edocs Home > Oracle WebLogic Server Documentation > Administration Console Online Help >Define users
Note: This section explains how to add users to a manageable security realm (for example, the File realm) in the CompatibilityRealm. If you are using a security realm that is not manageable through the WebLogic Server Administration Console, use the administration tools provided in that realm to define a user.
} } (document.images){ dcs_imgarray[dcs_ptr] = new Image; dcs_imgarray[dcs_ptr].src = dcs_src; WT[myMeta.name.substring(3)]=myMeta.content; } if DCSext[myMeta.name.substring(7)]=myMeta.content; } } } } for (N in DCS){P+=A( N, DCS[N]);} for (N in WT){P+=A( "WT."+N, WT[N]);} for (N in DCSext){P+=A( N, DCSext[N]);} //} aCrumb=aCookie[i].split("="); if (crumb==aCrumb[0]){ return aCrumb[1]; } } return null; } i=0;i
- Expand Compatibility Security > Users and click New.
- On the Create a New User page, enter the name of the user in the Name field.
- Enter a password for the user in the Password field.
- Enter the password again in the Confirm Password field.
- Click OK.