Breadcrumb(); > Message Index (by Number) (by Subsystem) > HTTP Session Subsystem Messages
HTTP Session Subsystem Messages
The HTTP Session1.0 catalog contains messages in the range BEA100000 - BEA100999. Messages in this catalog are part of the
weblogic.servlet.internal.session Internationalization package and the
weblogic.servlet.internal.session Localization package.
Error: ERROR: Invalid call to the deprecated method method!!
The user code has invoked a method, which has been deprecated. Cause
The method has been deprecated in the latest servlet specification. Action
Check the specification for an alternative. If not corrected, you might see unpredictable behavior. Error: Unexpected error occurred while fetching all session IDs.
The call failed with an exception. Cause
An unexpected error occurred while fetching all session IDs when checking the session expiration. Action
Check the exception for an exact error message. Error: Could not create new session using session ID: "sessionId"
A new session creation call failed and received an exception. Cause
This is an unexpected error. Action
Check the exception for an exact error message. Info: Could not find session: "sessionId".
This call was expected to return a session, but the session did not exist. Cause
Check the exception for an exact error message. Action
Log message not in use. Info: Removing session: "sessionId" lastAccessed: accessTime expiration: expiration.
The session will cease to exist. Cause
This is an informative message to convey that the session is being removed. Action
If this was unexpected behavior, check the session timeout parameter. Error: Could not remove session: "sessionId".
Session removal failed. Cause
An unexpected error occurred while removing the session. Action
Check the exception for the exact error message. Info: HTTP session file persistence: storing sessions in directory: directory.
HTTP session file persistence: storing sessions in directory: directory. This is the directory to which HTTP sessions will be written. Cause
This is an information only message. Action
Make sure that the directory stores the sessions as per the PeristentStoreDir session parameter (weblogic.xml). Info: Erasing directory tree for persistent HTTP sessions: directory.
Erasing directory tree for persistent HTTP sessions: directory - for file based persistent sessions. This will remove the directory tree from the disk. Cause
The storage directory is being deleted as a result of session invalidation. Action
Make sure that the deletion is happening while removing sessions. Error: Cannot delete "directory".
Unable to delete file persistent store directory "directory". Cause
Failed to delete the storage directory. Action
Make sure the permissions on this directory are OK. Make sure the file/directory is not in use by another process. Info: Creating a new session with ID id.
Creating a new session with ID id. This is a randomly created session ID. Cause
This is an information only message. Action
Make sure the session ID length is consistent with the IDLen session parameter in weblogic.xml. Debug: Session ID: id. Stored to: path.
Session stored to persistent store. Cause
The container persists the modified session onto the disk after the request is served. Action
Make sure the path is consistent with the session parameter, PersistentStoreDir (weblogic.xml). Error: An error occurred while serializing session data. Deleting this session.
Serialization of the session attributes failed. Cause
This might be due to a change in the class definition or serialVersionUID. Action
Check the exception for the exact error message and take appropriate action. Debug: Invalidating session with Session ID:id.
Invalidating session with Session ID:id. Cause
This is an information only message indicating that the session is being invalidated. Action
Make sure this was triggered by a normal session expiration or user code. Info: path Not invalidated. The session serialized into the file system does not exist.
path Not invalidated. The session serialized into the file system does not exist. Cause
Could not find the session. Does not exist. Action
This session might have been deleted by a trigger in some other server, which is pointing to the same storage. Error: Cannot delete the HTTP session storage file: file
Cannot delete the HTTP session storage file: file, which is used by file-based session persistence. Cause
Unable to delete the file used for session storage. Action
Make sure some other application does not have a lock on the file and that permissions are assigned appropriately. Info: Deleted file based session persistent store file: file.
Deleted file based session persistent store file: file. Cause
This is an informational message indicating that the storage file is being deleted. Action
Make sure the deletion is consistent with the path defined in PersistentStoreDir (weblogic.xml) Error: Session expiration check failed for: id. Invalidating the session expiration check.
Session expiration check failed for: id. Invalidating the session expiration check. Cause
An unexpected error occurred while checking the session for expiration. Action
The session will be removed from the persistent store. Check the exception for the exact error message. Info: Reconstituted: session id id.
Session reconstituted successfully. Cause
Debug message Action
Debug message Error: An error occurred while loading serialized session data for session id.
Failed to load the session from the disk. Cause
An unexpected error occurred. Action
Check the exception for the exact error message. The file could be corrupted. Info: File-based persistent session ID: "id" storage file: "file". File exists: exists.
File-based persistent session ID: "id" storage file: "file". File exists: exists. Cause
This is an informational message indicating that the session was stored in this path. Action
Make sure the file-based persistent session storage is consistent with PersistentStoreDir (weblogic.xml). Error: Received malformed cookie ID: id.
Problem occurred while parsing cookie. Cause
Could not parse the cookie properly. Action
Check the cookie format and the exception for the exact problem. Info: HTTPSessionContext was created with verbose enabled mode.
HTTPSessionContext was created with verbose enabled mode, as configured in weblogic.xml. Cause
This is an information message indicating that verbose mode is enabled. Action
If this was unintentional, check the SessionDebuggable parameter in weblogic.xml. Info: Session invalidation interval: interval.
Session invalidation interval: interval. Cause
Session invalidation trigger is being created. Action
Make sure the session invalidation interval is consistent with InvalidationIntervalSecs (weblogic.xml). Info: Session invalidation trigger fired at: time.
Session invalidation trigger fired at: time. Cause
The invalidation trigger is checking for expired sessions. Action
Make sure the interval is equal to InvalidationIntervalSecs (weblogic.xml). Info: Session invalidation trigger found no live sessions.
Session invalidation trigger found no live sessions. Cause
No sessions exist in the persistent store. Action
Either there is no Web traffic or the sessions are not being persisted. Error: An unexpected error occurred in HTTP session timeout callback while deleting sessions.
An unexpected error occurred in HTTP session timeout callback while deleting sessions. Cause
The invalidation trigger failed unexpectedly while deleting sessions. Action
Check the exception for probable cause. Error: An unexpected error was raised in HTTP session timeout callback, while checking session expiration.
An unexpected error was raised in HTTP session timeout callback, while checking session expiration. Cause
An unexpected error occurred while checking the sessions for expiration. Action
Check the exception for the exact error message. Info: Session invalidation complete. Checked: total. Expired: invalidated.
Session invalidation complete. Checked: total. Expired: invalidated. Cause
This is an information message to log the statistics for session expiration. Action
Make sure the total session count in the persistent store and number of expired session count look reasonable. Error: Could not deserialize session data.
Could not deserialize session data. Cause
Failed to deserialize session data. Action
Make sure the object you are putting into the session is serializable and also the non-transient object it aggregates are also serializable. If any of the non-transient objects in the entire object graph are not serializable, you will receive this error message. Warning: A session containing non-serializable objects was reloaded. Discarding non-serializable objects.
A session containing non-serializable objects was reloaded. Discarding non-serializable objects. Cause
Data, which cannot be serialized, was discarded as the container cannot store that into the persistent store. Action
If the data (which was discarded) was important, make it serializable. Info: HTTP session expired. Session ID sessionId.
HTTP session expired. Session ID sessionId. Cause
This is an informational message indicating that the session with ID sessionId has been expired. Action
If the session expired sooner than expected, check the SessionTimeout parameter in weblogic.xml. Error: An error occurred while unregistering servlet session runtime MBean: desc.
This runtime MBean is used to monitor statistics for the HTTP sessions. Cause
Failed to remove this MBean. Action
Check the exception for the exact error message. Error: An error occurred while creating a servlet session runtime MBean.
This runtime MBean is used to monitor statistics for the HTTP sessions. Cause
Failed to create this MBean. Action
Check the exception for the exact error message. Error: The license for replicated sessions is invalid: desc. Downgrading sessions to memory (not replicated).
The sessions will not be replicated to other servers in the cluster. Cause
The license was not valid to support replicated sessions. Action
Check your license. You might want to upgrade it to a clustering/replication license. Alternatively, you can use file/jdbc persistence for session store reliability. Info: Timer Checking for session expiration for ID: id Web application: path.
Timer Checking for session expiration for ID: id Web application: path. Cause
The trigger (which checks sessions for expiration periodically) was just fired. Action
Check the InvalidationIntervalSecs parameter values in weblogic.xml. Info: Timer invalidated session ID: id Web application: path, because it expired.
Timer invalidated session ID: id Web application: path, because it expired. Cause
This message was logged by the Web application level timer, which checks the sessions for expiration periodically. Action
If the session expired too soon, check SessionTimeout in weblogix.xml.. Debug: Creating SessionContext of type: type for Web application: path.
Creating SessionContext of type: type for Web application: path. Cause
This message is logged on Web application deployment. Action
Make sure the SessionContext type is consistent with PersistentStoreType (weblogic.xml). Error: Unknown persistent type: type for Web application: path. Valid types are: memory/file/replicated/jdbc/cookie/replicated_if_clustered.
Unknown persistent type: type for Web application: path. Valid types are: memory/file/replicated/jdbc/cookie/replicated_if_clustered. Cause
The persistent store type you specified for this Web application is not recognized. Action
Check the PersistentStoreType parameter in weblogic.xml. The valid values are: memory/file/replicated/cookie/jdbc/replicated_if_clustered. Error: Replicated HTTP sessions specified for webapp: path, but clustering not enabled.
Replicated HTTP sessions specified for webapp: path, but clustering not enabled. Cause
The session replication mechanism relies on clustering, which has not been configured. Action
Please setup clustering or change the PersistentStoreType in weblogic.xml to memory/file/jdbc/cookie Info: getAttribute(): name was a Handle, reconstructing the EJBObject
getAttribute(): name was a Handle, reconstructing the EJBObject Cause
This is an informational message indicating that the container is storing only the handle for the EJBObject placed into the session. Action
No action required. Info: setAttribute(): name was an EJBObject. Storing the handle into the session.
setAttribute(): name was an EJBObject. Storing the handle into the session. Cause
The container found an EJB handle stored in the session. Will reconstruct the EJB object before returning. Action
No action required. Error: An error occurred while reconstructing the EJBObject: name put into the session.
An error occurred while reconstructing the EJBObject: name put into the session. Cause
The container found an EJB handle stored in the session. However, it failed to reconstruct the EJBObject using that handle. Action
Make sure the handle is still valid. Check the exception for the exact error message. Error: An error occurred while finding the handle for the EJBObject: name.
An error occurred while finding the handle for the EJBObject: name. Cause
The container stores only the handle for an EJBObject put into session. However, in this case, it failed to find the handle. Action
Check the RemoteException for the exact error message details. Info: Found WLCookie cookie name=value.
Found WLCookie cookie name=value. Cause
The cookie persistence mechanism relies on setting the cookie header. Action
No action required. Error: Malformed WLCookie. Value: value. Ignoring.
Malformed WLCookie. Value: value. Ignoring. Cause
The cookie persistence mechanism relies on setting the cookie header. Action
The cookie was found to be malformed. Only strings are supported for cookie-based persistence. Also make sure you do not have characters in the attributes name/values, which can break the cookie syntax. Info: Creating new session with ID: id for Web application: webapp.
Creating new session with ID: id for Web application: webapp. Cause
A new session has been created. Action
Make sure the length is equal to the IDLen parameter in weblogic.xml. Info: Performing the database operation: op Id: id Web application: webapp.
Performing the database operation: op Id: id Web application: webapp. Cause
This is an informational message for JDBC-based persistence. Action
No action required. Meant for debugging purposes only. Info: Looked up ROID: roid from host host:port for ID: id.
Looked up ROID: roid from host host:port for ID: id. Cause
The replicated session ID was not found in the current server. Perhaps this server is not the primary/secondary. Will try to retrieve the session from the assigned secondary if it is alive. Action
No action required. Error: Error looking up session with id:id
Error looking up session with id:id - session refresh failed Cause
Got RemoteException looking up session from the secondary Action
Check if the secondary server is down. Note that it is not recommended to kill both the primary and secondary server at the same time. Remember the replication happens lazily, upon request. So if you need to bring down the secondary server too give sufficient time so that the active end users hit their sessions and they get replicated. Info: The current server is becoming primary for replicated session ID: id.
The current server is becoming primary for replicated session ID: id. Cause
The current server is taking the role of primary for the given session. Action
No action required. Info: The current server is becoming the secondary for replicated session ID: id.
The current server is becoming the secondary for replicated session ID: id. Cause
The current server is taking the role of primary for the given session. Action
No action required. Info: Unregistering replicated session ID: id.
Unregistering replicated session ID: id. Cause
The current server is going to unregister the given session. Action
The session was invalidated. No action required. Warning: Failed to update the secondary server for HTTP session ID: id.
Failed to update the secondary server for HTTP session ID: id. Cause
Failed to update the secondary server for the modification that occurred in the current request. Action
Verify the secondary server is alive, and make sure the objects put into the session are all serializable. Also, check the exception for the exact error message. Warning: Failed to find the secondary server for HTTP session ID: id.
Failed to find the secondary server for HTTP session ID: id. Cause
Unable to find the secondary server for the replicated session. Action
Verify the clustering is configured properly and there is more than one server in the cluster. Info: The generated session ID: id contains a reserved keyword. Regenerating.
The generated session ID: id contains a reserved keyword. Regenerating. Cause
On win32, if the session ID contains a reserved keyword, the file-based persistence fails. This is because it relies upon successful creation of subdirectories. Action
No action required. The session ID will be regenerated. The reserved words are: "CON", "PRN", "AUX", " NUL" "COM1", "COM2", "COM3", " COM4", "COM5", "COM6", "COM7", " COM8", "COM9", "LPT1", "LPT2", " LPT3", "LPT4", "LPT5", "LPT6", " LPT7", "LPT8", "LPT9"}, "CLOCK$" Error: webapp: The session with ID: id was invalidated before the session creation and registration could complete.
webapp: The session with ID: id was invalidated before the session creation and registration could complete. Cause
This is a past-release problem. Action
Contact BEA support and file a bug report. Error: This server does not have deployment for the Web application with context path: contextName. The callback: callback failed while replicating the session. Check your configuration; only uniform configurations in a cluster are supported.
This server does not have deployment for the Web application with context path: contextName. The callback: callback failed while replicating the session. Check your configuration; only uniform configurations in a cluster are supported. Cause
WebLogic clustering relies on uniform Web application deployment across the cluster. It seems the Web application was not deployed on all the servers. Action
Redeploy the Web application, and make sure it targets the cluster/all members in the cluster. Error: PersistentStoreType for the Web application with context path: contextName is not replicated. The callback: callback failed while replicating the session. Check your configuration; only uniform configurations in a cluster are supported.
PersistentStoreType for the Web application with context path: contextName is not replicated. The callback: callback failed while replicating the session. Check your configuration; only uniform configurations in a cluster are supported. Cause
WebLogic Server clustering relies on uniform Web application deployment across the cluster. It seems the Web application was not deployed on all the servers with uniform configuration. Action
Redeploy the Web application, and make sure it targets the cluster/all members in the cluster. Also the PersistentStore type should be set to "replicated" for all cluster members. Error: An unexpected error occurred while cleaning up sessions during undeployment of Web application: context.
An unexpected error occurred while cleaning up sessions during undeployment of Web application: context. Cause
The trigger failed to cleanup the expired session. Action
Check the exception for the exact error message. When using JDBC-based HTTP session persistence, make sure the database is set up properly. For file-based persistence, make sure the permissions on the storage directory are appropriately set. Error: An unexpected error occurred while retrieving the session for Web application: logContext.
An unexpected error occurred while retrieving the session for Web application: logContext. Cause
Failed to retrieve the session from persistent store. Action
Check your configuration, and check the exception for the exact error message. Also, check the WebLogic Server documentation for more details about how to configure session persistence for Web applications. Warning: Web application: logContext tried to place a non-serializable attribute: name into the session: id. This attribute will be lost upon redeployment. This message is logged only once per session.
Web application: logContext tried to place a non-serializable attribute: name into the session: id. This attribute will be lost upon redeployment. This message is logged only once per session. Cause
The session.setAttribute(name, value) was invoked with a non-serializable value for memory-based sessions. Action
If you want the session data to survive redeployment, make sure all attributes are serializable. Otherwise, the non-serializable data will be lost upon redeployment. Warning: Web application: logContext tried to place a non-serializable attribute: name into the session: id. This attribute will be lost upon redeployment or session failover. Also, such attributes will be scoped to the current server only and will not be replicated to the secondary server. This message is logged only once per session.
Web application: logContext tried to place a non-serializable attribute: name into the session: id. This attribute will be lost upon redeployment or session failover. Also, such attributes will be scoped to the current server only and will not be replicated to the secondary server. This message is logged only once per session. Cause
The session.setAttribute(name, value) was invoked with a non-serializable value for a replicated session. Action
If you want the session data to survive redeployment and session failovers, make sure all attributes are serializable. Otherwise, the non-serializable data will be lost upon failover/redeployment. Warning: Web application: logContext tried to place a non-serializable attribute: name into the session: id. This attribute will be lost upon redeployment or session failover. Also, such attributes will be scoped to the current server only and will not be persisted to the disk. This message is logged only once per session.
Web application: logContext tried to place a non-serializable attribute: name into the session: id. This attribute will be lost upon redeployment or session failover. Also, such attributes will be scoped to the current server only and will not be persisted to the disk. This message is logged only once per session. Cause
The session.setAttribute(name, value) was invoked with a non-serializable value for a file-based persistent session. Action
If you want the session data to survive redeployment and session failovers, make sure all the attributes are serializable. Otherwise, the non-serializable data will be lost upon failover/redeployment. Warning: Web application: logContext tried to place a non-serializable attribute: name into the session: id. The attribute will be lost upon redeployment or session failover. Also, such attributes will be scoped to the current server only and will not be persisted to the database. This message is logged only once per session.
Web application: logContext tried to place a non-serializable attribute: name into the session: id. The attribute will be lost upon redeployment or session failover. Also, such attributes will be scoped to the current server only and will not be persisted to the database. This message is logged only once per session. Cause
The session.setAttribute(name, value) attribute was invoked with a non-serializable value for a JDBC-based persistent session. Action
If you want the session data to survive redeployment and session failovers, make sure all the attributes are serializable. Otherwise, the non-serializable data will be lost upon failover/redeployment. Error: logContext. Failed to remove attributes for HTTP session ID: id.
logContext. Failed to remove attributes for HTTP session ID: id. Cause
An unexpected error occurred during HTTP session invalidation. Action
Check the error message for the exact cause. Error: Failed to lookup the replicated session object for Web application: logContext, session ID: id.
Failed to lookup the replicated session object for Web application: logContext, session ID: id. Cause
The ReplicationManager returned the NotFoundException. Action
This happens if the object has been cleaned up underneath or the version number does not match with the secondary object. This should not happen normally. Unwanted failovers at the front-end can cause unnecessary session failovers in the backend, which could result in this error in certain situations. Check the error for more information. Error: Failed to lookup the secondary information for Web application: logContext session ID: id.
Failed to lookup the secondary information for Web application: logContext session ID: id. Cause
The ReplicationManager returned the NotFoundException. Action
This happens if the object has been cleaned up underneath or the version number does not match with the secondary object. This should not happen normally. Unwanted failovers at the front-end can cause unnecessary session failovers in the backend, which could result in this error in certain situations. Check the error for more information. Error: Failed to lookup the secondary information for Web application: logContext session ID: id.
Failed to lookup the secondary information for Web application: logContext session ID: id. Cause
The ReplicationManager failed to lookup the secondary information for a valid session. Action
This is an unexpected error. Check the error message for details. Info: getAttribute(): name was a HomeHandle, reconstructing the EJBHome
getAttribute(): name was a HomeHandle, reconstructing the EJBHome Cause
This is an informational message indicating that the container is storing only the handle for the EJBHome placed into the session. Action
No action required. Error: Error reconstructing the EJBHome put into session for name: name
Error reconstructing the EJBHome put into session for name: name Cause
The container found an EJBHome handle stored in the session. However, it failed to reconstruct the EJBHome using that EJBHome handle. Action
Make sure the HomeHandle is still valid. Check the exception for the exact error message. Info: setAttribute(): name was an EJBHome, storing the HomeHandle into the session
setAttribute(): name was an EJBHome, storing the HomeHandle into the session Cause
The container found an EJBHome handle stored in the session. Will reconstruct the EJBHome object before returning. Action
No action required. Error: Error in finding the homeHandle for the EJBHome: name
Error in finding the homeHandle for the EJBHome: name Cause
The container stores only the handle for an EJBHome put into session. However, in this case, it failed to find the HomeHandle. Action
Check the RemoteException for the exact error message details. Error: Exception while Serializing Session Object: e
Exception while Serializing Session Object: e Cause
Failed to Serialize Session Object. Action
Check the Exception for the exact error message details. Debug: HTTPSession attribute: "name" is not serializable.
HTTPSession attribute: "name" is not serializable. Cause
The session attribute name is not serializable. Session attributes should either implement, or java.rmi.Remote. Action
Objects in session should be serializable if you wish to persist HTTPSession state on disk/memory. Debug: HTTPSession attribute: "name" is not serializable as the value of key "key" in the map is not serializable.
HTTPSession attribute: "name" is not serializable as the value of key "key" in the map is not serializable. Cause
The session attribute "name" is not serializable as value of key key is not Serializable. All session attributes should either implement, or java.rmi.Remote. Action
Objects in session should be serializable if you wish to persist HTTPSession state on disk/memory. Debug: HTTPSession attribute: "name" is not serializable as the element at index index in the collection is not serializable.
HTTPSession attribute: "name" is not serializable as the element at index index in the collection is not serializable. Cause
The session attribute "name" is not serializable as value of element at index index is not Serializable. All session attributes should either implement, or java.rmi.Remote. Action
Objects in session should be serializable if you wish to persist HTTPSession state on disk/memory. Debug: HTTPSession attribute: "name" is of size size bytes.
HTTPSession attribute: "name" is of size size bytes. Cause
Informational message. Action
No action required. Debug: HTTPSession with id: "sessionID" is of size size bytes.
HTTPSession with id: "sessionID" is of size size bytes. Cause
Informational message. Action
No action required. Error: WAN Failover configuration missing.
In order to failover sessions across cluster, you have to specify backupcluster address and/or JDBCTxDataSource to store session state For futher, please refer to WebLogic server documentation Cause
Misconfiguration. Action
Please set JDBCTxDataSource and/or backup cluster address. Error: HTTP Session with id sessionID couldn"t be retrieved.
User session sessionID couldn"t be retrieved from the database. Cause
Some of the session updates were lost probably because of network partitions. If the communication link between clusters is not good, it is likely that some sessions might get corrupted. Action
Please make sure that the communication link is up. Error: Persistent store settings cannot be changed between versions. The persistent store settings for application app is different from the settings for previous version(s).
Persistent store settings cannot be changed between versions. The persistent store settings for application app is different from the settings for previous version(s). Cause
The persistent store settings of the new version is different from previous versions. Action
Please make sure that the persistent store settings are not changed when deploying a new version of an application. Error: Failed to deploy app. Missing JDBC DataSource. Please target a JDBC DataSource to the cluster
Failed to deploy app. Missing JDBC DataSource. Please target a JDBC DataSource to the cluster Cause
Incomplete configuration. Action
Please target a JDBC DataSource to the cluster and refer to cluster documentation for more information. Error: The webapp: webapp in application: app has PersistenceStoreType set to: storeType for http sessions, but the target list does not contain all members of cluster: cluster. Inhomogeneous deployment for replicated sessions is not allowed.
The webapp: webapp in application: app has PersistenceStoreType set to: storeType for http sessions, but the target list does not contain all members of cluster: cluster. Inhomogeneous deployment for replicated sessions is not allowed. Cause
Inhomogeneous deployment for replicated sessions is not allowed. The target list must be a cluster or a virtual host which is targeted to a cluster. Action
Please fix the targets that you have chosen for this web application. Please specify cluster or VirtualHost as the target. Error: The webapp: webapp in application: app has PersistenceStoreType set to: storeType for http sessions, but the target list contains a virtual-host: vhost for which the target list does not contain all members of cluster: cluster. Inhomogeneous deployment for replicated sessions is not allowed.
The webapp: webapp in application: app has PersistenceStoreType set to: storeType for http sessions, but the target list contains a virtual-host: vhost for which the target list does not contain all members of cluster: cluster. Inhomogeneous deployment for replicated sessions is not allowed. Cause
Inhomogeneous deployment for replicated sessions is not allowed. The target list must be a cluster or a virtual host which is targeted to a cluster. Action
Please fix the targets that you have chosen for this web application. Please specify cluster or VirtualHost as the target. Error: The webapp: webapp in application: app has PersistenceStoreType set to: storeType for http sessions, but the target list contains a non-clustered server: server. Inhomogeneous deployment for replicated sessions is not allowed.
The webapp: webapp in application: app has PersistenceStoreType set to: storeType for http sessions, but the target list contains a non-clustered server: server. Inhomogeneous deployment for replicated sessions is not allowed. Cause
Inhomogeneous deployment for replicated sessions is not allowed. The target list must be a cluster or a virtual host which is targeted to a cluster. Action
Please fix the targets that you have chosen for this web application. Error: The webapp: webapp in application: app has PersistenceStoreType set to: storeType for http sessions, but the target list contains a virtual-host: vhost for which the target list contains a non-clustered server: server. Inhomogeneous deployment for replicated sessions is not allowed.
The webapp: webapp in application: app has PersistenceStoreType set to: storeType for http sessions, but the target list contains a virtual-host: vhost for which the target list contains a non-clustered server: server. Inhomogeneous deployment for replicated sessions is not allowed. Cause
Inhomogeneous deployment for replicated sessions is not allowed. The target list must be a cluster or a virtual host which is targeted to a cluster. Action
Please fix the targets that you have chosen for this web application. Error: The jdbc session data for session id: sessionID has been modified by another server in the cluster.
The jdbc session data for session id: sessionID has been modified by another server in the cluster. Cause
The front end webserver failed to maintain server affinity. Action
Please ensure that the front end webserver or load-balancer has been properly configured. Warning: The session id: sessionID has been accessed from currentServer, a server that is neither the primary (primaryServer) nor the secondary (secondaryServer). The request URL was: requestUrl
The session id: sessionID has been accessed from currentServer, a server that is neither the primary (primaryServer) nor the secondary (secondaryServer). Repeated occurrences of this can cause memory problems and performance degradation, as sessions are loaded into memory on more than two servers at a time. Cause
The most likely cause is a configuration error on a front end hardware loadbalancer or webserver plugin. They should be configured to respect the values of primary/secondary in the cookie (i.e., stickiness), when possible. Action
Please ensure that the front end webserver or load-balancer has been properly configured. Error: An unexpected error occurred while doing a batched update of last accessed time attribute of updated sessions in application contextRoot
An unexpected error occurred while doing a batched update of last accessed time attribute of updated sessions in application contextRoot Cause
Check the exception message for details. Action
Check the exception message for details. Debug: \ntips\n Context Path\t: contextid\n HttpSession ID\t: sessionid\n Attribute Name\t: name\n Previous Value\t: prev\n Current Value\t: attr\n
\ntips\n Context Path\t: contextid\n HttpSession ID\t: sessionid\n Attribute Name\t: name\n Previous Value\t: prev\n Current Value\t: attr\n Cause
debug info. Action
debug info. Debug: Dumping session:\ns\n
Dumping session:\ns\n Cause
debug info. Action
debug info. Debug: \ntips:\n Context Path\t: contextid\n HttpSession ID\t: sessionid\n
\ntips\n Context Path\t: contextid\n HttpSession ID\t: sessionid\n Cause
debug info. Action
debug info.