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Management Subsystem Messages
The Management1.0 catalog contains messages in the range BEA145000 - BEA146000. Messages in this catalog are part of the Internationalization package and the
weblogic.i18ntools Localization package.
Info: Initialized commo for serverType server.
This is a log message indicating that the initialization of commo is complete. Cause
Initialized commo for server. Action
No action required. Error: Neither the generic classloader nor the MLet classloader th were able to load interface class s.
This exception is logged when you try to return a commo proxy, and the classloaders cannot load the specified interface type class. Cause
The interface class s was not loaded. This is due to the fact that neither the generic classloader nor the MLET classloader loaded the class. Action
Load the class by copying the MJF file to the server/lib/mbeantypes directory. Error: An exception occurred while initializing commo instances from persistence.
Initializing of commo from persistence failed due to a runtime exception. Cause
This might occur if you have corrupted data under the userConfig directory. The SecurityMBeans in the config.xml file might also be corrupt. Action
Check the data under the userConfig directory for commo MBeans. You can use the tool to introspect the commo data. If you believe security data is corrupt, check the data in config.xml. Error: An exception occurred while trying to sync commo MBeans from the admin server to the managed server.
An exception was raised while synching commo MBeans from the admin server to the managed server. Cause
All the commo MBeans on the managed server are registered for notification on the admin server commo MBeans. An exception may have occurred during this process. Action
Restart the managed server. If the problem persists, contact BEA support. Error: An exception occurred while creating MBean:
An unknown exception occurred while creating a commo MBean. Cause
Check the logs for the cause of this exception. Action
Introspect the cause and take action accordingly. Notice: Wildcards are not supported for getCommoMBeans.
Wildcards are not supported for getCommoMBeans. Cause
This exception is raised because wildcards are not supported for getCommoMBeans. Action
Try to assign the wildcard an ObjectName. Error: Could not load the class:
Could not load the class. Cause
Classloading failed due to the fact that the classloader could not find the class, or the MLET classloader could not load the class. Action
Check the MJFs and verify that the class the server is trying to load exists. Error: An exception occurred while loading resource:
An exception occurred while loading the resource. Cause
Could not load the resource as stream from either the system classloader or the MLET classloader. Action
Check the MJFs (under the server/lib/mbeantypes directory) to see if the classes containing the resource stream name exist. Error: More than two files exist in directory dirName. There cannot be more than two files in an instance directory.
More than two files exist in directory dirName. Cause
This might occur during a network outage while commo tries to backup the configuration. Action
The server will not boot until this this is repaired. There are two options. (1) Boot from a previous Commo configuration by first loading CommoConfig.xml.booted. (2) Delete the older version of the offending file in the userConfig directory. Option 2 preserves all previous changes, while option 1 returns to the state at the start of the previous good session. Error: An exception occurred while obtaining the commo MBean type short name.
An exception occurred while obtaining the commo MBean type short name. Cause
The TypeMBean might not exist. Action
Make sure that the TypeMBean exists. Error: An exception occurred while backing up the commo configuration.
An exception occurred while backing up the commo configuration. Cause
The files might be read-only. Also, check the exception log. Action
Write-enable the directory, or refer to the raised exception and take the appropriate actions. Warning: Unable to write out CommoConfig.xml.booted.
Unable to write out CommoConfig.xml.booted. Cause
The file may be read only. Action
Make the file writable, or check the exception that is logged and take the appropriate action. Error: An exception occurred while initializing commo.
An exception occurred while initializing commo. Cause
The commo types or instances failed to be loaded. Action
This could be a serious issue. Contact BEA support. Error: An exception occurred while creating the commo TypeMBean.u
An exception occurred while creating the commo TypeMBean (the root of all commo types). Cause
The commo TypeMBean has not yet been created. Action
This might be a serious problem. Contact BEA support. Error: An exception occurred while creating a delegate object.
An exception occurred while trying to create a delegate object for the commo MBean that you are trying to create. Cause
You may not have specified a delegate object while creating the commo MBean. Action
Make sure you specify a delegate object when creating the commo MBean. Error: No version data files exist for the MBean in file:
During load a MBean is detected with no associated data files. Cause
The MBean was deleted in the previous session of the server. Action
None required. Cleanup is handled automatically. Error: Type incompatibility - Attr: attrName Value: attrValue Class: class
The Commo type and attribute associated with it are incompatible. Cause
An attempt was made to set a Commo MBean attribute with a type-incompatible value. This can only occur through programtic access from users code. Action
Repair the code to provide a compatible value. Error: Value rejected - Attr: attrName Value: attrValue
Value attrValue is rejected for attribute attrName. Cause
The attribute value is incompatible. Action
Make sure the attribute value is compatible. Error: An error occurred while setting attribute:
An error occurred while setting the attribute. Cause
Check the error exception. Action
Review the raised exception and take action accordingly. Emergency: An exception occurred while trying to obtain attribute: attrName
An exception occurred while trying to obtain attribute attrName. Cause
Check the logs for the exception cause. Action
Check the logs for the exception cause and take action accordingly. Error: Invalid persistence specifiers exist on MBean load:
Invalid persistence specifiers were found while loading the commo instance. Cause
These values might be overwritten, or an error may have occurred while setting the persistence specifiers in the registration process. Action
Set the persistence specifiers to their original values. Error: Cannot read the commo MBean due to exception:
Cannot read the commo MBean. Cause
The file might be corrupted. Action
Try to restore the corrupted file, or the server will boot with a backed up copy and delete the corrupted file after the server has successfully booted. Error: An exception occurred while loading a commo MBean from persistence.
An exception was raised while the commo MBeans were loaded from the persistence store. Cause
Check the message log for the exception cause. Action
Check the raised exception in the logs and take appropriate action. Error: Could not write MBean: oName to file: fileName due to exception: ex
Could not write MBean oName to the persistence store. Cause
Check the exception for the most appropriate cause. Action
Take appropriate action depending on the exception that is raised. Error: An exception occurred while persisting the MBean named: oName of type: type.
An exception occurred while persisting the MBean named: oName of type: type. Cause
Check the logs for the cause of this exception. Action
The directory might be read-only; make it writeable. Also check the log and take appropriate action. Error: Commo type: type is not loaded. Verify that the MJFs are under server/lib/mbeantypes.
Commo type type could not be found. Cause
After building the MJF, copy the JAR file to the server/lib/mbeantypes directory in order for the server to find and load it. Action
Copy the missing JAR to the server/lib/mbeantypes directory. Error: An error occurred while setting the converted attribute value for attribute name. Value: convValue. The value before conversion was: beforeValue.
An error occurred while converting the attribute name from beforeValue to convValue. Cause
Incompatible changes are being made. Action
Check the value that you are trying to modify and make sure it can be modified to the specified type. Error: An error occurred while setting the attribute value for attribute name. Value: value. No conversion was supplied for this type.
The attribute name could not be set to value value. Cause
A conversion mechanism was not supplied. Action
Provide a conversion mechanism. Error: Cannot set the initial file location due to an exception:
The commo could not determine the initial file location. Cause
Check the logged exception for the cause. This error often occurs if a malformed object name is provided. Action
Check the logs. This error often occurs if a malformed object name is provided during registration. Error: The notification listener cannot be null.
The notification listener that you are adding cannot be null. Cause
The notification listener is null. Action
Provide a notification listener that is non-null. Error: An exception occurred while trying to add a notification listener to a RequiredModelMBean.
An exception occurred while trying to add a notification listener. Cause
The listener could be null. Action
Provide a non-null listener Error: The attribute cannot be null.
The attribute you are setting cannot be null. Cause
The attribute is null. Action
Provide a non-null value for the attribute. Error: An exception occurred while trying to set an attribute of a RequiredModelMBean.
An exception occurred while setting an attribute. Cause
The attribute might have been null. Check the logs for the exception cause. Action
Make sure the attribute is non-null. Error: setAttribute failed: attrName is not found
An exception occurred while trying to call setAttribute. The attribute information is null. Cause
The attribute could not be found. The attribute information is null. Action
Verify that the attribute you are trying to set exists. Error: setAttribute failed: attrName is not writable.
setAttribute failed for attribute attrName. The attribute is not writable. Cause
The attribute is not writable. Action
Make sure the attribute is writable. Error: Unable to resolve the attribute value. No setMethod was defined in the descriptor for the attribute.
No setMethod has been defined in the descriptor for the attribute. Cause
No setMethod is defined for this attribute. Action
Define a setMethod for this attribute. Error: An exception occurred while trying to set an attribute value through a RequiredModelMBean.
The setMethod failed since it could not be found in the attributeDescriptor. Cause
The setMethod could not be found for this attribute. Action
Provide a setMethod for the attribute. Error: An exception occurred while trying to set an attribute value:
An exception occurred that prevented the attribute value from being set. Cause
The MBean instance was not found. Action
Check the logs for the exception cause and take appropriate action. Error: Cannot store MBean oname. Location could not be determined.
An exception occurred that prevented the MBean from being written to the fileStore. Cause
The domain directory name, and the MBean name are null. Action
This should not happen. Either you did not register the MBean properly or the fileStore is corrupted. Error: An exception occurred while getting MBeanServer.
An exception occurred that prevented getting the MBeanServer. Cause
Check the logs for the appropriate exception cause. Action
Check the logs for the reason you could not get the MBeanServer. Perhaps the username/password information is incorrect. Error: It is illegal to specify a queue for a locally scoped MBean.
You cannot specify a queue for a locally scoped MBean. Cause
You cannot specify a queue for a locally scoped MBean. Action
Do not specify a queue for a locally scoped MBean. Error: It is illegal to specify a notificationID for a locally-scoped MBean.
You cannot specify a notificationID for a locally scoped MBean. Cause
You cannot specify a notificationID for a locally scoped MBean. Action
Do not specify a notificationID for a locally scoped MBean. Error: The ObjectName specified name is not unique across the domain. Choose a unique ObjectName.
You cannot use an ObjectName that is already used. Cause
The ObjectName for a commo Mbean should be unique across the domain. Action
Choose a unique ObjectName. Error: The TypeMBean type does not exist.
Instance not found. An exception occurred while trying to create a commo MBean. Cause
The MBean Type that you specified is not found. Action
Check the MJFs under server/lib/mbeantypes to verify that the MBean specifies the correct Type. Error: An exception occurred while invoking an operation for MBeanname.
An exception prevented the invoke operation on the MBean. Cause
Check the logs for the exact exception. Action
Check the logs for the exact exception and take appropriate action. Error: MBean of Type type does not exist.
Instance not found. An exception occurred while trying to create a commo MBean. Cause
The MBean Type that you specified is not found. Action
Check the MJFs under server/lib/mbeantypes to verify that the MBean Type is specified. Error: Access Violation: MBean oname is not scoped to the current server server.
An access violation was thrown while verifying that the MBean is scoped to the current server. Cause
You are trying to invoke an operation on a commo Mbean that is not scoped to the current server from which you are invoking. Action
Make sure that the MBean is scoped to the current server from which you are invoking. Error: Could not load MJF path. Reason: th.
The MJF could not be loaded for the reason logged. Cause
The MJF was not created using the WebLogicMBeanMaker. Action
Make sure you build the MJF using Warning: Tried to load a security provider jar fileName that is not upgraded. This jar will not be loaded by the server. Please run the upgrade tool on these jars to comply with the server. Not doing so might leave your server in an unstable state.
The provider jars that are found are built with old weblogic sources. These need to be upgraded to the newer version. User has to run the upgrade tool on these jars for system integrity. Cause
Old security jars detected. Action
Run the upgrade tool.