Breadcrumb(); > Message Index (by Number) (by Subsystem) > Diagnostics Subsystem Messages
Diagnostics Subsystem Messages
The Diagnostics1.0 catalog contains messages in the range BEA320000 - BEA320899. Messages in this catalog are part of the
weblogic.diagnostics.i18n Internationalization package and the
weblogic.diagnostics.l10n Localization package.
Info: The Diagnostics subsystem is initializing on Server serverName.
This message indicates that the Diagnostics subsystem is initializing during the server startup phase. Cause
This message is for informational purposes only. Action
No action is required. Info: The ServerDebug service initialized successfully.
This message indicates that the ServerDebug service has initialized successfully during startup. Cause
This message is for informational purposes only. Action
No action is required. Info: The Diagnostics subsystem is stopping on Server serverName.
This message indicates that the Diagnostics subsystem is shutting down during the server shutdown phase. Cause
This message is for informational purposes only. Action
No action is required. Error: The DebugLogger for the ServerDebugMBean attribute attributeName could not be initialized from its configured value.
This happens when the ServerDebugMBean attribute value cannot be read successfully to initialize the corresponding DebugLogger instance. Cause
This could be due to some error in the OA&M configuration layer. Action
Take appropriate action based on the exception message. Error: The following unexpected exception was thrown: message
This happens when an unexpected exception was caught. Cause
An exception was thrown unexpectedly. Action
Take appropriate action based on the unexpected exception message. Error: Diagnostic monitor of unknown type monType used in instrumentation scope scopeName.
This happens when a diagnostic monitor of specified type does not exist in the monitor library. Cause
Diagnostic monitor library is probably out of date. Action
Update diagnostic monitor library Warning: Error occurred while attempting to access the following MBean: name
This exception occurs when there is a JMXException thrown when attempting to access an MBean. Cause
MBean was unregistered from MBeanServer before unregistering with Harvester. Action
Unregister MBean instance from Harvester before unregistering from MBeanServer. Warning: Error occurred while attempting to access the following HarvestableDataSource: name
This exception occurs when there is a checked exception thrown from a HarvestableDataSource. Cause
Queried harvestable attribute is no longer part of the HarvestableDataSource. Action
Query the HarvestableDataSource for the latest collection of harvestable attributes. Error: Error occurred while collecting diagnostic metrics:
This exception occurs when an exception is thrown internally that affects the harvesting process. Cause
Error occurred while constructing a Harvester instance. Action
Make sure that all harvester configuration parameters are set appropriately. Warning: The elapsed time of the last snapshot of diagnostic metrics exceeded the configured sample period by the following number of milliseconds: delay.
This event occurs when a sampling cycle completes outside of the specified sample period. Cause
Harvested MBeans and/or DataSources are taking too long to return sampled attribute values. Action
Increase sample period window. Error: An error occurred while generating a diagnostic image: th
This error message indicates a failure to create any part of a diagnostic image zip file. Cause
The user has abruptly changed permissions on the zip/directory. The file system doesn't have sufficient disk space to continue writing the image. Action
The customer must allocate sufficient disk space and provide the proper permissions to create the image zip file. Error: The following diagnostic image destination directory could not be created: destination
Upon initialization of the ImageManager, the default destination directory for images will be created. This error message indicates that the directory could not be created. Cause
The customer has not given write permissions on the absolute path for default directory. The customer hasnt allocated sufficient disk space for the directory to be created. Action
Customer must give write permissions to absolute path for default directory if no configured destination directory is specified. Customer must also allocate sufficient disk space for the default directory to be created if no destination directory is specified. Error: The following destination directory for diagnostic images couldn't be read/written: dir
This error message is logged when a user specifies a destination directory for diagnostic images that isn't readable/writable. Cause
Customer hasn't created the directory. Customer hasn't given the directory read/write permissions. Action
Customer should create the destination directory with appropriate read/write permissions. Error: Diagnostic image capture attempted during a lockout period.
ImageManager locks out subsequent image capture requests if a lockout period is configured. Cause
ImageManager has locked image captures for a specified number of minutes. Action
Lockout period must expire before a new image capture request is accepted. Error: Lockout of lockoutMinutes above allowed maximum lockout minutes for image captures.
User can specify a certain amount of minutes to lockout subsequent image captures. Cause
User specified a number of minutes that exceeds maximum allowed lockout minutes. Action
User should specify a lockout period between the minimum and maximum. Error: Lockout of lockoutMinutes below allowed minimum lockout minutes for image captures.
User can specify a certain amount of minutes to lockout subsequent image captures. Cause
User specified a number of minutes that falls below minimum allowed lockout minutes. Action
User should specify a lockout period between the minimum and maximum. Alert: Creating diagnostic image in destination with a lockout minute period of minutes.
Either a FirstFailure or customer has initiated a diagnostic image capture request. Cause
FirstFailure has occurred, customer configured a diagnostic image notification handler, or explicitly invoked a capture image method on ImageManager. Action
Diagnostic image capture request will be scheduled and executed. Error: Instrumentation engine configuration resourceName can not be located.
Internal error. Instrumentation engine configuration is missing from the build. Cause
Instrumentation engine configuration is missing from the build. Action
Contact BEA support Error: Instrumentation engine configuration resourceName could not be parsed due to: cause
Internal error. Could not parse instrumentation engine configuration. It could be malformed. Cause
Instrumentation engine configuration is possibly malformed. Action
Contact BEA support. Error: Code generator class className for standard monitor monitorName could not be found.
Internal error. Specified code generator for the standard monitor is not found on the class path. Cause
Standard monitor code generator is not on the class path. Action
Contact BEA support Error: Code generator className for standard monitor monitorName could not be instantiated.
Internal error. Code generator for a standard monitor was found, but it could not be instantiated. Cause
Standard monitor code generator is missing default constructor. Action
Contact BEA support Error: Code generator className could not be accessed for standard monitor monitorName.
Internal error. Standard monitor code generator could not be accessed. Cause
Standard monitor code generator implementation has problems Action
Contact BEA support Error: An error was encountered while creating SerialVersionUID for class className.
Internal error. SerialVersionUID for a class could not be created. Cause
Internal error Action
Contact BEA support Error: File classFile does not contain a valid Java class
File does not contain a valid Java class. Cause
File does not contain a valid Java class Action
Make sure that the file being instrumented is a valid Java class file. Error: Class in file fileName could not be instrumented.
Class could not be instrumented. Cause
This can happen because the input file or output file can not be read from or written to. Action
Check file permissions and disk space. Error: Input file fileName for instrumentation engine can not be found.
Specified input file could not be found. Cause
Input class file does not exist. Action
Provide correct path to input class file. Error: Monitor monitorName could not be found in instrumentation engine configuration
Specified monitor is not configured in the instrumentation engine configuration. Cause
Monitor name may be misspelt. Action
Specify correct monitor name on the command line. Error: Configured action class className is not on the class path
Configured action class is not on the class path Cause
Configured action class is not on the class path Action
Make sure that the action class is on the class path. Error: Configured action of class className could not be instantiated.
Configured action could not be instantiated. Cause
Action class does not have public default constructor. Action
Reimplement action class to conform to requirements. If this is an action supplied with the product, contact BEA support. Error: Configured action class className is not a valid action class
Configured action class is not a valid action class Cause
Incorrect action implementation Action
Reimplement action class to conform to requirements. If this is an action supplied with the product, contact BEA support. Error: Delegating monitor monitorName in scope scopeName allows using action of type actionType, which does not exist.
Delegating monitor is configured to use an action of a specified type, but the action does not exist. Cause
Misconfigured delegating monitor in the instrumentation engine configuration Action
Contact BEA support Error: An attempt to add a monitor of type monType to instrumentation scope scopeName failed because the monitor already exists in the scope.
Attempt to add duplicate monitor to an instrumentation scope failed. New monitor is ignored. Cause
Incorrect instrumentation configuration Action
Remove multiple monitor entries with same types from the instrumentation scope configuration. Warning: Attempt to add duplicate action actionName to monitor monType in scope scopeName failed.
Attempt to add duplicate action with same name to a delegating monitor failed. New action entry is ignored. Cause
Instrumentation scope configuration is incorrect. It has duplicate actions attached to the same monitor. Action
Remove duplicate actions attached to the same monitor. Error: Attempt to attach incompatible action of type actType to a delegating monitor of type monType in scope scopeName.
Attempt to attach incompatible action to a delegating monitor Cause
Incorrect instrumentation configuration Action
Make sure that only compatible actions are used with delegating monitors. Error: Instrumentation engine configuration configFile could not be parsed. errMsg
Instrumentation engine configuration could not be parsed. Cause
Instrumentation configuration is malformed Action
Contact BEA support Error: Instrumentation configuration configFile could not be read.
Instrumentation configuration could not be read due to some i/o error. Cause
Missing or invalid instrumentation configuration Action
Contact BEA support Error: Instrumented method methodNamemethodDesc in class className exceeds size limit. Original method is preserved.
After instrumentation, the method size exceeds 64K limit imposed by the VM, which would make the resulting class unloadable. Therefore, the original method is preserved. Cause
Original method is too large to begin with. The class to which it belongs is probably generated by a generator program. Action
Split method into multiple methods if possible. Exclude class from instrumentation to speed up instrumentation process. Error: Class bytes for className do not conform to class format.
Class bytes do not conform to class format Cause
Corrupt class file. Action
Make sure that the class file is not corrupt. Error: Could not instrument class className
Could not instrument class Cause
General instrumentation failure Action
Contact BEA support Error: Invalid class inclusion pattern(s) for instrumentation engine/scope scope. Disabling instrumentation in scope scope.
Specified inclusion patterns could not be parsed Cause
Malformed inclusion patterns Action
Specify inclusion patterns in correct format Error: Invalid class exclusion pattern(s) for instrumentation engine/scope scope. Disabling instrumentation in scope scope.
Specified exclusion pattern(s) could not be parsed. Cause
Malformed exclusion pattern(s) Action
Specify exclusion patterns in correct format. Error: Invalid lockout minutes value specified in image notification. Image capture was not performed.
The value for the lockout minutes for the image capture is invalid. Cause
The value is invalid. Action
Recreate the notification with a valid lockout minutes value. Error: Invalid diagnostic image location imageLocation specified in notification, exception message is exc. Image capture was not performed.
The value for the image location for the image capture is invalid. Cause
The value is not a valid directory or file name. Action
Recreate the notification with a valid image location. Take appropriate action based on the exception message. Error: Image notification was not performed because the image capture was attempted before the lockout time expired. The exception message is exc
The notification attempted an image capture before the lockout period had completed. Cause
An image capture was attempted before the lockout period had expired. Action
Recreate the image notification with a smaller value for lockout minutes. Optionally, utilize the watch alarm feature to ensure the notification does not reoccur before the lockout period has expired. Error: Error occurred while performing a watch notification:
This exception occurs when an exception is thrown internally that affects the notification process. Cause
Error occurred while performing the operations required for the notification. Action
Take appropriate action based on the unexpected exception message. Error: Invalid type of Notification passed to Watch Notification Listener. Expected notification of type WatchNotification, received notification of type className.
The notification listener only supports notifications of a specific type. A different type was received. Cause
Notification was not of type WatchNotification. Action
Contact BEA support as this indicates an internal error. Error: An error occurred while parsing the email address address for the SMTP notification.
This exception occurs when an exception is thrown by the javax.mail.internet,InternetAddress.parse method. Cause
The format of the email address can not be parsed. Action
Create a new notification with a valid email address. Error: Mail notification has not been sent due to an error that occurred while creating or sending a mail message:
A MessagingException was thrown when creating a mail message, setting the recipient, or sending the mail message. Cause
Error occurred while performing the mail operations required for the notification. Action
Verify the MailSession properties and email destination. Take appropriate action based on the Messaging exception message. Error: JMS notification message has not been sent due to an error that occurred while creating a JMS map message:
A JMSException was thrown when creating and initializing a JMS mail message. Cause
Error occurred while performing the JMS operation. Action
Verify the JMS queue and connection factory configuration settings in the JMS notification. Take appropriate action based on the JMS exception message. Warning: Exception occurred sending JMS notification message. Reinitializing JMS objects and retrying.
A JMSException was thrown when sending the JMS map message. The JMS notification will attempt to reinitialize the JMS state, looking up the connection factory and destination again, reinitializing the session and message producer, and attempting to send the message again. Cause
Error occurred while sending the JMS message. Action
Look for additional error messages in the log from the reinitialization or resend of the message. Error: Exception occurred while retrying the send of a JMS notification message.
A JMSException was thrown when retrying the send the JMS map message. The error either occurred while reinitializing JMS or resending the message. Cause
Error occurred while reinitializing JMS or resending the JMS message. Action
Verify that the JMS destination is available. Take appropriate action based on the JMS exception message. Error: Exception occurred while initializing the JMS setup (connection factory, connection, session, destination, or message producer).
A JMSException was thrown when creating the JMS objects used to send the notification to the JMS destination. Cause
JMS destination is not configured correctly or is not available. Action
Verify that the JMS destination is available. Take appropriate action based on the JMS exception message. Error: Error occurred while initializing a SMTP notification:
This error occurs when an exception is thrown while looking up the mail session via JNDI or initializing the transport. Cause
The mail session is incorrectly configured or not available. Action
Ensure that the mail session JNDI name is correct. Ensure that the mail session MBean properties are valid. Take appropriate action based on the exception message. Error: The SNMP Agent is not configured so the trap for the SNMP Watch notification can not be sent.
The SNMP Watch Notification utilizes the SNMP Agent to send the trap to the configured trap destinations. Cause
SNMP Agent is not enabled. Action
Enable the SNMP Agent using the console. Error: Error occurred while sending a SNMP notification:
This error occurs when an exception is thrown while sending the SNMP trap. Cause
SNMP Agent threw an exception when sending the SNMP trap to the configured trap destinations. Action
Ensure that the trap destinations are configured correctly. Take appropriate action based on the exception message. Error: Could not read or create index on log file file
Could not read or create index on log file Cause
Disk may be full or directory is not writable Action
Check if disk is full or directory is unwritable Error: Log index file file has invalid magic number
Log index file has incorrect magic number Cause
Corrupt or invalid index file Action
Delete the corrupt index file Error: Log index file file contents are inconsistent with its header
Log index file header is inconsistent with its contents Cause
Corrupt or truncated index file Action
Delete index file Error: Could not parse log record: record
Could not parse log record Cause
Malformed log record Action
Please contact BEA Support Error: Watch definition for watch watchName is invalid. Watch create failed with error: error.
An exception was thrown when creating the watch. The attributes defined in the watch are not valid. Cause
Watch is not defined correctly. Attributes are not valid. Action
Verify that the watch attributes are valid. Take appropriate action based on error message. Warning: An attempt to add watch watchName failed because the watch has already been defined.
Attempt to add duplicate watch failed. New watch is ignored as two watches can not have the same name. Cause
Two different watch definitions have the same name. Action
Remove multiple watch entries with the same name. Error: Watch watchName could not be created due to the following unexpected exception: error
An unexpected exception was thrown while creating the watch. Notification has been ignored. Cause
An exception was thrown unexpectedly. Action
Take appropriate action based on the unexpected exception message. Error: Notification definition for notificationName is invalid. Notification create failed with error: error.
An exception was thrown when creating the notification. The attributes defined in the notification are not valid. Cause
Notification is not defined correctly. Attributes are not valid. Action
Verify that the notification attributes are valid. Take appropriate action based on error message. Warning: An attempt to add notification notificationName failed because the notification has already been defined.
Attempt to add duplicate notification failed. New notification is ignored as two notifications can not have the same name. Cause
Two different notification definitions have the same name. Action
Remove multiple notification entries with the same name. Error: Notification notificationName could not be created due to the following unexpected exception: error
An unexpected exception was thrown while creating the notification. Cause
An exception was thrown unexpectedly. Action
Take appropriate action based on the unexpected exception message. Notice: Watch 'watchName' with severity 'severity' on server 'server' has triggered at time. Notification details: details
A configured watch has triggered and the associated notifications will be performed. Cause
Configured watch evaluated to true and triggered. Action
None required. Error: Watch watchName contains an invalid notification notificationName that is not defined.
The definition of the watch contains a notification that has not been defined. Cause
Notification does not exist. Action
Define the notification or remove the notification from the watch. Error: Error occurred while performing notification notificationName for watch watchName. Notification may not have completed.
An exception was thrown while performing the notification for the watch. Cause
Exception thrown while performing the notification. Action
Validate the definition for the specified watch and notification. Take appropriate action based on the error message. Error: Error occurred while creating watch notification watchName. Notifications may not have completed for this watch.
An exception was thrown while creating the watch notification. Cause
Exception thrown while creating the watch notification. Action
Validate the definition for the specified watch and notification. Take appropriate action based on the error message. Warning: Notification notificationName for watch watchName was not performed since the notification is disabled.
The watch triggered, but the notification was not performed since it has been disabled. Cause
Notification is disabled. Action
Enable the notification. Error: Error while locating a record for timestamp timestamp in the archive
Error locating a record in the archive Cause
Misconfigured or missing data archive for harvested data Action
Check that the harvested data archive exists Error: Error while executing query.
Error while executing query. Cause
Internal error Action
Contact BEA Support Error: Error while reading a record from the archive
Error while reading a record from the archive Cause
Harvested data archive may be corrupt due to internal error. Action
Reconfigure harvested data archive. Contact BEA support to report this problem. Error: Could not initialize index information for harvester data archive.
Could not initialize index information for harvester data archive. Cause
Harvested data archive may be corrupt due to internal error. Action
Reconfigure harvested data archive. Contact BEA support to report this problem. Info: Initialized the Diagnostic Accessor Service.
This message indicates that the Diagnostic Accessor Service initialized successfully. Cause
None. Action
No action is needed. Error: Could not initialize the Diagnostic Accessor Service Runtime during server startup.
This message indicates that Diagnostic data will not be available in the Server session. Cause
The exception message includes the details about the cause of this problem. Action
Take corrective action based on the exception stack trace. Contact BEA support if this problem persists. Error: Watch 'watchName' rule expression evaluation failed with an exception. No notifications will be performed for this watch. The exception is:
An exception occurred while evaluating the watch rule expression. This caused the evaluation to stop and no notifications will be performed for this watch. Cause
Exception was thrown during rule evaluation. Action
Verify that the rule expression is valid. Take appropriate action based on the exception message. Error: The log type logType is unknown. Unable to lookup the DiagnosticDataAccessRuntimeMBean instance.
The supported log types are defined in weblogic.diagnostics.accessor.LogTypes interface. Cause
This message indicates that the logical name specified to look up the DiagnosticDataAccessRuntimeMBean is not correct. Action
Verify that the log type is valid. Take appropriate action based on the exception message. Error: Instrumentation configuration for scope scopeName could not be read. The exception is:
An exception occurred while reading the instrumentation configuration for a scope. Classes within the instrumentation scope will not be instrumented. Cause
Exception was thrown during reading the instrumentation scope. Action
Verify that the instrumentation scope configuration is valid. Error: Configuration for diagnostic monitor monType in instrumentation scope scopeName has errors. The exception is:
An exception occurred while reading the configuration for a diagnostic monitor in an instrumentation scope. The monitor will not be applied to classes in the scope. Cause
Exception was thrown during reading the configuration of a diagnostic monitor in a scope. Action
Verify that the configuration for the diagnostic monitor is valid. Error: Custom diagnostic monitor monType in instrumentation scope scopeName has missing or invalid location attribute.
Custom diagnostic monitor must specify the location attribute, whose value must be one of 'before' 'after' or 'around'. Cause
Missing or invalid value of 'location' attribute of a custom diagnostic monitor. Action
Verify that the 'location' attribute of the custom monitor has correct value. Error: The user user does not have authorization to view the logs.
The user is not granted one of the Admin roles. Cause
A user with insufficient authorization attempted to access the server logs. Action
Ensure that the right users are granted access to view the logs. Error: The diagnostic data is accessible only through https in the Production mode.
The AccessorServlet rejected a request made over a non-secure protocol in the Production mode. Cause
An attempt to access the diagnostic data was made over a non-secure protocol in the Production mode. Action
Ensure that the SSL is enabled in production mode and the servlet is accessed only over a secure protocol. Error: The monitor type type in scope scopeName contains unacceptable characters.
Monitor type contains unacceptable characters. It must start with an alphabetic character, followed by alphanumeric or underscore characters. Cause
Monitor type contains unacceptable characters. It must start with an alphabetic character, followed by alphanumeric or underscore characters. Action
Fix assigned monitor type, which must start with an alphabetic character, optionally followed by alphanumeric or underscore characters. Info: The cursor cursor has timed out and is being removed from the registry of open cursors.
After the cursor is removed any further calls to fetch data will result in an exception. Cause
This message is emitted when a cursor has not been invoked and is being removed to free up the associated resources. Action
Ensure that fetch is no more called on the closed cursor. Error: The cursor with name cursor does not exist.
The cursor with the given name does not exist, hence any fetch operation will fail with the given cursor name. Cause
The cursor could have timed out, closed by the user explicitly or an invalid name has been provided. Action
Invoke the fetch method with the name of a valid cursor. Error: Attempt to use unknown action actionType in action group groupName
An action used in the action group is not registered. Cause
Incorrect or incomplete instrumentation engine configuration Action
Please contact BEA Support Error: Monitor type used empty or non-existent action group groupName
Delegating monitor uses an action group which does not exist or is empty Cause
Incorrect or incomplete instrumentation engine configuration Action
Please contact BEA Support Error: Encountered problem while reading attributes of monitor monitor. Attributes: attributes
Some error was encountered while reading attributes of a diagnostic monitor Cause
Possibly invalid attribute names specified with the diagnostic monitor Action
Specify correct attributes for the diagnostic monitor. Error: Could not initialize server instrumentation scope.
Weaving instrumentation engine for the server scope could not be configured Cause
Internal error Action
Contact BEA support Warning: The debug scope scope is not configurable, the attributes in this scope will not be enabled or disabled.
The user cannot enable either the root or the default debug scopes. For the default debug scope all the attributes in this scope have to be individually configured. Cause
The user either specified the root or the default debug scope to be enabled or disabled. Action
Please set the individual attributes appropriately if configuring the default scope. Configuring the root debug scope is not allowed. Error: Can not create custom monitor type in server instrumentation scope.
Custom monitors can not be defined in the server instrumentation scope. Cause
Custom monitors can not be defined in the server instrumentation scope. Action
Remove custom monitor definition from the server instrumentation scope. Error: Monitor type can be created only in an application instrumentation scope. It can not be created in server instrumentation scope.
Attempt to create a monitor in server scope, which can only be created in application scope. Cause
Attempt to create a monitor in server scope, which can only be created in application scope. Action
Remove monitor definition from the server instrumentation scope. Error: Monitor type can be created only in server instrumentation scope. It can not be created in application instrumentation scope scopeName.
Attempt to create a monitor in application scope, which can only be created in server scope. Cause
Attempt to create a monitor in application scope, which can only be created in server scope. Action
Remove monitor definition from the application instrumentation scope. Error: Monitor monType in instrumentation scope scopeName is configured with an invalid monitor-type: monCategory.
Monitor is configured with invalid monitor-type. Valid values are standard, delegating and custom Cause
Incorrect instrumentation configuration Action
Specify valid monitor-type value for the monitor. Error: Configuration for JDBC based diagnostic archives is invalid or incomplete. Using file based diagnostic archive.
Configuration for JDBC based diagnostic archives is invalid or incomplete. Cause
Configuration for JDBC based diagnostic archives is invalid or incomplete. Action
Fix Configuration for JDBC based diagnostic archives Error: Attempt to target more than one WLDFSystemResource to server server.
A server can be targeted only one WLDFSystemResource at a time. Cause
This error indicates that an invalid targeting was specified for a WLDFSystemResource. Action
Ensure that only one WLDFSystemResource is targeted to a server. Error: There was an error trying to access the diagnostic data while executing the query expression query.
This message describes the failure that occurred while trying to retrieve diagnostic data from the Accessor. Cause
This message indicates that the query is not properly specified. Action
Ensure that the query is valid. Error: There was an error creating the DiagnosticDataRuntimeMBean instance with the given logical name logicalName.
This message describes the failure to create the Accessor for the specified logical name. Cause
This message indicates that the logical name is not a valid parameter or an error occurred while reading the diagnostic data. Action
Ensure that the logical name is valid and take corrective action based on the error reported. Error: There was an error invoking the log4j operation while activating/deactivating log watch rules.
The log4j libraries are invoked using reflection to register/deregister for log watch events. Cause
The log4j libraries may not be in the CLASSPATH. Action
Ensure that the log4j libraries are available when using Log watch rules with Log4j enabled. Error: The watch rule expression msg is not valid.
There was a syntax error in parsing the given watch rule. Cause
The watch rule expression does not confirm to the correct syntax. Action
Specify a valid watch rule expression. Error: The watch notification configuration already contains a notification with the given name name.
The name must be unique across the different types of notifications defined in the WLDFWatchNotification configuration. Cause
The name for the WLDFNotification being added is not unique. Action
Specify a unique name for the notification name. Warning: The elapsed time since the last Harvester cycle (millis milliseconds) is unacceptably short. Skipping this cycle in order to smooth out the responses.
The Harvester attempts to insure that its cycles occur at intervals as specified in the samplePeriod. In this case, the time between the last cycle and this one is less than the tolerance allowed for deviation from the sample period. Cause
The previous Harvesting process consumed a large percentage of the sample period. This can happen for 3 reasons: 1) the user can requested that a very large amount of data be harvested, 2) the system is consistently slow for some reason, 3) a intermittent service cause the process to slow down temporarily (for example garbage collection). Action
No action is required. The Harvester will compensate by skipping cycles that occur too soon. If this happens consistently, either because the user is harvesting a large amount of data, or the Harvester is running on a slow system, the user may choose to either increase the samplePeriod or increase system resources. Warning: The type typeName is no longer being harvested.
Due to some issue the specified type is being removed from the list of types currently being Harvested. Cause
This is caused by an earlier problem. Sufficient log messages should have been issued at the point of failure to allow the problem to be debugged. Note that the type will remain deleted until the Harvester configuration is reloaded. At that time, if the problem is not yet resolved this message may be issued again. Action
No action is required. But typically this type of error will cause some of the requested data to not be Harvested, so fixing the issue is advisable. Info: Initializing the Diagnostics Harvester.
Communicates that the Harvester configuration is being consumed. This occurs when the server is started. Reinitialization may occur later due to updates made to the configuration. Cause
This message is for informational purposes only. Action
No action is required. Info: The Harvester is configured to be disabled.
During the loading of the Harvester configuration, this message communicates that the configuration specifies that the Harvester is disabled. When this is discovered, the Harvester ignores the remainder of its configuration. Cause
This message is for informational purposes only. Action
No action is required. Info: Harvester type type is configured to be disabled. No harvesting will occur for this type.
During the loading of the Harvester configuration, this message communicates that the configuration specifies that the specified type is disabled. Therefore no harvesting will occur for this type. Cause
This message is for informational purposes only. Action
No action is required. Info: The Harvester is being disabled because there are no Harvestable types configured specified.
During the loading of the Harvester configuration, this message communicates that the Harvester is being disabled because there are no valid types configured. Cause
This may occur because the user did not provide any type specifications, or, if type specifications were provided, none of the specified types were Harvestable. Action
No action is required. Info: The Harvester timer has been initiated for an interval of millis milliseconds.
This message communicates that the Harvester is now active and indicates the time intervals at which harvesting is expected to occur. This message only occurs when the timer is first initiated, or when the samplePeriod is modified. Cause
This message is for informational purposes only. Action
No action is required. Info: The Harvester is now in a state state.
After the Harvester configuration is loaded, this message communicates the new Harvester state (enabled or disabled). Cause
This message is for informational purposes only. Action
No action is required. Warning: An error occurred attempting to Harvest type typeName.
Some error occurred while Harvesting the specified type. Cause
The actual problem occurred at a previous point in time. Sufficient messages should have been issued at the point of failure to facilitate debugging the problem. Action
No action is required. But typically this type of error will cause some of the requested data to not be Harvested, so fixing the issue is advisable. Info: Harvester type typeName was discovered.
The metatdata for the specified type has been located by the Harvester. Cause
This message is for informational purposes only. Action
No action is required. Warning: Unable to harvest attribute attributeName on item instanceName due to errors. This attribute will no longer be harvested.
The specified attribute cannot be harvested and will be removed. Note that the attribute remains removed until the configuration is reloaded at which time this message may appear again if the problem is not corrected. Cause
The actual problem occurred at a previous point in time. Sufficient messages should have been issued at the point of failure to facilitate debugging the problem. Action
No action is required. But typically this type of error will cause some of the requested data to not be Harvested, so fixing the issue is advisable. Error: Could not add MBean instance instanceName to the harvested instance list for type typeName: cause.
The specified instance could not be added to the list of Harvested instanced for the specified type. Therefore the problematic instance cannot be harvested. Note that the instance remains removed until the configuration is reloaded at which time this message may appear again if the problem is not corrected. Cause
The actual problem occurred at a previous point in time. Sufficient messages should have been issued at the point of failure to facilitate debugging the problem. Action
No action is required. But typically this type of error will cause some of the requested data to not be Harvested, so fixing the issue is advisable. Info: The harvester has discovered a new instance of harvested type typeName named instanceName.
This message is emitted when ever a new instance of a harvested type comes into being and is detected by the Harvester. Cause
This message is for informational purposes only. Action
No action is required. Error: Attention: text
This message is emitted when an internal inconsistency (one that should never occur) is detected in the Harvester. Cause
This indicates a system error, not a user error. Further investigation is required to determine the cause. Action
The user should contact BEA support to debug this problem. It is often possible to turn on Harvester debug to obtain additional information. Info: Reinitializing the Diagnostics Harvester.
Communicates that the Harvester configuration is being reloaded due to user modifications. Previous user errors detected are reset and may reoccur if they have not yet been reconciled. The Harvest timer is reset if modified. If reset, a harvest cycle occurs immediately. Cause
This message is for informational purposes only. Action
No action is required. Error: An error occurred while generating Image Source srcName as part of the diagnostic image zip file:
This error message indicates a failure to create the specified Image Source entry that is a standard portion of a requested diagnostic image zip file. Cause
An unexpected error occurred while the subsystem was collecting or persisting the diagnostic image source information. Action
Take appropriate action based on the unexpected exception message. Error: The WLDFResourceBean is not found for the WLDFSystemResource name.
This error message indicates a failure to load the WLDFResourceBean from the descriptor file. Cause
This error is caused due to either a deleted or corrupt WLDF descriptor file. Action
Ensure that the descriptor file exists for the WLDFSytemResource and it conforms to the expected schema. Info: Instrumentation module name created.
This message indicates that the instrumentation module for the server or application is created. Cause
This message is for informational purposes only. Action
No action is required. Warning: Instrumentation module name is disabled.
This message indicates that the instrumentation module for the server or application is disabled. Cause
This instrumentation module for server or application is disabled. Action
No action is required. Warning: Instrumentation module name is configured, but disabled because a WLDF system resource is not targeted to the server, or its instrumentation component is not enabled.
Instrumentation module for application is disabled because the instrumentation manager is disabled. Cause
There is no WLDF system resource targeted to the server, or its instrumentation component is disabled. Action
Check if there is a WLDF system resource targeted to the server and its instrumentation component is enabled. Info: Updating classes within scope scopeName since its instrumentation configuration has changed.
This message indicates that the classes within the scope will be changed and hot-swapped since instrumentation configuration has changed. Cause
This message is for informational purposes only. Action
No action is required. Error: Could not instantiate one of the known accessors during server startup.
This message indicates that a known accessor failed to instantiate during server startup. Cause
The exception message includes the details about the cause of this problem. Action
Take corrective action based on the exception stack trace. Contact BEA support if this problem persists. Error: An occurred while creating a domain log handler: t.
The admin server encountered an internal error while creating the Domain Log Handler, which is used for propagating the Server Log entries to the Domain-wide log. Cause
Refer to the embedded exception information for more details as to the probable cause of this error. Action
Contact BEA support. Error: JDBC based logicalName archive could not be created. Falling back on persistent store based archive.
This happens when the JDBC DataSource to be used with the archive is misconfigured, unavailable or database tables not available. Cause
This happens when the JDBC DataSource to be used with the archive is misconfigured, unavailable or database tables not available. Action
Ensure that the JDBC DataSource is correctly configured, available and database tables created prior to use. Error: Class className could not be instrumented, due to reason: "msg".
Class could not be instrumented. Cause
This can happen because the class may contain constructs which are unsafe to transform, eg, custom attributes. Action
Ensure that class does not have custom attributes, etc. Error: Invalid class inclusion pattern(s) for instrumentation monitor type in scope scope. Disabling instrumentation in scope scope.
Specified inclusion patterns in instrumentation monitor could not be parsed Cause
Malformed inclusion patterns in instrumentation monitor Action
Specify inclusion patterns in instrumentation monitor in correct format Error: Invalid class exclusion pattern(s) for instrumentation monitor type in scope scope. Disabling instrumentation in scope scope.
Specified exclusion patterns in instrumentation monitor could not be parsed Cause
Malformed exclusion patterns in instrumentation monitor Action
Specify exclusion patterns in instrumentation monitor in correct format Warning: Archive archiveName is not found during a data retirement operation.
Data retirement is configured for an archive, but it does not yet exist. Cause
Data retirement may be configured for a custom archive which does not yet exist. Action
Ensure that the custom archive is created, or disable or remove this retirement configuration. Info: Scheduling data retirement tasks as per configuration.
Begin scheduled data retirement processing Cause
Begin scheduled data retirement processing Action
No action is required. Error: An error was encountered while performing age based data retirement on archive archiveName
An error was encountered while performing age based data retirement on archive Cause
An error was encountered while performing age based data retirement on archive Action
Contact BEA Support Error: An error was encountered while performing size based data retirement on archive archiveName
An error was encountered while performing size based data retirement on archive Cause
An error was encountered while performing size based data retirement on archive Action
Contact BEA Support Info: Scheduled size data retirement tasks as per configuration.
Processed configuration and scheduled data retirement tasks. Cause
Finished processing data retirement configuration Action
No action is required. Info: type operation started on archive archiveName
Starting data retirement operation on named archive Cause
Starting data retirement operation on named archive Action
No action is required. Info: type operation completed on archive archiveName. Retired count records in time ms.
Finished data retirement operation on named archive Cause
Finished data retirement operation on named archive Action
No action is required. Error: Failed to register dye dyeName at index dyeIndex.
Specified dye could not be registered, possibly because a dye with the same name or index already exists. Cause
Dye with the same name or index already exists Action
Contact BEA support. Error: Instrumentation system is disabled because the instrumentation library is invalid.
Instrumentation engine configuration is corrupt or required DyeInjection monitor cannot be found. Cause
Instrumentation engine configuration is corrupt or required DyeInjection monitor cannot be found. Action
Contact BEA support. Error: Required diagnostic monitor name is missing from the instrumentation library.
A required diagnostic monitor can not be found in the instrumentation library. Cause
Instrumentation engine configuration is corrupt. Action
Contact BEA support. Error: The DomainRuntime MBeanServer was not available for harvesting.
The WLDF Harvester attempted to load the DomainRuntime MBeanServer for harvesting of metric data, but the MBeanServer could not be found. Cause
The DomainRuntime MBeanServer could not be loaded by the Harvester. Action
Contact BEA support. Error: An error occurred adding an instance name for harvesting: msg
The WLDF Harvester could not recognize the specifed harvested type instance name as a valid ObjectName or supported instance-name pattern. Cause
The instance name or instance name pattern was not a valid JMX ObjectName or instance name pattern supported by the WLDF Harvester. Action
Check that the instance name is a valid ObjectName, or an instance name pattern as specified in the WLDF Harvester documentation. Error: The instance name instanceName in the Watch configuration watchName is invalid.
The WLDF Harvester could not recognize the specifed watch variable instance name as a valid ObjectName or supported instance-name pattern. Cause
The instance name or instance name pattern was not a valid JMX ObjectName or instance name pattern supported by the WLDF Watch and Notifications framework. Action
Check that the instance name is a valid ObjectName, or an instance name pattern as specified in the WLDF Watch and Notifications framework documentation. Error: An unexpected exception occurred removing the set of watched metrics "wvName" from the harvester: t
An unexpected exception occurred removing a set of watched metrics from the harvester; this can occur during the deactivation of a WLDF Harvester configuration. Cause
Deleting a set of watched metrics from the harvester that has already been removed, or one that was never activated within the harvester. Action
Contact BEA support. Warning: Instrumentation configuration for application "scope" has changed. However, it will take effect only after redeploying the application, since hot-swap is not enabled.
Diagnostic monitors are added or removed from the instrumentation scope configuration. The classes need to be re-woven for them to take effect. However, hot-swap is not enabled, so they will not take effect until application is redeployed. Cause
Hotswap is not enabled. Action
Redeploy application, or restart server with diagnostic agent on command line to enable hot-swap. Error: Class redefinition failed after instrumentation configuration was changed for application "scope" : t
An unexpected exception occurred while redefining classes after instrumentation configuration was updated. Cause
An unexpected exception occurred while redefining classes after instrumentation configuration was updated. Action
Contact BEA support.