edocs Home > Oracle WebLogic Server Documentation > Administration Console Online Help >Create path services
Before you begin
A path service is persistent map that can be used to store the mapping of a group of messages to a messaging resource, such as a member of a distributed destination or a store-and-forward agent. It provides a way to enforce message ordering by pinning messages to a member of a cluster hosting servlets, distributed queue members, or store-and-forward agents.
- If you have not already done so, in the Change Center of the Administration Console, click Lock & Edit (see Use the Change Center).
- In the left pane of the console, expand Services and select Path Services.
- On the Summary of Path Services page, click New.
Note: Once you create a path service, you cannot rename it. Instead, delete it and create another one that uses the new name.
- On the Create a New Path Service page:
- Name of -- Name for the path service.
- Persistent Store -- Select a custom persistent store if you want a dedicated store for the path service or click Create a New Store to configure a new custom store. Otherwise, leave this field set to None when using the default Persistent Store since it requires no configuration. For more information about configuring stores, see Configure custom persistent stores.
Note: When a path service is targeted to a migratable target (see Step 4), it cannot use the default store, so a custom store must be configured and targeted to the same migratable target. And, as a best practice, the path service and its store should be the only users of that migratable target.
- Click Next.
- On the Selects Targets page, select a cluster member or migratable target where you want to deploy the path service. A migratable target is a logical target that serves as a grouping of services, such as a path service, and which is active on only server member in a cluster. High availability is achieved by migrating a migratable target from one server member to another when a problem occurs on the original server.
Note: A recommended best practice is to target the path service to a migratable target, so that a member server will not be a single point of failure. A path service can also be automatically migrated from an unhealthy server instance to a healthy server instance, with the help of the server health monitoring services. See Configure migratable targets for JMS-related services.
- Click Finish.
- To activate these changes, in the Change Center of the Administration Console, click Activate Changes.
Not all changes take effect immediately—some require a restart (see Use the Change Center).After you finish } } (document.images){ dcs_imgarray[dcs_ptr] = new Image; dcs_imgarray[dcs_ptr].src = dcs_src; WT[myMeta.name.substring(3)]=myMeta.content; } if DCSext[myMeta.name.substring(7)]=myMeta.content; } } } } for (N in DCS){P+=A( N, DCS[N]);} for (N in WT){P+=A( "WT."+N, WT[N]);} for (N in DCSext){P+=A( N, DCSext[N]);} //} aCrumb=aCookie[i].split("="); if (crumb==aCrumb[0]){ return aCrumb[1]; } } return null; } i=0;i