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DRS Subsystem Messages
The DRS1.0 catalog contains messages in the range BEA002500 - BEA002600. Messages in this catalog are part of the
weblogic.drs Internationalization package and the
weblogic.drs Localization package.
Info: A master for DataIdentifier: dataIdentifier registered with DRS with version: version
This is an information only message. Action
No action required. Info: A master for DataIdentifier: dataIdentifier unregistered from DRS.
This is an information only action. Action
No action required. Warning: Could not find the update associated with DataIdentifier dataIdentifier while handling one-phase update to version toVersion.
While processing a one-phase update, the internal data structure for the update request could not be found. Without this, the update cannot proceed. Cause
It is likely that the associated DataIdentifier was unregistered before the one-phase update was successfully completed. Action
This is a server internal error that requires no user action. The appropriate master client needs to register with the DRS subsystem for the failure to be resolved. If this continues, contact BEA support with the server logs. Warning: Could not find update associated with DataIdentifier dataIdentifier while handling two-phase update to version toVersion.
While processing a two-phase update, the internal data structure for the update request could not be found. Without this, the update cannot proceed. Cause
It is likely that the associated DataIdentifier was unregistered before the two-phase update was successfully completed. Action
This is a server internal error that requires no user action. The appropriate master client needs to register with the DRS subsystem for the failure to be resolved. If this continues, contact BEA support with the server logs. Info: Slave for DataIdentifier dataIdentifier registered with DRS with version version.
This is an information only message. Action
No action required. Info: Slave for DataIdentifier dataIdentifier unregistered from DRS.
This is an information only message. Action
No action required. Warning: The current version currentVersion for DataIdentifier dataIdentifier does not match with incoming version incomingVersion for a one-phase update.
The current version maintained by DRS is out-of-sync with that of the Master for DataIdentifier dataIdentifier. This is most likely a temporary situation that will correct itself. Cause
This is either a temporary situation or it indicates that the version maintenance logic on the Master for DataIdentifier dataIdentifier is possibly relying on channels other than DRS to update its idea of the current version. Action
This is in all likelihood a server internal error that is transient. No user action is necessary. If this continues, contact BEA support with the server logs. Warning: Current version currentVersion for DataIdentifier dataIdentifier does not match with incoming version incomingVersion for a two-phase update.
The current version maintained by DRS is out-of-sync with that of the Master for DataIdentifier dataIdentifier. This is most likely a temporary situation that will correct itself. Cause
This is either a temporary situation or it indicates that the version maintenance logic on the Master for DataIdentifier dataIdentifier is possibly relying on channels, other than DRS, to update its idea of the current version. Action
This is in all likelihood a server internal error that is transient. No user action is necessary. If this continues, contact BEA support with the server logs. Warning: Failed to send a heartbeat message due to exception exceptionString.
This message indicates a failure while sending a heartbeat. This process is attempted once every minute. Cause
This message typically indicates a temporary failure that is usually self-correcting. Action
This is in all likelihood a server internal error that is transient. No user action is necessary. If this continues, contact BEA support with the server logs. Warning: A pending update already exists for DataIdentifier dataIdentifier.
The DRS subsystem can handle only one pending update while processing another one for a DataIdentifier. This message indicates a situation where this constraint is violated. Cause
A possible cause for this typically transient error is that the Slave of the DRS has somehow not received a signal indicating the success or failure of a prior update. Action
This is in all likelihood a server internal error that is transient. No user action is necessary. If this continues, contact BEA support with the server logs. Info: Failed to commit empty list for DataIdentifier dataIdentifier to move to version version.
This is an information only message. Action
No action required. Warning: Failed to execute timeout trigger for update of DataIdentifier dataIdentifier from version fromVersion to version toVersion with exception exceptionString.
The timeout operation associated with an update failed to execute properly. Cause
This indicates a possibly transient condition on the server when a periodic timer action fails. Action
This is in all likelihood a server internal error that is transient. No user action is necessary. If this continues, contact BEA support with the server logs. Warning: The current slave version currentSlaveVersion for DataIdentifier dataIdentifier is greater than the master version masterVersion.
DRS clients typically have a Master and a Slave side where the Master is the final authority on the version of the client. In this situation, the master version is somehow less than the version of the slave. Cause
It is likely that the master was restarted or has been re-registered with a lower version number than the version of the slave. Action
Ensure that the "running-managed-servers.xml" file in the root directory of the domain has not been corrupted or modified when the admin server was inactive. Also, ensure that the admin server has been started with the "" attribute set to "true". Info: Get deltas request cannot be serviced for DataIdentifier dataIdentifier since there is no corresponding registered master.
Perhaps the master for this DataIdentifier has unregistered or has not yet registered. Info: Synchronous Get deltas request cannot be serviced for DataIdentifier dataIdentifier since there is no corresponding registered master.
Perhaps the master for this DataIdentifier has unregistered or has not yet registered. Info: Incoming message message is not a heartbeat message.
Info: Failed to process an incoming heartbeat message message successfully due to exception exceptionString
Info: Received an illegal message message - ignoring it.
Info: Failed to send commit message to server server while updating DataIdentifier dataIdentifier to version toVersion with exception exceptionString
Info: Failed to send cancel update message message to server server due to exception exceptionString
Info: Failed to send get deltas response message message to slave slave due to exception exceptionString
Info: Failed to send ack for update of DataIdentifier dataIdentifier from version fromVersion to version toVersion due to exception exceptionString
Info: Failed to send nak for update of DataIdentifier dataIdentifier from version fromVersion to version toVersion due to exception exceptionString
Info: Failed to send get deltas request message message due to exception exceptionString
Critical: Could not find class class, which is required for DRS subsystem functionality.
Outdated message - retained just to ensure that this message ID is not reused. Cause
Outdated message - retained just to ensure that this message ID is not reused. Action
Outdated message - retained just to ensure that this message ID is not reused. Critical: The message sender that is required for the DRS subsystem could not be initialized due to error exceptionString.
Outdated message - retained to ensure that this message ID is not reused. Cause
Outdated message - retained to ensure that this message ID is not reused. Action
Outdated message - retained to ensure that this message ID is not reused. Warning: Timeout value: timeoutValue milliseconds for update is invalid - using default value of 120,000 ms [2 minutes].
Each update from the DRS master to the slave includes a timeout value. If this value has somehow been corrupted, the default value of 120,000ms or 2 minutes will be used for the update. Cause
This error is likely to happen only if the update timeout value from the master to the slave has been corrupted in transit. Action
This error indicates some instability in the network. If the error continues to occur, contact BEA support with the relevant logs. Warning: The get deltas from version fromVersion to version toVersion timed out.
A managed server that has become out of date with the admin server tries to catch up with the admin server by trying to get all the interim updates. If this call does not complete within the update timeout period, this warning message is logged. Cause
A possibly transient situation where the network between the admin and managed servers is unstable could result in this warning message. Action
This is in all likelihood a server internal error that is transient. No user action is necessary. If this continues, contact BEA support with the server logs. Warning: A get deltas request to catch up from version fromVersion failed due to the receipt of updates starting with a mismatched version mismatchedVersion - aborting the pending update to version pendingVersion.
A managed server that has become out of date with the admin server tries to catch up with the admin server by trying to get all the interim updates. If the returned set of updates does not include all updates from the current update version on the managed server, this warning message is logged. Cause
This warning message results if the Admin server does not have all updates starting from the version on the Managed server. This situation can arise if the Admin server was restarted with a corrupted "running-managed_servers.xml" file or if the Admin server was started without the "" being set to "true" while the Managed server was attempting to get in sync with the admin server. Action
Please ensure that the "running-managed-servers.xml" file is not corrupted. Also ensure that the Admin server was started with the "" attribute set to "true". Warning: A get deltas call to catch up from version fromVersion timed out - aborting the pending update to pendingVersion
A Managed server that has become out of date with the Admin server tries to catch up with the Admin server by trying to get all the interim updates. This attempt at catching up with the Admin server can occur at the receipt of a heartbeat on the Managed server from the Admin server or at the receipt of a new update from the Admin server. In this case, the latter is true. If the attempt at catching up times out, the original update fails with this warning message. Cause
When a Managed servers attempt to sync up with the Admin server as a result of receiving an update indicating its need to resync fails with a timeout, the update is aborted with this message. Action
This is in all likelihood a server internal error that is transient. No user action is necessary. If this continues, please contact BEA support with the server logs. Warning: A commit to version toVersion failed - aborting pending update to version pendingVersion
While attempting to resync with the Admin server as a result of an update indicating the need to do so, the Managed server receives the interim updatesand fails while processing them. As a result, this warning message is logged. Cause
A Managed server that has become out of date with the Admin server tries to catch up with the Admin server by trying to get all the interim updates. This attempt at catching up with the Admin server can occur at the receipt of a heartbeat on the Managed server from the Admin server or at the receipt of a new update from the Admin server. In this case, the latter is true. If the attempt at catching up fails on the Managed server after receiving the interim updates, the original update fails with this warning message. Action
This indicates a possibly degrading Managed server. If this situation persists, please contact BEA support with the relevant logs. Warning: Exception exceptionString encountered when parsing the running managed server cache file file
The Admin server uses the "running-managed-servers.xml" file to store information about the running domain including any version information that needs to be persisted. This message indicates a problem when parsing this file. Cause
The "running-managed-servers.xml" file that is located in the root directory of the domain has gotten corrupted or there is a problem in processing that file. Action
Please ensure that the "running-managed-servers.xml" file is not corrupted. If it is, please restore it from a backing copy and ensure that the Admin server is restarted. Info: A warning message in the log in the form of "Unable to connect to a remote server on address listenAddress and port listenPort ..." indicates a failed attempt to reach Managed server "serverName". Ignore this message if the Managed server "serverName" was shutdown intentionally. No further attempts will be made to contact this server until it has been re-started.
Info: Starting discovery of Managed servers .. This is required by the Admin server to enable it to heartbeat version information to the Managed servers. The discovery is a one time occurrence.
Warning: The slave update corresponding to data identifier dataIdentifer is missing - the corresponding slave has either unregistered or is yet to register with the Data Replication System.
The slave update corresponding to data identifier dataIdentifer is missing - the corresponding slave has either unregistered or is yet to register with the Data Replication System. Cause
The likely cause is that the slave for the data identifier has not yet registered with DRS or has already unregistered from the DRS. Action
No action is required.