Breadcrumb(); > Message Index (by Number) (by Subsystem) > Common Subsystem Messages
Common Subsystem Messages
The Common1.0 catalog contains messages in the range BEA600 - BEA699. Messages in this catalog are part of the
weblogic.common Internationalization package and the
weblogic.common Localization package.
Error: Callback str failed: \nt
Deprecated functionality. Cause
Deprecated functionality. Action
Deprecated functionality. Info: AdminProxyWatchDog: Enabled. Interval = intervalSecs secs.
Deprecated functionality. Cause
Deprecated functionality. Action
Deprecated functionality. Error: AdminProxyWatchDog: Enable failed.
Deprecated functionality. Cause
Deprecated functionality. Action
Deprecated functionality. Info: AdminProxyWatchDog: Disabled.
Deprecated functionality. Cause
Deprecated functionality. Action
Deprecated functionality. Error: AdminProxyWatchDog: Disable failed.
Deprecated functionality. Cause
Deprecated functionality. Action
Deprecated functionality. Error: Connectivity lost to WatchDog Client. Shutting down.
Deprecated functionality. Cause
Deprecated functionality. Action
Deprecated functionality. Error: AdminProxyWatchDog: No echo received in last diff minutes. Shutting down.
Deprecated functionality. Cause
Deprecated functionality. Action
Deprecated functionality. Info: AdminProxyWatchDog: Echo Received.
Deprecated functionality. Cause
Deprecated functionality. Action
Deprecated functionality. Info: AdminProxyWatchDog: Tick. diff = diff
Deprecated functionality. Cause
Deprecated functionality. Action
Deprecated functionality. Error: An error occurred during server shutdown: th0.
The indicated error has occurred while the server was being shutdown. Cause
This is an internal error. Action
Contact BEA technical support. Debug: arg0
This is an internal diagnostic or debug message. Cause
Some internal condition has caused this message to be displayed. Action
No action required. Info: No resources in the pool poolName will be tested, as specified MaxUnavailable val has been reached.
No resources in the pool will be tested, as specified MaxUnavailable has been reached. Cause
The application MaxUnavailable attribute for this pool has been configured. Since the number of unavailable resources in the pool has reached or exceeded the configured limit, no more resources will be tested (as resources become unavailable to the application during the testing). Action
Tune the MaxUnavailable attribute for the pool if so desired. Info: All val resource instances currently available in the pool poolName are being tested.
All the resource instances currently available in the indicated pool are being tested. Cause
This is a warning indicating that all currently available resources in the pool are being tested, hence some or all of them may become unavailable to the application for a short time. Action
Reduce the current setting of the MaxUnavailable attribute for the pool. Info: Testing of resources upon creation has been dynamically enabled for pool "poolName".
The feature that allows the testing of resources at creation time has been dynamically enabled. Cause
This is an informational message. Action
No action required. Info: Testing of resources upon creation has been dynamically disabled for pool "poolName".
The feature that allows the testing of resources at creation time has been dynamically disabled. Cause
This is an informational message. Action
No action required. Info: Testing of resources when being reserved has been dynamically disabled for pool "poolName".
The feature that allows the testing of resources when they are being reserved has been dynamically disabled. Cause
This is an informational message. Action
No action required. Info: Testing of resources when being reserved has been dynamically enabled for pool "poolName".
The feature that allows the testing of resources when they are being reserved has been dynamically enabled. Cause
This is an informational message. Action
No action required. Info: Testing of resources when being released has been dynamically enabled for pool "poolName".
The feature that allows the testing of resources when they are being released has been dynamically enabled. Cause
This is an informational message. Action
No action required. Info: Testing of resources when being released has been dynamically disabled for pool "poolName".
The feature that allows the testing of resources when they are being released has been dynamically disabled. Cause
This is an informational message. Action
No action required. Error: Unable to forcibly release resource "resName" back into the pool "poolName". Received exception: error.
Pool maintenance thread was unable to release the indicated resource back into the indicated pool. Cause
As part of the InactiveResourceTimeout feature, resources that are found to be inactive for the configured period of time are forcibly released back into the pool. The operation could not be performed for the indicated reason. Action
Contact BEA Technical Support. Warning: Forcibly releasing inactive resource "res" back into the pool "pool".
The indicated resource is being forcibly released back into the indicated pool. Cause
The resource was found to be unused by the application for the specified duration, and hence is being forcibly released back into pool. Action
Check application code for leakages of resource objects, or tune the configured value of the relevant pool attribute. Error: Expected RemoteException, RuntimeException, or Error\n th
The server received a low-level message that contained an unexpected error type. Cause
An unexpected low-level message was sent to the server. Action
This is likely to be due to an internal server/client error that should be reported to BEA Support. Warning: Ignoring attempt to release resource "res" to pool "pool" after the pool has been shutdown.
Ignoring an attempt to release a resource back into a pool after the pool has been shutdown. Cause
Application is trying to release a resource to a pool after the pool has been shutdown. Action
Check application behavior. All resources should be closed before the application is shutdown. Warning: Setting CapacityIncrement for pool "pool" to 1. The specified value of "oldVal" is not valid.
CapacityIncrement value for pool has been internally adjusted, since the specified value is invalid. Cause
The application had specified an invalid value for CapacityIncrement. Action
Check and correct the specified value for CapacityIncrement for the indicated pool. Warning: Setting frequency of testing of free resources in pool "pool" to 5 seconds, since the specified value of "oldVal" is not valid.
The frequency of testing of free resources for pool has been internally adjusted, since the specified value is invalid. Cause
The application had specified an invalid value for the test frequency. Action
Check and correct the specified value for TestFrequencySeconds for the indicated pool. Info: The application has disabled periodic testing of free resources in pool "pool".
The application has disabled the feature to periodically test free resources in pools. Cause
Informational message. Action
No action required. Info: Free resources in pool "pool" will be tested every "freq" seconds.
Free resources in the indicated pool will be tested at the indicated frequency. Cause
Informational message. Action
No action required. Info: Reached maximum capacity of pool "pool", making "newVal" new resource instances instead of "oldVal".
Hit configured maximum capacity of pool while making additional resources for the pool. Therefore, the number of resources being made has been increased. Cause
Informational message. Action
No action required. Info: Created "count" resources for pool "pool", out of which "avl" are available and "unavl" are unavailable.
The indicated number of resources have been created for the pool. Cause
Informational message. Action
No action required. Warning: Recreated "actualCnt" out of "count" resources for pool "pool".
Pool was able to recreate only the indicated number of resources rather than the indicated number required. Cause
As part of forcibly suspending a pool, all resources currently in use are destroyed and recreated. This message indicates that not all required resources were recreated. Action
Contact BEA Technical Support. Warning: Unable to create "count" resources for pool "pool".
Pool was unable to create the indicated number of resources. Cause
As part of the ConnectionCreationRetry feature, pools periodically attempt to create unavailable resources. This message indicates that in the current attempt, the indicated number of resources could not be created. Action
Check if the failure condition that prevents the resources from being created (for example, database server or downed network connectivity to it) is still persisting. Warning: Unknown resource "res" being released to pool "pool": trace
Application is attempting to release a resource that is not known to the pool. Cause
Application is trying to release a resource to a pool that is no longer part of the pool. This could happen if the pool was forcibly suspended (which results in all borrowed resources being closed and replaced with new ones) while the resource was borrowed by the application. Action
Check application behavior. Warning: Resource Pool "pool" shutting down, ignoring count resources still in use by applications..
Pool is shutting down, ignoring resources borrowed from it that are still in use. Cause
Administrator is shutting down the pool while applications are still using resources they have obtained from the pool. It is possible that these resources may have been leaked by the applications. Action
Check application behavior.