topic Cause
The given destination must be a topic, but it is not a topic Action
Only use the proper type of destination when checking types Error: Unknown stream version: version
While reading a buffered input stream an invalid version was found Cause
The given version number is invalid for a buffered stream Action
Contact BEA Systems, Inc. support Error: The stream cannot handle raw objects
The buffered input stream cannot handle raw objects Cause
The stream is probably from an unintended source, such as a web-browser Action
Only connect to your BEA product TCP port with a proper client. If the client is a proper client, contact BEA Systems, Inc. support Error: not implemented
readLine is not implemented Cause
readLine was called, but it has not been implemented Action
Contact BEA Systems, Inc. support Error: The stream cannot handle raw objects
The buffered output stream cannot handle raw objects Cause
Could not write a raw object to the buffered stream Action
Contact BEA Systems, Inc. support Error: Attempt to read past end of message (place)
An attempt was made to read past the end of a BytesMessage Cause
The end of the bytes message was reached, but an attempt was made to read. place indicates where the attempt was made and will only be significant to BEA Systems, Inc. support Action
Do not attempt to read past the end of the the bytes message Error: Error reading from stream (place)
An IOException occurred while reading a BytesMessage. The linked exception will have more detail about the reason for the failure Cause
The linked IOException will have more detail on the cause of the failure Action
Examine the linked exception to discover what the problem may have been Error: Length (length) is negative
In a call to readBytes the length parameter is negative Cause
In a call to readBytes the length parameter is negative Action
Fix the code to ensure a negative length is not passed to readBytes Error: length (length) is greater than the length of the array (value_length)
In a call to readBytes the length parameter is larger than the size of the bytes array to fill Cause
In a call to readBytes the length parameter is larger than the size of the bytes array to fill Action
Fix the code to ensure the length passed to readBytes is less than or equal to the length of the output array Error: Error writing to stream (place)
An IOException occurred while writing to a BytesMessage. The linked exception will have more detail about the reason for the failure Cause
The linked IOException will have more detail on the cause of the failure Action
Examine the linked exception to discover what the problem may have been Error: Invalid object type: clazz
The object passed to writeObject is not a valid type of object Cause
The object passed to writeObject is not valid Action
Only send valid object types to writeObject. Example valid types are Boolean, Byte, Short, Integer and so on Error: Cannot forward message
In a call to forward the message given was a message that is not forwardable Cause
Modified received Message are not supported when using forward methods Action
Do not modify a received message in a call to forward Error: Peer neither compatible with ver1 or ver2 or ver3 or ver4. PeerInfo is pi
A version mismatch occurred in a message Cause
A version mismatch occurred in a message Action
This is an internal error that should not occur. Please contact BEA Systems, Inc. support Error: Invalid compression threshold
The valid compression threshold parameter has to be positive integer including 0. Set it to 0 will force compression on any non-empty message. Cause
The compression threshold was invalid. Action
Change the code to pass a valid compression threshold. Error: WLS JMS failed to decompress the message body
An IOException occurred while decompressing the message. The linked exception will have more detail about the reason for the failure Cause
The linked IOException will have more detail on the cause of the failure Action
Examine the linked exception to discover what the problem may have been Error: Message consumer received a compressed message with unknown compression tag - unknownCompressionTag
Message consumer received a compressed message but the compression tag is not GZIP Cause
Contact BEA support. Action
Contact BEA support. Error: WLS JMS failed to deserialize the text message
WLS JMS failed to deserialize the text message Cause
Contact BEA support. Action
Contact BEA support. Error: Cannot forward foreign message
Cannot forward foreign message Cause
Foreign Messages are not supported when using forward methods Action
Do not forward a foreign message Error: WLS JMS failed to serialize the text message for interoperability
WLS JMS failed to serialize the text message for interoperability Cause
Contact BEA support. Action
Contact BEA support. Error: WLS JMS failed to serialize the XML message for interoperability
WLS JMS failed to serialize the XML message for interoperability Cause
Contact BEA support. Action
Contact BEA support. Error: Cannot forward message to a WebLogic server prior than 9.0
Cannot forward message to a WebLogic server prior than 9.0 Cause
Cannot forward message to a WebLogic server prior than 9.0 Action
Do not forward message to a WebLogic server prior than 9.0 Error: The following exception has occurred:\n t
A stack trace is being printed for an exception that occurred. Cause
An error condition has occurred. Action
Look for the associated exception in the log or your program to see what the results are. In general, this stack trace will help in debugging an existing problem. Alert: JMSServer "arg0". Unhandled exception. Error code "arg1", t.
The server encountered an unexpected condition but may attempt to continue operation. Cause
Look for earlier messages that might explain what caused the error. Action
Contact customer support. Error: Single session cannot support more than one synchronous message-prefetching consumer.
Single session cannot support more than one synchronous message-prefetching consumer. Cause
There is another opened synchronous message-prefetching consumer. Action
Close the another synchronous message-prefetching consumer. Error: Synchronous message-prefetching consumer cannot support user transaction.
Synchronous message-prefetching consumer cannot support user transaction. Cause
Synchronous message-prefetching consumer cannot support user transaction. Action
Disable the user transaction or the synchronous message-prefetching consumer in the jms connection factory setting. Error: Network connection to server was lost.
Network connection to server was lost. Cause
Network connection to server was lost. Action
This is usually a recoverable error when the JMS client is using the auto-reconnect/failover feature. This error is exposed to the user (JMS client code developer) when the auto-reconnect feature cannot make a decision without user input on a particular course of action after failover. User can consciously code to continue to use relevant refreshed JMS objects with a potential lowered quality of service like duplicate/lost/out-of-order messages, or decide to close the relevant JMS object. Error: Cannot convert string property from its internal format.
Cannot convert string property from its internal format. Cause
Cannot convert string property from its internal format. Action
Contact customer support.